The tip of the nose goes numb: causes, possible problems and opinions of doctors

Often people wonder why the tip of the nose is numb? At the same time, it is quite difficult to feel the pathology. You can easily feel when your leg or arm is numb, and the lack of sensitivity at the tip of the nose can be detected only by touching it. Sometimes the condition is accompanied by "goosebumps" and a slight tingling sensation. But this does not cause much discomfort. Not everyone understands the reasons why the tip of the nose is numb. And treatment always depends on what became the reason for the development of pathology. Below we will try to understand this issue.

Process characteristic

loss of sensitivity of the tip of the nose

The tip of the nose is numb - what does it mean? This condition may be primary or secondary. The first, as a rule, is provoked by the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • allergies
  • severe stress;
  • trauma
  • a burn;
  • uncomfortable posture with prolonged lying down;
  • the appearance of atypical cells on the skin.

If the tip of the nose is numb, the causes described above may be accompanied by symptoms such as pallor or, conversely, severe redness of the skin. Dizziness, headache, and lacrimation may also occur. If the acting factor hooked deeper layers of the dermis, for example, with injuries, rhinitis and other inflammatory processes can develop in the nose. In this case, the mucous membrane swells, and the olfactory functions are impaired.

If the tip of the nose is numb, and the cause is the secondary nature of the infection, then the condition develops according to the scenario of the symptom complex of the underlying disease. So, neurology will be accompanied by impaired sensitivity in the course of the nerve endings. And with vascular pathology, hypoxic phenomena in the tissues, their oxygen starvation, which can turn into necrosis, will manifest themselves.

Physiological circumstances

numbness of the tip of the nose

If the tip of the nose is numb, and the cause is frost, then an additional symptom will be blanching or redness of the skin in this area. This condition occurs with prolonged exposure to cold. In this case, when a person is warm, the blood flow is normalized, and the tissues gradually warm up. If crimson-cyanotic spots form on the skin, immediate medical attention is needed.

In addition to frostbite, there are other reasons why the tip of the nose seems to go numb:

  • stress and strain;
  • the use of vasodilator drugs;
  • sleep in the wrong position.

Vascular disease

Blood circulation can stray under the influence of external compression of the tumor or due to clogging of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques. Another cause may be aneurysm (severe vasodilation with thinning of the walls). These diseases will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • the tip of the nose and lips are numb, and in some cases other parts of the body;
  • impaired motor function;
  • impaired vision, speech and hearing;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • dizziness may appear.


The disease develops due to the depletion of intervertebral discs, they lose not only their shape, but also the ability to perform their functions. The disease has several types.

If the tip of the nose is numb, due to osteochondrosis, then most likely it refers to the cervical spine. The reasons for the development of this disease are:

  • injuries and various injuries;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infections
  • metabolic disorders;
  • age;
  • severe physical exertion.

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis include:

  • Dizziness.
  • Pain in aching neck.
  • Crunch when turning the neck.
  • Numbness of the tip of the nose and tingling in different parts of the face.

In addition, you can notice visual impairment, cardiac arrhythmias and shortness of breath. If you do not treat this disease, then it can cause complications of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

Trigeminal neuralgia

trigeminal neuralgia

Another reason why the tip of the nose is numb can be trigeminal neuralgia. This pathology is quite rare. It is characterized by inflammation of the nerve endings, providing sensitivity to the muscles of the face.

The disease occurs as a result of irritation or compression of the trigeminal nerve, which leads to inflammation of the sinuses. The main causes of neuralgia are:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Nerve Compression
  3. Disorders of the nervous system.
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Incorrect dental treatment, flux, surgery on the jaw.
  6. Metabolic disease.

Signs of the disease include:

  1. Tingling and numbness of the nose.
  2. The appearance of pain on the facial area.
  3. Change of facial expressions.
  4. Muscle twitching.
  5. Facial distortion.
  6. Severe lacrimation.

Colds and headaches

In some cases, the tip of the nose goes numb at the very onset of a cold or flu. Sensitivity changes quickly, independently and do not carry any danger.

In addition to the common cold, numbness can cause migraines. If acute pain appears in the nose, then get rid of such a symptom without medication will not work.

Which doctor should I contact

the nose goes numb

If numbness occurs without external factors affecting it, you need to make an appointment with a local therapist. He will collect an anamnesis, conduct a survey, examine and, based on all this, draw his conclusions.

If the doctor suspects any disease of the internal organs, he sends the patient to specialists who treat the corresponding pathology. If you have problems with the vessels, you should visit a cardiologist. He will do an ultrasound of the heart and conduct a full examination, which will make it possible to establish a diagnosis.

If you suspect neuralgia or problems with the spine, you will need the help of a neurologist. In the event that problems arise in the diagnosis, CT or MRI of the desired area of ​​the body is prescribed.

Hypothermia Treatment

frostbite of the nose

When the tip of the nose goes numb, the choice of treatment depends on the causes of this condition. If this is hypothermia, then to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you should warm this area of ​​the skin. It is forbidden to use heating pads, hot objects and other aggressive methods.

A towel dipped in cool water is recommended. When the nose gets used to this temperature, they raise it and again bring the wet towel to the right place. Gradually, the numbed surface will warm up, blood circulation will improve, and the vessels will expand.

After this, the discomfort will disappear, and the sensitivity will return. All this can be done independently at home. But in the presence of symptoms of severe frostbite, this method is not used. In this case, professional medical assistance is needed.

Vascular treatment

For vascular diseases, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the established diagnosis. As a rule, it includes:

  • funds that eliminate soft tissue swelling;
  • drugs that prevent the rapid coagulation of blood;
  • physiotherapy;
  • neurometabolic drugs.

The choice of the necessary medical procedures is determined only by the doctor after a full examination. In some cases, computed or magnetic resonance imaging is additionally used.

If conservative treatment methods do not help achieve the desired effect, surgery may be prescribed.

Neuralgia treatment

If the nose goes numb due to trigeminal neuralgia, the following procedures are performed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed;
  • means are applied that directly affect the nerve endings;
  • decreased excitability of nerve fibers to reduce pain;
  • physiotherapy: microcurrents, UHF, ultraviolet, electrophoresis, massage, laser therapy).

As in the previous case, self-medication is unacceptable. The effect of the therapy does not occur immediately, so the patient may still have uncomfortable sensations for some time. But after the retreat of the pathology, numbness will completely go away.

Osteochondrosis Treatment

Doctor visit

This disease is dangerous for its complications, so the following rules should be observed when treating it:

  • bed rest;
  • medical diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking all medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • physiotherapy.

If conservative treatment does not help, the patient is sent for surgery.

Doctors opinions

nose diseases

Experts believe that a nose that has lost sensitivity does not pose a health hazard. Most often, this symptom is associated with physiological reasons: hypothermia, uncomfortable posture during sleep, allergies.

But if such a condition appears often and for no apparent reason, doctors recommend going to the hospital. After all, it is impossible to independently determine why the tip of the nose is numb. Usually, with correctly formulated treatment, the pathology is successfully treatable.


The reasons for which there is numbness of the tip of the nose can be many. Not all of them talk about the presence of a serious pathology. This should be understood. But still, if numbness manifests itself too often and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: headache, dizziness, lacrimation, inflammatory processes - you must consult a doctor. Otherwise, an unfavorable outcome of the disease that caused numbness can be expected.

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