When autumn slush comes, many people suffer from various viral diseases. And then almost every person has their ears covered with a cold. How to cope with this unpleasant sensation, and because of what it arises?
Causes of Ear Congestion
Due to the fact that the organs of hearing and breathing are closely interconnected, those diseases that arise in one system somehow affect the other. Consider the structure of the auditory system to find out why the ears were blocked after a cold.
The first organ of this system is the outer ear, which is connected in a small channel to the eardrum. This is a thin film that can be damaged quite easily. Next, the eardrum is followed by the middle ear, which is a cavity filled with air. In order not to feel discomfort, the pressure in the outer and middle ear should be the same. This balance is ensured by the Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear and respiratory system, leaving the pharynx. Air constantly circulates through the pipe, maintaining normal pressure in the middle ear. With a cold, edema most often occurs, which contributes to the narrowing or overlapping of this tube. Then the air stops moving, and the pressure in the middle ear is unable to stabilize. The feeling of stuffy ears appears after a cold because the eardrum loses its normal position and retracts.
What to do if your ear is blocked and it hurts?
To begin with, if the cold is not completely cured, you need to clean your nose by blowing your nose. In order for the discomfort in the nose to disappear, it is also necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops. If these actions did not help, you can perform several exercises:
1 Pinch your nose and try to exhale as much as possible. Having swallowed saliva several times, you should feel that the stuffiness in the ear gradually recedes.
2. You can try to inflate a balloon or blow air from a thin straw. The congestion should disappear in a couple of minutes.
If your ears are blocked after a cold, it is also worth using ear drops or candles. Doctors do not have a unanimous opinion about the effectiveness of each of the drugs, therefore, for each individual case, it is necessary to draw up an individual treatment plan by contacting a specialist.
How to prevent the occurrence of pain in the ear?
Firstly, in no case should a large amount of mucus accumulate in the nose. After all, this can cause the penetration of mucus into the middle ear and, as a result, its inflammation. Also, do not be too zealous when cleaning your nose. In this case, you can not only damage the nasal mucosa, but also allow bacteria to enter the middle ear cavity. The last piece of advice in this situation is a serious attitude to the common cold. In no case should the disease be allowed to drift; you should fight it at the initial stages.
Undoubtedly, if you have laid your ears after a cold, then you should still seek help from a specialist and get advice on your problem. By self-medication and often using vasoconstrictor drugs, you can earn more serious diseases and inflammations. Do not mess with your health!