Essential oils are the most enjoyable way to take care of your body. The finest aroma of nature, concentrated in one place, has always helped to improve not only the general well-being of a person, but also made it possible to feel it with every cell of the body, to feel inspiration, a surge of strength and relief.
Among the many oils today, a special place, as always, is occupied by fir oil. Its use in various spheres of life, not only in medicine and cosmetology, allows to achieve incredible results.
This aroma, familiar from childhood, met us everywhere: in a bathtub filled with salt with a pleasant coniferous smell; in medicines for colds for the nose and throat; lotions on wounds fragrant with fir; in freshly washed laundry.
The healing power of fir
Such a widespread use of the properties of conifers in human life is not accidental. It is fir in our country - the most famous healing creation of nature. Essential oil is extracted from fir tree more than from other conifers and other plants. In addition, it is much easier to do. Fir belongs to the species of plants that produce volatile production - substances produced in plants with a unique effect - kill microorganisms, including bacteria that are dangerous to humans.
What incorporates the best healing properties of coniferous trees and in itself represents a whole phytoncide complex? Fir essential oil! Its use in the treatment of severe patients (cancer) has allowed to suspend tumor growth. And if the essential oil acts this way in case of serious illnesses, you can only imagine what benefit it will bring to a weakened body.
Scientists and doctors have well researched the healing properties of the oil and came to such conclusions. Essential oil when taken orally (not in its pure form, of course!) Is not processed by the body, but is actively absorbed into the blood. Flowing through the body, blood with a high oil content nourishes the organs in which the foci of the disease originated. For many other diseases, doctors also recommend using fir oil. The use of essential oil in any form will speed up the healing process for diseases such as polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, myositis, neuralgia, male and female diseases, psoriasis and others.
Application methods
Inside, essential oil can only be used in diluted form. The solution should not contain more than 5 drops of oil, a dose of 18 drops should not be exceeded per day. Essential oil is removed from the body hard, it takes up to two days. The dosage is very dangerous for them, since highly active substances were concentrated in the oil. If you think that this is good, the germs will kill faster, then in vain! A large amount of oil contains camphor, which negatively affects cardiac activity.
In order for fir oil to act as best as possible on a weakened organism, one should gradually (not every day, but every other day) increase the number of drops, not exceeding the maximum permissible dose! From 3 drops in one dose to 7 (you can even up to 10, but you need to control the pulse, if the heart rate rises by at least a few beats, you need to reduce the dose and monitor the stool - the essential oil can act as a laxative).
Fir essential oil is also used for gum disease, toothache in the form of a compress on a painful area (the oil is not diluted). For toothache, hold the compress for 10 minutes, in the case of diseased gums - just move the cotton swab.
You can reduce sore throat by rinsing with warm water and essential oil (a few drops per liter). Rubbing the essential oil into the chest contributes to recovery from a severe cold, flu.
Rubbing oil is also used to relieve pain in muscles and bones in various diseases (for example, sciatica, myositis).
With the goal of tonic, tonic effect of fir oil, its use in bathing, in aroma lamps, in aromatic candles is widely known among the people. Not only drops of essential oil are added to the bath, but several grams of emulsion are also poured (available at the pharmacy).
Fir oil is part of many medicines, especially ointments, designed to kill microbes on the skin (foot fungus, boils, etc.).
How to choose fir essential oil
Rarely, low-quality fir oil is on sale. It can be recognized by the muddy color. This means that the oil is poorly processed and there is water left in it. This oil contains medicinal substances, but in much smaller quantities.
In fact, the oil should be transparent, shine, pass the rays of light through itself, it is practically colorless, with only a slight yellowness.
What other natural component has such a unique effect, it is used as widely as fir oil? The use of oil is also relevant in perfumes, household chemicals, as well as in medicine. Both there and there it benefits, gives unique sensations of connection with nature.