The chemical glutamic acid (glutamine) belongs to the group of essential amino acids. It enters the body from the outside with food. Glutamine is also synthesized as a result of the breakdown of proteins. The amount of this valuable substance in the human body is within twenty-five percent of the total amount of non-essential and essential amino acids. Most often in free form, it is found in the muscles. Glutamic acid is an important element that serves to ensure the vital functions of the whole organism. It takes an active part in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, normalizes oxidation processes, activates the neutralization and elimination of ammonia from the body, and reduces the risk of hypoxia.
Glutamic acid also promotes the transfer of potassium ions and the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid. With its help, the production of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that transmits neuromuscular impulses, is normalized. Endogenous glutamic acid is found in large quantities in the protein structure of the white and gray matter of the brain. When ingested, it is well absorbed by the body and easily penetrates through cell membranes.
As a medicine, “Glutamic acid”, the instructions for use of which describe it in detail, is produced synthetically. It is produced in the form of a white powder having a crystalline structure. The taste of the drug is sour. The dissolution of the powder occurs only in hot water. Also, the medication may take the form of tablets, the surface of which is coated with a protective shell, and granules.
For medical purposes, the medication "Glutamic acid", the instructions for use of which describes its main area of destination, is recommended in the treatment of pathologies of the central nervous system:
- epilepsy;
- psychoses;
- conditions that are accompanied by symptoms of exhaustion;
- depressions.
Pediatricians recommend taking the drug in cases of mental retardation of a child with a different etiology, as well as with Down's disease, cerebral palsy and polio in the acute or recovery phase. The drug "Glutamic acid" has a positive effect in the treatment of patients with myopathy, which is progressive in nature. In this case, its use should be combined with the use of the drug "Pachicarpine" or "Glycocol."
The purpose of Glutamic Acid is recommended to relieve neurotoxic phenomena, the occurrence of which is likely during the course of treatment with the Isonicotinic Acid or Isoniazid medication, as well as other drugs included in the hydrazide group.
As a rule, the tool is well tolerated by the body. However, the use of the drug “Glutamic acid”, the instructions for use of which warns of the likelihood of side effects, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or an excited state. When the dose is changed in the direction of decreasing, unpleasant symptoms disappear. A long course of treatment with the drug can cause a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and leukopenia.
The Glutamic Acid medication, the instructions for use of which warns of pathologies in the presence of which the patient is forbidden to take the drug, is not prescribed for diseases of the liver and kidneys, digestive tract and blood formation organs. It is not recommended to use the drug in conditions of increased irritability and fever, as well as during violent psychotic reactions.
The drug "Glutamic acid" when planning pregnancy is prescribed in the multivitamin complex in case of an irregular menstrual cycle and rare ovulation. The medication is taken according to a special scheme prescribed by a doctor six months before a possible conception. Glutamine helps to saturate cells with oxygen and activate the blood circulation process. Taking the drug normalizes the redox reactions of the body. The drug "Glutamic acid" during pregnancy is prescribed for circulatory problems in the placenta, as well as for fetal hypoxia.