Viya Artmane: biography and photos of the Soviet actress

Viya Artmane, whose biography and work is the subject of this review, is one of the most famous and popular Soviet and Russian actresses. She became famous for performing images of a predominantly classical repertoire, however, in her filmography there are roles of modern heroines of her time, the embodiment of which she managed as well as theatrical images.

early years

The performance of the pure, strong, strong-willed and at the same time surprisingly lyrical heroines became known to Viya Artmane. The biography of the actress shows how complicated and uneasy her life was, but at the same time proves the richness of her inner world and fortitude - qualities that helped her overcome life's difficulties and hardships. The future famous star of the Soviet screen was born in 1929 in Latvia, in Tukums. Her mother was Polish, and her father came from Baltic Germans. He died in an accident before the birth of his daughter.

Wii Artmane biography

Alida (this is the real name of the future actress) grew up in difficult conditions. Her mother married a second time unsuccessfully, but the marriage was short-lived, the family broke up. The young woman was forced to earn a living by difficult labor, and the girl worked as a shepherd for some time. Mother wanted her to get a serious profession, became a lawyer. Vija Artmane, whose biography later turned out to be closely connected with the Latvian theater, also thought about a career as a lawyer, but her creative nature was more attracted to cinema and the stage, so she went to Riga, where she entered the theater school in 1946.

Years of study

The girl studied in a group that was attached to the prestigious Art Theater. J. Rainis. It was here that she changed her name and actually began a new life. A major role in these years of training (from 1946 to 1949) for the formation of her as an actress was played by the leader and founder of the famous troupe E. Smilgis. According to the recollections of the actress, he taught his students to think independently and navigate the stage. In their first performances, these lessons were fully embodied by Vija Artmane. The biography of a young and talented student from now on for fifty years turned out to be associated with this theater.

Wii Artmane biography personal life children

First roles

She played her first and perhaps most iconic roles just under the leadership of Smilgis. The girl perfectly established herself as an excellent performer of the roles of the classical repertoire. So, for example, she played the role of young Juliet and the English Queen Elizabeth. It should be noted here that the roles of royal persons were given to her especially well, not without reason she was deservedly called the queen of the Soviet screen. Viya Artmane, whose personal life was very difficult, unlike her professional career, in addition to the roles of the classical repertoire, she wanted to play modern women. Being a rich and creatively gifted nature, she wanted to embody the images of the heroines of her time, and this opportunity was provided for her by cinema.

Wii Artmane personal life


The young actress made her film debut in 1956 in the movie After the Storm. However, this role did not bring her much popularity: the flaw in the script, as well as the unpreparedness of the girl for the camera and the set, affected her. Nevertheless, she was noticed, and the next role has already become a landmark in her filmography. The painting “Native Blood” (1963), which tells about the difficult life of the ferrywoman Sonya, raising three children alone during the war years and her lover, a tankman who replaced the children of a real father after the death of a young woman, was a breakthrough in the actress’s career. Wii was named the best actress.

She managed to convey the emotional experiences of this subtle noble nature with amazing accuracy and extraordinary skill. Such lyrical inspired, but strong images were especially good for the actress, she with amazing truthfulness knew how to play the heroines of her time.

actress viya artmane biography


Actress Via Artmane, whose biography is marked by ups and downs, has become a real star on the movie screen. The next film, which became landmark not only in the career of the actress, but also in Lithuanian and Soviet cinema - “Nobody wanted to die,” filmed in 1965. This tape was a real breakthrough and brought the leading performers all-Union fame (for example, it was this picture that made young D. Banionis one of the most sought-after actors of his time).

The film, which tells about the difficult post-war year of 1947, the difficult time of the establishment of the Soviet regime in Lithuania, was universally recognized. The love melodrama "Edgar and Christina", which was released next year, finally cemented the success of the actress. All of the above roles made the artist one of the most famous stars, and in her native country she enjoyed special recognition and respect.

Wii Artmane biography photo

Social work and new work

Vija Artmane, a biography, the photo of which is presented in this section, in addition to a successful theatrical, television career, was engaged in a lot of public work. So, she headed the union of theatrical figures in her homeland, and also became a member of the Soviet Peace Committee. These titles are better than any words clearly demonstrate the degree of recognition and respect of the actress. Until the mid-1970s, she did not shoot so much, but in 1978 a new film was released with her participation, which again lifted her to the top of her popularity. We are talking about the adaptation of S. Maugham’s novel "Theater".

In this film, Vie got the main role, which became really significant in her filmography. She embodied on the screen the image of a strong woman, the main character of Julia, an actress who, at a mature age, again had to experience a strong feeling for a rather ordinary young man who later cheated on her. This drama caused the heroine's revenge on her rival, and her character is revealed in this storyline: strong, proud, but sinister and inexorable. The actress herself considered her heroine to be an honest woman, since she always is aware of her actions. This work again made the performer popular and sought after by directors.

Wii Artmane biography personal life children photo

Life in the second half of the 1980s - early 1990s

Vija Artmane, information about which is interesting because it shows the multifaceted talent of this successful actress, starred in several more successful films in subsequent years. One of them is the film “The Man of Suite”, in which she played the role of the all-powerful secretary. This image turned out to be very close to the source - to the famous story of V. Makanin. The next significant role is the performance of the main character in V. Todorovsky’s debut film “Hearse” (1990). The picture was ambiguously appreciated by critics, although it received a number of prestigious awards at festivals, however, the performance of the actress received positive reviews. One critic rightly noted that the actress was especially convincing in portraying an elderly woman who was used to commanding, but at an advanced age, was unable to arrange the fate of her sick daughter, being deceived by a deft adventurer.

Other roles

Viya Artmane, whose facts from the life show the versatility of her talent, during the years of perestroika retained its status as one of the most talented actresses in the country. In 1991, she played a small role in the film "Love", speaking in an unusual comedy repertoire, which, however, she managed to brilliantly. At the same time, she continues to work actively in the theater. One of her best roles in this period is the image of Theresa Raken from the novel by E. Zola.

Wii Artmane family

Transfer to another theater

In 1998, she left the Art Theater and moved to work at the Riga Youth Theater. The actress herself explained her decision this way: she decided that it was necessary to give way to the young, as the troupe grew, the number of performances increased, and she almost did not get the roles; in addition, she, as a recognized artist, had other opportunities to realize her creative abilities.

In a new place, she played the role of the countess in a rather interesting production of The Queen of Spades, featuring an unusual interpretation of the classics. Her latest films include roles in the TV series Kamenskaya, as well as the on-screen embodiment of the image of the Russian Empress Catherine II. So, Via, in her declining years, returned to that image from which, in fact, she began her amazing career.

A family

Viya Artmane, whose personal life, whose children became a rather difficult test for her, due to the fact that her fate behind the screen was very difficult, was not happy in the family. She was married to actor A. Dimeters, with whom she had a rather complicated relationship. The husband was jealous of her, and she was partial to her partner E. Matveev. Nevertheless, they had been married for twenty-seven years, the actress herself was very kind to her husband and always remembered him warmly, although she admitted that family life was not easy for her.

The actress claims that her main task in her personal life has always been the preservation of the integrity of the family and marriage for the sake of children, and she succeeded. After the death of her husband, she began to have serious problems with her health and financial situation. Viya Artmane, whose family was saved largely due to her efforts, patience and work, now had difficulties with housing: her apartment was taken away, so for some time she had to live in an old, very poor house in difficult conditions.

Last years

A few years later, she still returned the housing and awarded for services to the cinema. Her son became a musician, her daughter an artist. The actress was very upset by the collapse of the Soviet Union, arguing that Russian and Latvian cinema gave her a lot for professional growth, and therefore it was very difficult for her to perceive these two countries as separate states. Nevertheless, she always spoke well of her work with both Latvian and Russian directors (she also worked with the latter after the events of 1991).

The actress died in 2008. An indicator of the popular popularity of Wii was the release of several films dedicated to her life and work, and in their names she was called the queen. In addition, there are recollections of Artman herself about her difficult life, as well as a book dedicated to her work.


Viya Artmane, biography, personal life, children, the photo of which became the topic of this article, was for her time the new face of the Soviet screen. Unusual beautiful appearance, exquisite acting skills, the ability to convey complex psychological shades with one gesture, movement, head turn or look made her a true master of the image of the rich inner world of heroines. That is why it was so in demand in Soviet times, when directors were looking for new forms of expression of ideas, heroes, experiences.

The vivid and memorable appearance of the actress already half already guaranteed the success of the picture, and her undoubted talent made the output of each film with her participation a real event in the world of cinema. Viya Artmane, biography, personal life, whose children became the object of close attention from the press in connection with the difficult fate of the actress, became a symbolic phenomenon of Soviet cinema.

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