Is there caffeine in cocoa? Cocoa: health benefits and harms

Since ancient times, cocoa beans have been widely popular throughout the world due to their distinctive taste and beneficial properties.
The birthplace of cocoa is the Amazon rain forests. Chocolate trees were later cultivated in subequatorial Africa. Today, about 69% of the world's cocoa harvest is harvested in Africa, with Cote d'Ivoire being the largest producer. Other major manufacturers include Indonesia, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, Ecuador, and Colombia.

Is there caffeine in cocoa? Can everyone answer this question? High-quality cocoa powder made from natural cocoa beans is rich in a variety of nutrients and elements. Today, in an era of innovation, numerous chemicals, dyes and flavorings are added to the powder. Unfortunately, this not only leads to the loss of the beneficial properties of the drink, but also has a negative effect on human health in general. Therefore, the choice of this product must be approached carefully and consciously. Does cocoa contain caffeine? You will learn this in the process of reading the article.

is there caffeine in cocoa

Principles for choosing quality cocoa

  • Cocoa powder should not be soluble.
  • Homogeneous structure, lack of lumps.
  • Light or dark brown. Gray is a sign of a poor quality product.
  • Shelf life. For powder in a metal container - not more than a year, in plastic packaging - not more than 6 months.
  • Fat level is not lower than 15%.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Before you find out if caffeine is in cocoa powder, it's worth talking about its nutritional value and calorie content. The nutritional value of 100 grams of powder is 289 kcal. Of these: proteins - 34.3 g, fats - 15 g, carbohydrates - 10.2 g, dietary fiber - 35.3 g, water - 5 g. The ratio of BZHU: proteins - 97.2 kcal (35.6%) , fats - 135 kcal (49.45%), carbohydrates - 40.8 kcal (14.95%).

Is there caffeine in cocoa? Perhaps for some it will be a surprise, but yes. Cocoa is also rich in substances such as dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

Despite the fact that cocoa is a preferable product for maintaining the shape, compared with chocolate, the daily norm should not exceed 2 cups of the drink. The recommended time of admission is the first half of the day.

cocoa powder health benefits

Useful properties: bone strengthening

Calcium is the main source of bone health. Due to the presence of calcium in cocoa, the human skeleton is strengthened, the risk of blood clots is reduced, muscle contraction and excitability of nerve tissues are being established. The use of 100 grams of cocoa in combination with milk allows you to provide a person with a daily norm of calcium.

Brain stimulation

Flavanol, which is part of beans, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, which positively affects brain activity and thought processes. A person who regularly uses cocoa becomes more organized, energetic, quickly assimilates new information and solves problems that require mental stress.

cacao beans caffeine

Fast muscle recovery after exercise

A study conducted by American scientists showed that the rate of muscle recovery after exercise with cocoa is an order of magnitude higher than that of other drinks. This effect is achieved by the presence of protein and carbohydrates necessary to replenish the energy supply of muscle tissue. The presence of caffeine in cocoa beans promotes the absorption of glucose by the muscles and accelerates the restoration of glycogen stores.

Rejuvenation and wound healing

Significant benefits to the body bring not only a drink, but also a mask of cocoa. Cocophilus, niacin, vitamins PP, B5 and B9 present in cocoa improve the regeneration of skin cells, thereby speeding up wound healing, relieve irritation, smooth wrinkles, and smooth complexion and skin structure. The presence of iron allows oxygen to reach the upper layers of the epidermis. Potassium allows you to retain moisture in the cells, preventing dry skin. Cocoa restores the protective functions of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

is there caffeine in cocoa powder

UV protection

Included in the composition of melanin reduces the negative effects of solar radiation. So, cocoa can prevent heat stroke, skin burning, visual impairment, hormonal disruptions in the body. The sun is the main cause of photoaging, therefore, in conditions of increased solar radiation, it is necessary to use a drink to maintain youth, elasticity and a natural level of skin hydration.

Hair Growth Acceleration

For beauty, health and stimulation of hair growth, cocoa is effectively used both when taken orally, and as a component for making homemade masks. The content of nicotinic acid in the product provides activation of hair growth due to the effect of heating the scalp and exposure to hair follicles.

Does Cocoa Caffeine

Mood boost

Cocoa powder, the health benefits of which we are considering, is recognized as one of the most effective natural antidepressants. Due to the release of phenylethylamine by the brain, a person feels a surge of positive emotions - happiness, love, joy, feels calm and satisfaction. A similar effect is produced by serotonin, the production of which these beans also contribute.

Pressure reduction

The use of 2 cups of the drink is an excellent prevention of stroke and reduces weather dependence, due to the presence of flavonoids. The level of high density lipoproteins decreases, as a result of which the platelets do not stick together, and the risk of thrombosis decreases. The presence of theobromine increases the resistance of the heart muscle to pressure surges.

where more caffeine in coffee or cocoa

Harm and contraindications

Now we know the benefits of cocoa powder. And harm to health cannot be neglected either. Contraindications are also available. Most often, cocoa is harmful in two cases:

  1. With excessive use.
  2. When using a low-quality product.

Where is more caffeine in coffee or cocoa? Of course in coffee. But cocoa also contains it. The drink contains 0.2% caffeine, which can adversely affect the condition of young children, pregnant women and people who have contraindications to caffeine.

Due to the presence of purines, it is advisable to limit the consumption of the drink to people who have kidney problems and gout. The reason for this is the accumulation of uric acid and the deposition of salts in the joints.

In areas where cocoa trees are grown, sanitary requirements are not high enough. The consequence of this is the presence of insects and bacteria in the fruits. Trees are treated with poisons and chemicals in large quantities to disinfect.
In some cases, exotic insects can be ground together with raw materials during processing. Then there is a high probability of an allergic reaction. Cocoa beans themselves do not contain allergens, but manufacturers of low-quality instant powders use various chemical additives that most often cause allergies.

Since the question of whether there is caffeine in cocoa is an affirmative question, it is not recommended to drink the following categories of people:

  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • People suffering from diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, atherosclerosis.
  • People suffering from joint diseases.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Overweight people.
  • People with increased acidity of the stomach.


In a small container, mix two teaspoons of the powder with the required amount of sugar (or sweetener for greater benefit), pour a glass of hot milk or water, stir to a homogeneous consistency without lumps, bring to a boil.

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