Celandine burn: symptoms, first aid, healing ointments for burns

Our ancestors knew a lot about medicinal herbs and widely used them in medicine. Today, one of the most popular and sought after plants is celandine. It helps to get rid of cosmetic defects on the skin, from problems with muscles and joints. But often a modern person forgets that a burn from a celandine is not uncommon, because the plant is poisonous. In the general structure of injuries, burns from poisons of plant origin occupy from 2.5 to 5.1%. Although for the most part, such damage is local in nature and does not pose any threat to human life.

Possible reasons

The celandine contains alkaloids, which cause burns or poisoning. In general, the whole plant is poisonous, but the most dangerous is the juice. Pharmacy products are used to eliminate papillomas and warts.

The main causes of damage include:

  • accidental burn from celandine, in contact with the plant on vacation, in nature, during a walk;
  • non-observance of precautions when treating with tincture from a pharmacy or in the manufacture, use of the medicine at home.

Burns on the organs of vision are of great danger, often the consequences can be eliminated only with the help of an ophthalmologist.

Celandine burn

Risk group

At risk, first of all, are women. After all, it is they who carefully take care of their own appearance, constantly trying to get rid of the slightest defects on the skin.

In second place are children. They often get injured while walking. Parents themselves may become guilty if they use a pharmacy product with celandine for other purposes.

People who do not have a sufficient income level also often get burns from celandine, self-medicating, and not seeking professional medical help.

Unwillingness to follow instructions or neglecting to follow the rules is another cause of burns. After injury, the damaged areas of the skin must be hidden from sunlight, as the condition of the cover will only worsen.

Degrees of damage

As a rule, a burn from a celandine is not extensive and does not exceed 10% of the whole body. Symptoms in this case are mild, a headache, a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness may disturb. The first degree ends with desquamation and death of the epithelium.

The second degree is characterized by the appearance of blisters. In the third stage, the blisters merge into a single large one.

The fourth degree is 30% or more damage. Pain at this scale is usually absent, the deeper layers of the epidermis are damaged, and burn disease occurs.

If an infection gets into the blisters, then purulent discharge appears. Skin regeneration may result in scarring.

Celandine broth

Symptoms and actions

What to do with a celandine burn? Subject to the instructions for use, pharmacy products do not cause any burns. To understand that something went wrong is very simple, it appears:

  • itching
  • edema;
  • irritation;
  • burning;
  • redness.

Almost any discomfort that occurs after using the celandine is a reason for refusing further processing by the tool. Rinse the injured area thoroughly with water.

Celandine got into the eye: what to do? Such burns are considered the most dangerous. As soon as the product comes into contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with running water and consult a doctor. Such injuries are dangerous for the development of conjunctivitis and other ophthalmic diseases. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

An oral overdose is also very dangerous. Celandine can cause inflammation in the digestive system, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a strong sense of thirst;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • diarrhea
  • headache;
  • vomiting.

In some cases, if a large amount of celandine juice enters the stomach, the victim may lose consciousness.

Before the arrival of the medical team, it is recommended to drink activated charcoal and plenty of water, try to induce vomiting.

Complications and contraindications

Possible consequences directly depend on the location of the burn and the degree of damage. If this is the first degree, then usually there are no problems with wound healing. The second degree usually lasts longer and can be characterized by wounds that do not heal for a long time. Burns of the third and fourth degree are dangerous to human life.

There are categories of people for whom the use of celandine is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • faces with epilepsy and angina pectoris;
  • nursing mothers;
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • children under 3 years old.

Treatment of the skin with celandine should be done pointwise, in full compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product.

Young celandine


To choose a method of treatment, the fact of the burn itself and its area, and the depth of damage, are not so important.

There are many methods for this, for example, the Postnikov method, the “ninth rule” and the “palm rule”.

With eye burns, diagnosis is carried out in a hospital setting: intraocular pressure is determined, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy are performed.

At home, you can also determine the depth of damage. The easiest way is to pull out the hairs. If the burn is superficial, then pain is felt, and the hairs themselves are not pulled out. With deeper lesions, the hairs are easily removed and no pain. Therefore, the principle of using a needle or rubbing alcohol on the burn site. If there is no pain, then the damage is deep.

What to do immediately?

Celandine burn: first aid. It should be immediately treated with water, preferably a little warm and running. It is recommended to wash the wound with laundry soap or soda to avoid infection. To remove irritation around the wound, cool the skin with ice.

Itching and burning are relieved by hormonal, antihistamines or anti-burn drugs. If an open wound appeared as a result of exposure, then immediately it is necessary to treat with an antiseptic and apply a sterile dressing. If severe pain, then it is allowed to take an anesthetic drug.

With minor injuries, you can get rid of the effects of burns at home. The main thing, especially in the early days, to hide the damaged places from the sun, so it will only aggravate the condition. If this is a large area of ​​skin, it is recommended to apply a sterile dressing.

If the condition does not improve, red-brown spots appear, blisters with liquid, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Eye burns can not be treated at home, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

Local therapy

Therapeutic measures associated with the elimination of the effects of burns are carried out with the help of antiseptic drugs, drugs that stimulate the healing of the epidermis.

One of these is D-Panthenol ointment, although a product with this composition is available in various forms: in the form of a cream, lotion and aerosol.

Regardless of the form chosen, the affected area is treated with antiseptics before using the medicine.

Ointment "D-Panthenol" can be applied up to 4 times throughout the day. Particle damage to eye ointment is not allowed. With minor damage from the effects of a burn, you can get rid now in a few days.

Ointment D-Panthenol

Ointment "Akriderm"

How to treat a burn with celandine on the face? Akriderm ointment has proven itself well, however, its use on the face for more than 5 days in a row is not allowed. In the first days after an injury, the ointment is applied up to 6 times throughout the day. As the condition improves, the amount of application of the product is reduced to two times.

Ointment around the eyes is not allowed. At the first symptoms of intolerance to one of the components of the drug, use ceases.

Cream Akriderm


Another healing ointment for burns is Solcoseryl. Allows you to quickly deal with burns of the first and second degree.

Before use, the damaged area must be treated with a disinfectant solution. Apply the drug no more than twice a day. If there is a urticaria or burning sensation that does not pass between the application of the product, then the ointment is canceled.

Other means

Another healing ointment for burns is Bepanten. The tool helps well in the first stage of burns, protects wounds from bacteria. However, if the wound is rough and pus has already appeared, then the ointment will not help. The drug has practically no contraindications, it will be necessary to abandon its use if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Ointment can be used in pediatrics. It is applied to affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.

Bepanten ointment

For treatment, you can use calendula ointment. After application, the damaged area is closed with a bandage. It is recommended that treatment and dressing be done three times throughout the day.

Other ointments for a chemical burn with celandine: Sinaflan, Actovegin, Rescuer, and so on. Zinc ointment is widely used, it effectively dries up inflamed areas.

In addition to ointments, it is recommended to use antiallergenic drugs. In particular, it may be Diazolin. Recommended dose: 0.05-0.2 g to two times a day. The use of this drug in the presence of peptic ulcer and other inflammatory processes in the digestive tract is not allowed.

Alternative medicine

How to treat a burn after celandine? Naturally, traditional medicine has accumulated many recipes that will eliminate the effects of burns.

The most affordable and easiest way to treat - raw potato compresses. It allows you to quickly deal with burns on the face, relieve irritation and redness. One small tuber is ground in a blender or on a grater, mixed with honey. Lubricate damaged skin throughout the day several times.

For the face, you can make masks from potato starch. The powder is diluted in boiled cold water and adjusted to the consistency of sour cream. Apply a mask three or more times a day.

To regenerate the skin and eliminate hyperemia, a nutrient is prepared with the following components:

  1. Egg yolk.
  2. Sour cream.
  3. Sunflower oil.

It is advisable that all the ingredients are homemade. The components are mixed, the composition is applied to the face once a day.

You can treat burnt skin with sea buckthorn oil, prepared at home or purchased in a pharmacy. To make butter at home, you will need fresh fruits and warmed vegetable oil. The components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, the mixture is infused in a dark place for 14 days. After being wrung out and used as an ointment.

As antiseptics, you can use a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Healing plants

A burn with pharmacy celandine is also quite possible to cure with herbs. The most affordable plant that is found in almost every home is aloe, which promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Before use, the sheet is torn off and washed under warm water. A peeled place is applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a day. By the same principle, you can use Kalanchoe.

Alternative methods of treatment

Remove unpleasant symptoms from the skin of the face with strong green or black tea (chilled). Tea also helps to activate the skin regeneration process.

You can make lotions from the leaves of coltsfoot and crushed rose hips. The components are mixed in equal parts and poured with a glass of boiling water. After insisting for 3 hours, you can make lotions.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies is always carried out after individual consultations with a doctor. Most often, with burns of the first degree, "Aconite" and "Arnica" are used. In the second stage, “Kantaris” and “Urtik Ureis” are appointed. With severe damage, it is allowed to use the medicine hourly.


Accidental contact with the plant should be avoided. When working on beds, it is better to wear gloves. When working with celandine, in addition to hands, it is necessary to protect the eyes.

When treating, be sure to read the instructions for use of the drug and strictly observe it. Healthy tissues around warts and other neoplasms are best protected with adhesive tape.

Treatment of teeth and eyes with celandine is not allowed. If at home there are drugs with this plant, they should be stored out of the reach of children.


Undoubtedly, the properties of celandine juice are excellent and the plant allows you to get rid of many skin diseases. But if you could not avoid a burn, then you need to be prepared that a red spot may remain in this place.

A burn of the mucous membranes is extremely dangerous, of course, it all depends on the concentration: the lower it is, the less likely it is that severe consequences will arise. No wonder the people have another name for this plant - "damn milk."

Despite all the risks, celandine and today remains one of the most popular means in cosmetology. With the help of the plant, you can get rid of warts, acne, fungal diseases. However, it is not allowed to use celandine juice in the presence of open wounds, eczema.

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