What are counters: definition. Russian counters and fables for children

Any people carefully preserves their tales, proverbs, sayings, be it Russian, English, French. The fact that each country has its own oral heritage is convinced by everyone who begins to learn a foreign language. Folklore is an integral part of the culture of the nation, they are justly proud of it and are passed down from generation to generation, word of mouth. Therefore, a person in whom there is at least a little patriotic feeling should be familiar with the oral creativity of his people and simply must be able to convey this to his children. One of the elements of folklore are counters and fables. What is it? Let's figure it out now!


A children's game and a reader, the definition of which is the genre of children's folklore, go hand in hand. From infancy, children hear various counters from the people who surround them, and as they grow older, they themselves use them with great pleasure in their games and games.

What are counters?

The reader was created in order to distribute the roles in the children's game, although initially it was supposed to be used by adults to distribute responsibilities in collective work. As you know, in the old days, with the complete absence of mechanisms and machines, all the work fell on the shoulders of people. The work was discord, one was easier, the other was heavier and more monotonous. So people came up with the use of counters along with the draw. And everyone obeyed these simple rules. Here is one answer that counters.

The composition of the reader

The reader is a rhymed or white line, which often contains some kind of finished story and is used as a prelude to a children's game. It is often pronounced at a fairly fast pace, in strict rhythm, with the whole attention paid not to what is contained in the lines, but to the result. Counters for children, usually three-part, contain an introduction, or introduction; move, or main content; ending, that is, the result. The reader itself is a finished work.

Absolutely everything that surrounds the people can act as a plot for the reader. For example, domestic life, the forest and its inhabitants, domestic animals, labor processes. In addition, very often children's Russian counters consist of words borrowed from another people or composed during games.

Do modern children need readers?

It seems to many of our contemporaries that reading rooms for children have long lost their relevance and are somewhat outdated. Indeed, the current world is fully automated and crammed with computer systems in which even the smallest children have successfully learned to navigate. A kid with a tablet is by no means a rare sight, but a little sad.

Counters for children

However, psychologists have long established that counters and fables are very useful for the development of the child, and completely comprehensive. These simple rhymed rhymes help children to socially adapt in the society of their peers and strengthen friendships by tuning them into a playful way. In addition, counters teach a child to adhere to certain rules, which is especially necessary for the assimilation of gaming skills. And we must not forget the indisputable fact that the reader perfectly develops speech, memory and thinking of a preschooler. From this we can deduce another answer to the question of what are readers: this is a great way to easily and fun develop a child!


Non-fiction is a poorly studied literary folklore genre, in contrast, for example, from counters and nursery rhymes. Non-fables are much less common, but they are very fond of children and their caring parents. Non-fiction is some kind of ridiculous, awkward in meaning or completely devoid of his poem, written in a comic genre. Non-fiction can also be a reading room for children's games, or it can simply entertain children, prompting them to reflect on the subtext, which, perhaps, is still present in it.

counters and fables

The same genre includes fiction-shifters, which K. I. Chukovsky considered very useful for the mental development of the child and wrote that the child can play not only with cubes and pebbles, but also with thoughts. That is why the great children's storyteller is so loved by children, because he constantly used the folklore style of fables in his work.

Read fables to children!

Even if your child is no longer a kid for a long time, and it seems that he has come out of his age when he was interested in children's folk rhymes, one should not refuse the colossal heritage of the Russian people. On the contrary, fables may even interest an adult, because they are very funny, but at the same time devoid of vulgarity, which is pretty flavored with many modern comic stories. Spending time with the child, one can and should tell him tales that will help pass the time of waiting in line to the doctor, brighten up the long journey and simply strengthen your relationship. In addition, fables contribute to the development of the child’s imagination and imagination, reveal his creative potential, which every person has. You just need to believe that sooner or later he will wake up with your child, and fables will help you in this.

Reader definition

Learn a few fables and, for example, 2 readers, or just write on a piece of paper and carry with you. After some time, they will be easily remembered, which will also develop the memory of not only the child, but also yours. Fiction will come in handy in a difficult situation, when you have a tense situation and you can’t negotiate with him. Here, a fiction assistant will come to the rescue, which will divert attention from the unpleasant moment and switch it to something more positive.

Examples of fables

Below are some fables, short and very funny. After reading them, you can draw a picture that conveys the plot of a tale, or illustrate it with the help of toys.

2 counters

The hare rushed for the lion
And he growls loudly.
Hedgehog digs a house under the tree
From mountain ash thick.

Fish roam the path
Waving their tails
The walrus hedgehog is backed up
Sheep plow the land.

The elephant is flying behind the cloud
Beasts are dancing in a circle.
And at the bottom of the river does not sleep
Under the umbrella is a frog.

A camel skated
Pike sang on a bitch
Mole climbed a tree
And he sang: - Ku-ka-re-ku!

The bear got on its rocket
And he went to the store ... etc.

Examples of counters

No less useful for the development of mental processes, such as memory, attention and thinking, a reader, the definition of which was given above. The reader enters the child into the space of the game, into the world that he needs as air, and from which we, as adults, so often try to pull the child out, acting, of course, very wrong. The thing is that adults, for the most part, have forgotten how they were children. And do not even want to think about it. As a rule, the reasons lie in early childhood or adolescence, but psychologists should already understand this.

5 counters

So, 5 counters that can be learned and used when communicating with a child:

One, two, three, four, five
We can’t count the guys
But without a friend in a tight world
Run away from the circle faster!

The seagull warmed up the kettle,
I invited nine gulls:
β€œI am calling you all to tea!”
Where are the seagulls, answer?

One, two, three, four, five,

We will consider friends

One-Erem, two-Nicola,

Impossible to count!

Sheep walked along the bridge
Wagged her tail
Clinging to the railing
Immediately hit the river -
Good stuff

Come on, Ivan,
Ida into the glass
Take a lemon
And go out!

Folklore as a means of expressing love

The first in the life of a child is a mother, who for him is the whole world. She is his hands, until he knows how to use his own, she is his legs, until his legs go, she is his tongue, until he has learned to speak. That is why it is so important that everyone in the environment of the baby be loving and caring. It is important to be able to speak with him in one language - the language of love, for which the folklore was created by the people, which for the baby is one of the tools of cognition, bright and colorful, living and acting according to its own laws.

Russian counters

Listening daily to rhythmic lines with simple words, the child develops most harmoniously and comprehensively in the atmosphere of love and need, which is often deprived of modern children. So what are counters? This is the love and care of the mother, who gives full positive information to the growing child.


Imagine for a moment the life of a child without rhythmic songs and rhymes. Of course, some kind of replacement would be needed, but what can replace children's folklore? Without it, the game is depersonalized and monotonous, and with it it is fun and colorful. If you ask any preschooler what counters are, the answer will be a perky smile, because the GAME begins with them. That is why children's folklore, in spite of everything, must be preserved, developed and make the child’s life richer and more diverse.

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