"Vero-Trimetazidine": indications, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

With heart diseases accompanied by ischemia, doctors prescribe the drug "Vero-Trimetazidine." This tool does not help to instantly stop the pain syndrome with angina pectoris. However, it can reduce the frequency of seizures. How should this medicine be taken? And are there any contraindications to its use? We will consider these issues in the article.

Composition and action

The active component of the drug is trimetazidine. This substance belongs to antihypoxants. It has the following effects on the body:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • relieves pain in the heart;
  • protects myocardial cells from damage.

With circulatory disorders, the heart muscle suffers from oxygen deficiency. Trimetazidine normalizes the transport of particles of potassium and calcium. This allows you to maintain the myocardium in a stable state even with ischemia. As a result, the concentration of adenosine triphosphoric acid does not drop to a dangerous level, which helps prevent a heart attack.

The drug "Vero-Trimetazidine"

"Vero-Trimetazidine" can not be taken in order to quickly stop the attack of angina pectoris. The medicine is effective only after a few hours. This is a remedy for long-term etiotropic therapy. The drug acts on the very cause of ischemia and helps reduce the frequency of heart attacks. In addition, trimetazidine reduces blood pressure and reduces dizziness. During treatment, the patient is much easier to tolerate physical activity.

Lowering blood pressure

The medicine is released in the form of tablets. Each of them contains 20 mg of the active ingredient.


Cardiological diseases are the main indication for the use of Vero-Trimetazidine. Instructions for use recommend this drug for ischemia and angina pectoris.

However, ischemic conditions are not the only indication for prescribing a medicine. This drug is also used in ophthalmic practice. It is prescribed for diseases of the vessels of the eye. This medication helps to normalize the blood supply to the retina and improve vision.

Otolaryngologists prescribe "Vero-Trimetazidine" for various pathologies of the vestibular apparatus. This drug eliminates dizziness, motor coordination disorders and tinnitus (tinnitus).

Vestibular disorders


Not all patients can take the drug "Vero-Trimetazidine." The instruction categorically prohibits prescribing this remedy to patients with severe liver and kidney diseases. This medicine can also not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

This remedy is intended only for the treatment of adults. Its effect on the children's body has not been studied, therefore, this medication is not used in pediatric practice.

Unwanted effects

Side effects during treatment with Vero-Trimetazidine are rare. However, some patients may develop the following undesirable symptoms:

  1. In allergy sufferers, itchy rashes on the skin like hives may appear.
  2. Quite often dyspeptic symptoms are noted. Patients may experience nausea, upset stools, and abdominal pain.
  3. Fatigue, weakness, and headache are often observed.

In rare cases, there is a drop in blood pressure with a change in body position, a feeling of heat. Sometimes there are manifestations of parkinsonism (trembling hands and head, impaired movement) that pass after stopping the medication.

How to take medicine

The tablets are taken orally while eating. The required dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor. Usually, 1 tablet is prescribed twice or thrice a day.

The course of treatment may be different. Its duration depends on the diagnosis and severity of the patient's condition.

Storage, price and analogues

Tablets are recommended to be stored at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees. They can be consumed within 2 years from the date of release.

This medicine is available over the counter. However, it can in no case be taken without a doctor's prescription. This drug has many side effects and contraindications. The price of tablets is from 108 to 130 rubles.

Patients are often interested in Vero-Trimetazidine analogues. These medicines include:

  • Triducard.
  • Rimekor.
  • "Preducted."
  • "Trimetazidine."
  • "Trimetazidine-Biocom MV".
The drug "Triducard"

These drugs contain trimetazidine as an active ingredient. Their effect on the body is the same. Analogues are produced by different manufacturers, so their prices are very different. The most expensive product is Preductal (about 680 rubles), and the cheapest is Trimetazidine (about 18-20 rubles).

Often patients ask the question: "Which of the analogues is better?". All of the above funds have an identical composition. However, some doctors believe that the drug "Preductal" is most effective, since in the production it is subjected to thorough cleaning of impurities.

The drug "Preductal"

Patient opinion

Most patients give positive reviews on Vero-Trimetazidine. According to them, during treatment, they became less likely to suffer from heart attacks. They significantly decreased compression and chest pain. After a full course of therapy, jumps in blood pressure and dizziness disappeared.

Positive reviews about the drug can be found from patients with pathologies of the vestibular apparatus. The drug helped them to get rid of disorders of coordination of movements, tinnitus, increased sweating. Improvement came a week after the start of treatment.

Reports of side effects of the drug are very rare. Some patients complain of asthenia and intestinal disorders during treatment. However, such manifestations quickly disappeared after the end of the course of therapy.

There are a few negative reviews about the medicine. They are mainly associated with improper administration of the drug. Patients report that this remedy did not help them get rid of acute pain in the heart. It is important to remember that antihypoxants are not taken as an β€œambulance” during an attack. It will not help to quickly stop the pain. With an onset of angina pectoris, you need to take drugs from the nitrate group. Antihypoxants are used only during remission as a prophylactic.

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