"Isotretinoin": instructions for use, indications, reviews

The treatment of various skin diseases is carried out thanks to preparations containing isotretinoin. The substance is classified as dermatoprotective due to its unique properties. A drug with the same name is used to treat seborrhea, acne. Isotretinoin is recommended for use only after consultation with a doctor. According to reviews, the tool is effective in inflammatory processes on the skin.

Product Description

The drug "Isotretinoin" is a powerful retinoid. The latter refers to derivatives of vitamin A. The active substance itself - isotretinoin - is known as retinoic acid and has the appearance of a yellowish powder. The substance is capable of neutralizing rapidly dividing cancer cells. This property was originally used for the treatment of cancer pathologies.

Isotretinoin instructions for use

After some time, scientists discovered another therapeutic property of a powdery substance - it can reduce the production of sebum by suppressing excessive growth of the cellular epithelium of the excretory ducts. It is this property that currently allows the use of Isotretinoin for the treatment of severe acne.

Preparations based on this active ingredient can be used both topically and orally. The optimal tool is selected by the dermatologist after examining the patient.

How does the medicine work?

The drug "Isotretinoin" application instruction recommends using for the effective treatment of acne rash and other skin diseases. The therapeutic effect of the drug immediately affects all the factors that provoke these ailments. First of all, the production of sebum decreases, the pores are cleaned.

Systemic retinoid prevents the propagation of pathological microorganisms Propionibacterium acnes, which cause acne, acne. Stopping the inflammatory process, normalizing the pH level is also the merit of the drug. "Isoteretinoin" is actively used in dermatology and cosmetology. The active component allows you to influence not only the symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate the cause that led to the development of the inflammatory process.

Indications for appointment

It should be borne in mind that without prior medical prescription, it is not recommended to use "Isotretinoin". The price of drugs for external use on the basis of the same active substance ranges from 280-650 rubles. Prescribe the drug in the form of tablets in the presence of some pathologies. It:

  • seborrhea;
  • rosacea (including severe forms);
  • all forms of acne;
  • nodular-cystic acne;
  • various types of dermatitis;
  • congenital ichthyosis.

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Most of these ailments are united by a cause of origin - excessive work of the sebaceous glands. This, in turn, leads to a serious violation of the normal balance of the epidermis.

What effect will the remedy have?

According to numerous studies, the effectiveness of the drug in a variety of skin diseases has been confirmed. "Isotretinoin" significantly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands (by 90%) and normalizes the processes occurring in the skin. Doctors recommend using the drug in the form of Roaccutane tablets even in severe acne. Isotretinoin is used as the main active ingredient.

isotretinoin reviews

Means for external application are well established in the treatment of acne, rosacea and dermatitis. Such retinoids can be used for mild to moderate skin diseases. Experts say that a drug in this form is much safer for the body than capsules. With oral administration of isotretinoin, its concentration in the blood rises to 2000 ng / ml. If you use ointment, this figure will not exceed 60 ng / ml.

Isotretinoin-based preparations

The active substance isotretinoin instructions for use relate to natural retinoids. In a small amount, these compounds are well absorbed by the body, positively affect the condition of the skin, reduce the production of sebum, and have an antimicrobial effect. Some topical preparations contain isotretinoin:

  1. Retinoic ointment.
  2. Isotrexin (gel).
  3. "Retasol" (solution).

For oral administration in severe pathologies of the skin, specialists prescribe medications such as Aknekutan, Roaccutane, Sotret. Composition (isotretinoin is used as the active substance) and dosage may vary.

Side effects

If the dosage is exceeded, isotretinoin causes side effects. On the part of the immune system, they occur most often. Patients complain of rashes, redness, peeling of the skin on the palms and soles of the feet, itching, dystrophy of the nail plates. Cheilitis, a disease that affects the skin on the lips, is also possible.

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The nervous system in some patients also suffers from treatment with Isotretinoin. Reviews indicate that headache, excessive fatigue may appear, visual acuity is impaired, depression and psychosis develop. It is extremely dangerous for people with a history of bronchial asthma to take the drug. This can lead to bronchospasm. Side effects on the organs of vision are manifested by symptoms such as keratitis, blepharitis, optic neuritis, conjunctivitis, eye irritation.

From the digestive tract, pancreatitis, diarrhea, internal bleeding, vomiting, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, and hepatitis develop. Arthritis, pain in joints and muscles, hyperostosis are symptoms of the negative effects of isotretinoin on the musculoskeletal system.


First of all, the drug "Isotretinoin" instructions for use prohibits taking during pregnancy or its planning. The substance has an embryotoxic and teratogenic effect, which can lead to developmental abnormalities and birth defects in the fetus. Also, experts recommend starting to plan a pregnancy no earlier than 3-4 months after the end of treatment with a medication. During this time, the level of isotretinoin in the body should return to normal.

It is forbidden to take any retinoids during lactation, with increased sensitivity or intolerance, to combine the medicine with tetracycline antibiotics. Oral medication is contraindicated in case of severe disruption of the liver and kidneys, with an increased value of lipids in the blood serum and malignant formations. Isotretinoin is also not suitable for patients with hypervitaminosis A.

The price of the cheapest product based on this substance is 280-350 rubles. The treatment regimen, dosage, analogues are selected exclusively by the attending physician.

How to take?

Isotretinoin in capsule form for oral administration should be drunk with meals. The initial dosage usually does not exceed 0.1 mg per kilogram of patient body weight. In the future, the dose can be increased (in the case of positive dynamics and the absence of side effects).

isotretinoin ointment

The average daily dosage (0.5 g) should be divided into several doses. Depending on the severity of the disease, it can increase. It should be borne in mind that no more than 10 g of isotretinoin can be taken per day. Treatment with the drug is usually long, 16-24 weeks. The interval between courses of therapy should be at least two months.

The drug "Roaccutane"

The price of the medicine is quite high and amounts to about 2700 rubles per package (dosage of 20 mg). The manufacturer is the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffman la Roche. Roaccutane capsules are effective for severe acne vulgaris, follicular keratosis, ichthyosis, keratoderma.

isotretinoin drugs

The duration of therapy depends on the type of disease and is usually 2-4 weeks. 0.5 mg of active substance per 1 kg of patient weight should be taken per day. With normal tolerance of Roaccutane, the second stage of therapy should be started, the duration of which is approximately 20 weeks. In this case, the doctor should monitor the dynamics of the pathology. If there is a decrease in rashes by 70-80%, the drug is usually canceled.

Application features

During treatment with Roaccutane, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose to the minimum (0.5 mg / kg). Usually, positive dynamics and a stable result of therapy can be observed after 1.5-2 months after the start of treatment. However, in severe cases, a longer course of taking Roaccutane will be required.

The price of a drug based on isotretinoin depends on the dosage of the active ingredient. Capsules may contain 10 or 20 mg of this substance. Subject to dosage and treatment regimen, the drug should not cause side effects. Feedback from experts suggests that Roaccutane is well tolerated by patients.

Retasol solution

The active component of the drug is isotretinoin. Reviews of patients and dermatologists confirm the therapeutic effectiveness of this medication. The active substance in the preparation contains 0.025 mg in 1 ml. The solution, in addition to anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, has a positive effect on the skin texture. The product is intended for application to pre-cleansed skin. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. The duration of treatment with Retasol is usually 4-12 weeks.

isotretinoin analogues

Do not use the solution in combination with other retinoids. This can provoke the development of hypervitaminosis A. Do not prescribe "Retasol" in the treatment with tetracyclines due to the risk of increased intracranial pressure.

In the form of a solution, the drug can be used to treat acne in adolescents from 11 years old. The tool has passed clinical trials, during which its safety was proven. "Retasol" is an ideal tool for oily skin.

Patient Reviews

Many patients have successfully used drugs based on such an active substance as isotretinoin for treatment. Analogs of these medicines should be selected by a specialist.

For several months of therapy, a powerful natural retinoid allows you to get rid of acne, acne, rosacea. More severe skin pathologies require a second course of therapy. Only in rare cases do side effects occur, most often manifested by the immune system: allergic rash, dry dermis, redness. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs based on isotretinoin during pregnancy planning, bearing a baby or lactation.

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