Balm "Old Kashin" - healthy and tasty alcohol

Balm "Old Kashin" is produced at the plant "Heather", which is located directly in the city of Kashin. By the way, they have been doing it there for a long time, for more than a hundred years, since the production of this magic drink began back in 1898.

Composition of the drink

They make this alcohol according to a recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation for many centuries. He helped our ancestors get rid of many ailments and maintain good spirits. That is exactly what is written on the label.

The composition of the balm "Old Kashin" - tinctures from berries, herbs and roots. Manufacturers say that there are exactly twenty-four of them. Among them there is an extract from chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, wormwood, Kalang, calamus, St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, blueberry and bird cherry. This is not the whole list.

Organoleptic qualities

The balm has a unique taste and aroma, which is difficult to confuse with something else, as it combines infusions of medicinal herbs, apple juice, natural honey and high-quality cognac alcohol. According to reviews of “Old Kashin” balm, it can be said that the drink is unique and its taste is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Bottle of balm "Old Kashin"

If you add a spoonful of drink to a cup of tea or coffee, then a surge of vitality and energy is provided for the whole day. Plus, it perfectly helps to strengthen the immune system.

Now the drink is used as an ingredient for cocktails. In addition, there are still experts who prefer to use the balm "Old Kashin" in its purest form. But for this you need to adhere to certain rules.

How to use “Old Kashin” balm in its pure form?

  1. This is a universal drink, since it can be used both as an aperitif and as a digestif. That is, it is served before meals, to stimulate appetite, and after eating. Pour the drink into the liquor glasses, and drink like brandy in small sips, slowly savoring each.
  2. Often, balsam, like expensive quality cognac, is combined with tobacco. One nuance, they do not bite the balm, otherwise a good half of the taste shades are simply lost.

Coffee or tea supplement

  1. Some foodies prefer to add some Old Kashin balm to hot drinks. In order to improve the mood and vitality, fifteen milliliters of alcohol per cup is enough.
  2. If the proportions are observed correctly, then intoxication will not occur, but the effect will pleasantly surprise.
Coffee with Balsam

As a component of a cocktail

Now balms come in many cocktails. With the addition of the balm “Old Kashin” you can prepare a very simple, but at the same time quite popular drink “Night Black Dancer”.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 30 ml of balm;
  • 7 ml of lemon juice;
  • "Cola" - 60 ml;
  • blackcurrant syrup - 15 ml.

Pour all components into a shaker and mix well. A drink is served in a martini glass, lime slices or cocktail cherries are used for decoration.

Cocktail with Balsam

How to combine with the rest of alcohol?

  1. In the vastness of our homeland, such a combination is rarely used. It came to us from the West. And the recipe is quite simple and useful to those who do not like vodka in its purest form. It is enough to drop a few drops of balm into a glass of fiery water, and its taste and aroma will immediately change for the better.
  2. This trick can be cranked up with almost any alcohol. One has only to start experimenting - and the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Like a cure

  1. Balm "Old Kashin" is used as a remedy for the treatment of digestive disorders. Moreover, it is an excellent remedy for colds and nasal congestion.
  2. In order to increase tone and strengthen immunity, balm is an indispensable tool.

In chronic diseases, you need to consult a specialist before drinking strong alcohol. Do not forget that balm is a strong alcohol, and you need to be extremely careful when using it.

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