"Cavinton": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions for the Cavinton and Cavinton Forte preparations. Reviews about medicines are of interest to many. What kind of medicine are these?

Cavinton is a highly effective drug that is used to improve blood circulation in the brain. The mechanism of its action is directed to the expansion of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in the oxygen saturation of tissues, and in addition, to an improvement in the absorption of glucose. The described medicine is recommended to be used only on medical advice, since there is the possibility of undesirable effects.

The composition of the drug

According to the instructions for "Cavinton", its active substance is vinpocetine. The pharmacological category of drugs is drugs that affect cerebral circulation.

Cavinton and Cavinton Forte formulations

Cavinton is produced in tablets of 5 milligrams, which is the standard dosage of the drug. One package usually contains fifty of these tablets.

In accordance with the instructions, Cavinton Forte is produced in the amount of 10 milligrams. Thus, this type of medication is characterized in that it contains a larger volume of the active ingredient in one tablet. It cannot be stated that the effectiveness of this option is higher than that of the usual Cavinton. A drug in a dosage of 5 milligrams can easily cope with its task, when the enhanced form causes adverse reactions.

As the instruction indicates, Cavinton injections also happen. There is a solution for intravenous injection. It is produced in ampoules of 2.5, and 10 milliliters. In one package there can be five or ten ampoules.

Pharmacological effects of the drug

Due to the use of the Cavinton preparation according to the instructions, blood flow in the arteries that nourish the brain may increase. While taking this medication, they expand. Along with this, the ability of brain tissue to utilize glucose with oxygen can also be enhanced.

cavinton forte instruction

As a result of increased clearance in the blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure may occur. The therapeutic effect of the drug is explained by an increase in serotonin metabolism in nerve cells of the brain. The consequence of this is the relaxation of smooth muscles along with increased mobility of red blood cells and blood thinning.

Now we will figure out in which cases this remedy is prescribed for treatment.

Indications for use

As the instruction to Cavinton informs us, the medicine presented is recommended for use in the field of neurology and psychiatry for the treatment of diseases that are associated with worsening of the blood vessels in the brain. The medication is also used if there are memory impairments, and in addition, the medicine is used against the background of multiple sclerosis, when the head hurts due to high blood pressure. The following diseases are also indications for the use of this drug:

  • The presence of angiospastic disorders of the structure of the arteries of the choroid of the eye.
cavinton forte instruction reviews
  • In the presence of eye diseases developing due to vascular damage.
  • With secondary glaucoma.
  • With pathology of the macula associated with its degeneration.

Also, the drug is actively used in otolaryngology for the treatment of certain diseases of the inner ear.

cavinton 10 mg instruction


As the instruction indicates to Cavinton injections and tablets, there are the following contraindications to the use of this drug:

  • It is prohibited during pregnancy.
  • In the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are accompanied by a deterioration in the general health of the patient. For example, with coronary heart disease, heart rhythm disturbance, and so on.
  • Against the background of uncontrolled arterial hypertension or hypotension.
  • With reduced vascular tone.
  • With intolerance to the ingredients that make up the drug. In particular, lactose intolerance.

There are also some few restrictions on the use of this medicine. For example, according to the Cavinton instructions, ampoules cannot be used for subcutaneous administration and it is forbidden to combine it with Heparin.

Instructions for use

"Cavinton" in tablets is prescribed to adult patients three times in one pill. The course of treatment is at least two months; in some situations, a longer treatment is required. After the main manifestations disappear, the drug is prescribed in a maintenance dosage equal to 5 milligrams, that is, one pill per day. Usually, after four days, patients notice a significant improvement in their state of health.

According to the instructions, "Cavinton Forte" is enough to take one pill three times. For this drug, the duration of therapy does not exceed, as a rule, one month. If there is a need to cancel the medicine, then in order to prevent undesirable reactions, it is necessary to reduce the dosage in milligrams slowly, starting from 10. The instruction to Cavinton confirms this.

The Cavinton solution is used in the presence of acute disorders in the nervous system. For example, a drug for stroke is indicated if there are no signs of cerebral hemorrhage. The drug is administered dissolved. The ratio is as follows: 10-20 milligrams of the main component per 1000 milliliters of sodium chloride. It is necessary to administer Cavinton drip, and if necessary, repeat the infusion, but no more than three times. In the future, the patient is transferred to oral forms of the drug.

The Cavinton solution can be used to treat a child or for babies to prevent seizures. Typically, the medicine is prescribed for children up to a year, based on body weight: 20 milliliters of the drug is administered per kilogram. This daily dosage must be introduced into the body in a solution of five percent glucose. After three weeks of such therapy, the patient is transferred to tablets.


If the recommended doses are exceeded, a sharp decrease in pressure often develops in the bloodstream. This may be the cause of a life-threatening condition, which will be accompanied by loss of consciousness. With caution, you need to use "Cavinton 10 mg." The instructions also contain information about side effects.

Side effects

Among the undesirable effects, the following adverse reactions are most often observed:

  • The digestive system can respond with dry mucous membranes, heartburn, or nausea.
  • Probably a change in pressure along with redness of the skin of the face and other parts of the body. Rhythm disturbances in the form of increased heart rate, phlebitis and extrasystole are not ruled out.
  • The nervous system can respond with drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, and headache.
  • Other undesirable effects may be allergic phenomena on the skin.
  • Perhaps increased sweating.

Instructions and reviews to the "Cavinton" confirm this.

cavinton comfort instruction

Interaction with other medicines

It was found that the use of the drug with alpha methyldopa causes a pronounced hypotensive effect of this medication on the body. There is also incompatibility with Heparin. You can not enter the parenteral form of the drug "Cavinton" in one bottle with a solution containing amino acids.

During pregnancy

Given that the active substance can penetrate the placental barrier, Cavinton is forbidden to enter women during pregnancy. There are exactly the same restrictions for the period of feeding the baby: the active component of the drug easily penetrates into the mother’s milk after sixty minutes from the moment of administration of the drug.

With alcohol

It is not recommended to use the presented drug together with alcohol, since it is likely that all kinds of undesirable reactions will develop against the background of such a combination.

This is indicated in the instructions.

Analogs of "Cavinton"

Absolute analogues are limited to only one drug in the form of “Vinpocetine”. What is their difference, and which of these drugs is better? I must say that there is no fundamental difference between them, but Vincocetin is several times cheaper than Cavinton or Cavinton Comfort. According to the instructions, "Cavinton Comfort" is a medicine that improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain. The composition contains the same vinpocetine. Thanks to it, metabolism and cerebral blood flow are improved, and also a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of the blood.

It copes with post-traumatic / hypertensive encephalopathy, vascular dementia, ischemic stroke, vertebrobasilar vascular insufficiency, cerebral arteriosclerosis, chronic vascular diseases of the retina and lining of the eye, Meniere's disease, perceptual hearing loss, tinnitus.

cavinton 10 instruction

Cavinton Comfort is taken orally after administration. Tablets can be dissolved. The pattern of use is determined by the doctor. On average, 30 mg is taken per day (1 tablet three times a day). The therapeutic effect will be noticeable a week after the start of treatment.

Also, instead of Cavinton, for the treatment of the same spectrum of diseases, you can use Phenotropil along with Nootropil, Vazobral, Actovegin, Fezam and Cytoflavin.

cavinton instruction analogues

Shelf life

Depending on the format of the release, the expiration date of this drug may also vary. The oral form of the medication can be stored for up to five years. As for the solution, it needs to be used in a shorter time - three years. This medicine is sold only with a prescription.

special instructions

Given the fact that the oral form of this drug contains lactose, if patients have intolerance to such a component, it is recommended to limit the intake of the drug presented. Or in this case, you can switch to the parenteral administration format.

Patients with diabetes should definitely limit the introduction of a solution of this drug, since sorbitol is included in its composition. When using this form of medication, it is required to regularly monitor the amount of glucose in the blood plasma. Cavinton in the form of a concentrate cannot be used for those patients who have fructose intolerance.

The cost of the drug

The cost of the described medication in Russian pharmacies usually ranges from two hundred to three hundred rubles. On average, the cost of "Cavinton" with a dosage of 5 milligrams and "Cavinton Forte" is 230 rubles. As for the ampoules, their cost is approximately equal to 250 rubles. And the price of one ampoule is 24 rubles.

Next, we find out what people who have had occasion to use it for their treatment think about the Cavinton preparation.

cavinton tablets instruction

Reviews of doctors and patients about the drug

Reviews of patients about the drug "Cavinton" for the most part are positive. The effectiveness of this medication has been repeatedly clinically proven. It is worth noting that this tool is included in the standards of treatment of many diseases that are accompanied by brain malnutrition.

On the Internet there are a lot of positive reviews of patients who used Cavinton Forte to treat menopausal syndrome, when various neurological manifestations appeared against the background of the disease.

Doctors also leave good reviews about this drug. Experts note that Cavinton is very effective in the treatment of speech and hearing impairment.

People write that this drug lowers blood pressure very quickly and also relieves headaches. Patients also like the fact that this drug is quite inexpensive. In addition, consumers report that taking Cavinton helps them with weather dependence.

But one can not fail to mention the fact that among the comments there are dissatisfied reviews in which patients complain of the appearance of nausea and dizziness. A considerable number of various contraindications scare away consumers.

Thus, in general, it can be said that patients are satisfied with the use of this drug for treatment. It is noted that the drug "Cavinton" is actually very effective, but, like other medicines, causes some side effects.

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