If your head hurts, which pill to drink: a list of inexpensive and effective headache medicines

Migraine and headache occur for various reasons. Sometimes this is a natural result the next morning after a party, and sometimes a symptom of a dangerous chronic disease. Headache: which pill is best to drink? The choice depends on the individual characteristics of each person. In this article we will look at the most popular pharmacy painkillers.

Causes of Headache

Distinguish between primary and secondary headache. Primary is not a concomitant symptom, but a separate, independent disease. The main problem in this case is the pain itself. Secondary headache is a symptom of chronic latent disease, which provokes migraine or sharp pain in the temples, neck.

A painful headache accompanies infectious diseases, constant intoxication with alcohol. It can often be triggered by poisoning (both poisonous substances that enter the body from the outside, and produced by the body tissues themselves). Common causes of headaches are atmospheric pressure, weather changes, chronic stress, depression of various etiologies, starvation and strict diets, hypoxia, sunburn or hypothermia. Causes in one way or another disrupt cerebral circulation and the metabolism habitual for the functioning of the brain.

What medicines to choose?

If your head hurts, what pills can you drink to help yourself? First of all, try to determine the cause of the discomfort. After that, choosing the optimal drug will be much easier. In the vast majority of cases (95%), patients have a primary headache, and only in 5% of cases a secondary headache.

Hangover syndrome

What symptoms should be screened for?

In the cases described below, you should contact a neurologist or therapist:

  • throbbing pain of a sharp nature in the temples;
  • drawing pain of a painful nature in the back of the head;
  • a feeling of heaviness and tingling in the orbits, eyebrows;
  • a feeling of numbness in the neck, shoulder girdle at the same time as constant migraines;
  • heavy nosebleeds accompanying migraine;
  • if the headache begins in the very early morning and a night’s sleep has no effect on it;
  • in parallel with migraine, nausea, vomiting, short-term loss of consciousness occurs.

All these symptoms are characteristic of various serious diseases. So osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, arrhythmia, hypertension, organic brain damage can manifest itself.

How to treat headaches?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

This is a huge group of pharmacological drugs with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

If my head hurts badly, what kind of pill should I drink with atmospheric pressure drops? The following representatives of the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will have a quick analgesic effect:

  • Piroxicam and its derivatives;
  • Meloxicam
  • Nimesil;
  • Celecoxib.

It should be noted that all these drugs have a high toxic effect on the kidneys, affect blood coagulation. With regular use of them as an anesthetic, the development of urinary tract pathology is possible, which will eventually lead to chronic renal failure. Pregnant women and children are prohibited.

Headache drugs

Antispasmodics for headache

The principle of action of antispasmodic drugs is to reduce vascular tone and muscle relaxation (muscle relaxation). As a result of this, the manifestations of migraine are significantly reduced or it completely disappears. The effect occurs within twenty minutes after taking the pill. Here are the most popular antispasmodics for those who are looking for which pill to drink if they have a headache:

  • Drotaverinum;
  • No-shpa;
  • Halidor
  • "Papaverine".

You can combine antispasmodics with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, in this case, a toxic effect on the kidneys is possible. Contraindications to taking antispasmodic drugs are heart failure, chronic liver disease in the later stages, arterial hypotension, and individual intolerance to the components. What pills can I drink when my head hurts often and severely? You can try the effective No-Shpa remedy.

Antidepressants for Migraine

If the headache is caused by a psychosomatic condition or organic lesions of the brain, then nootropics or antidepressants come to the rescue. This is a class of strictly prescription drugs that can be bought at a pharmacy only as directed by a doctor. The most common of these drugs: Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Stimuloton, Mexidol, Cerebrolysin, Sertraline, Piracetam, Cinnarizine.

In some cases, taking such psychotropic drugs is the only way to get rid of the constant migraine that poisons the patient's life. Before taking a consultation with a doctor.

Migraine Medications

Headache Analgesics

Perhaps the most popular means among the people. They have not only excellent anesthetic properties, but can also lower the temperature. It can be used for flu and colds.

  1. Aspirin is sold in tablet and effervescent form. People with diseased kidneys should opt for pills. But if the liver "junk", it is better, on the contrary, to prefer an effervescent form of release.
  2. Paracetamol is a powerful analgesic and antipyretic. Its main disadvantage is a strong toxic effect on internal organs. With an overdose, a fatal outcome is possible. But if the patient is in a situation where a headache from a hangover hurts, which pill to drink in this case? A single dose of paracetamol is quite acceptable.
  3. Citramon is a popular analgesic popular since Soviet times. Due to its caffeine content, it has an invigorating effect. Able to relieve even the most severe headache within fifteen minutes.
  4. "Mig 200" - a modern publicized analgesic. Effective, but the cost for it is slightly inflated due to the constant rotation of advertising of this tool on television and radio. After taking the pill, the headache subsides within ten to twenty minutes.
Headache treatment

What headache pills to take during pregnancy?

"Interesting position" automatically eliminates for women most of the analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to their high toxicity. What pill to drink if a pregnant woman has a headache ?

The ideal option in this case is No-shpa or Drotaverin. The dosage of the drug and the duration of its use can be prescribed only by your doctor. Despite the almost complete safety and low toxicity of such drugs, they are banned in a number of countries for use by pregnant women. The main reason for this is the assumption of a possible relationship between excessive use of the drug and problems with a delay in the development of the child. However, if you comply with the dosage and use the medicine only with an intolerable headache, there should be no problems.

You should refuse to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for headaches during pregnancy. Due to the high toxic load on the kidneys, dehydration and the development of infections in the tissues of the urinary system are possible, which will negatively affect the embryo.

Migraine Remedies

How to get rid of a headache without pills?

Here are some effective tips to help alleviate your condition without resorting to pharmaceutical technology:

  • make a light massage of the temples with your fingertips, alternating with strong pressure with a light stroking;
  • to stretch the muscles of the neck with the help of rotational movements of the head alternately to the sides;
  • drink hot strong tea (preferably black) with a plentiful addition of granulated sugar;
  • try to go to bed: in the morning, as a rule, there is no trace of a migraine;
  • Eat tight: very often, migraine is the result of starvation or a strict diet in girls;
  • if manifestations of migraine begin in an apartment or office - go out into the fresh air and do breathing exercises to saturate the brain cells with oxygen.
Headache with osteochondrosis

What medications treat hangover headaches the fastest?

Very many men are concerned about the question: if after alcohol a headache, which pill to drink? Here are the top 7 remedies for migraines after a hectic party:

  • Citramon quickly and effectively removes unpleasant sensations and gives vigor for the rest of the day.
  • Due to the effect on the nervous system, analgin quickly stops the transmission of pain impulses. With a hangover, it acts not only as an anesthetic, but also as a mild antihistamine (reduces the toxic effect of ethanol).
  • "Aspirin Upsa" also contains ascorbic acid, which is washed away by alcohol. It is used in the form of effervescent tablets, it should be dissolved in a glass of clean water.
  • "Pentalgin N" is a complex drug based on analgin, caffeine, codeine and phenobarbital. Relieves pain, reduces inflammation, normalizes sleep, has a sedative effect.
  • "Solpadein" is a popular drug for headache with a hangover syndrome. As part of paracetamol, caffeine, codeine phosphate. A powerful tool.
  • Tempalgin quickly and effectively relieves headaches of any etiology. It has been popular with consumers for more than ten years.
  • Paracetamol - can be used no more than once a month to avoid overdose symptoms. It has not only anesthetic, but also an antipyretic effect.

If after a headache beer, which pill to drink? The answer to this question should be found by the patient himself, depending on his state of health. It makes no difference what was drunk - beer or other drinks. If there are no contraindications, it is worth trying to relieve the pain with a citramone tablet. If you need a sedative effect, you can try "Pentalgin N". Now you know the answer to the question, if your head hurts, which pill to drink.

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