The Kingdom of Melpomene: The Comedian’s Shelter Theater in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is still famous for its cultural traditions. Being the cradle of the Russian professional theater, it preserves the theatrical traditions of the past and introduces new, modern trends in European scenography, without slipping into low-grade and consumer goods. Among the many theaters of the city, one of the most popular can be distinguished - "Comedian's Shelter". It will be discussed.


A brief excursion into history

The history of the theater in Russia began back in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov with the creation of the court theater. Peter I and his sister Natalya Alekseevna first made the theater public. In addition, they founded the first theaters on the banks of the Neva: Peter I - the Opera House on the Moika, his sister - in his estate, where Chernyshevsky Avenue and Tchaikovsky Street now intersect. Continued theatrical traditions Anna Ioannovna. It was with her that the Italian was added to the German troupe that appeared in Petersburg under Peter Alekseevich. Ballet and opera began to develop. Under Elizaveta Petrovna, a French troupe was invited to the Northern capital, and on the basis of the Fedor Volkov theater the first staff of the Russian professional theater was formed. In addition to tragedies and fairy tales, comedy appeared on the scene. Under the following emperors, theatrical art continued to develop actively.

After the revolutionary events of 1917, nationalized theaters began to demonstrate the corresponding repertoire. Satire, revolutionary and symbolic work appeared on the scene.

With the formation of the Soviet state, the theater repertoire gradually began to move away from revolutionism and symbolism towards production and patriotic themes, and the classics also returned to the stage.

In contemporary Petersburg theatrical creativity, a variety of themes of the repertoire and staged genres is presented. Interest in conditional, allegorical and symbolic theater is returning again.

Theater story

Theater "Shelter of the Comedian" is relatively young. It was founded in 1987. The idea of ​​its founder, Yuri Tomashevsky, actor and director, was very bold at that time - to create a "one-actor" theater. And his experiment was successful. The theater quickly became popular among the inveterate theater-goers of the city. Yuri Tomashevsky turned to the poetry of the Silver Age. This move was a winning one and unlike anyone else.

In the mid 90's. Viktor Minkov replaced Tomashevsky as Artistic Director and Director of the Comedy's Shelter Theater in St. Petersburg. It was with him that the theater had its own home - on Sadovaya Street, in the very center of St. Petersburg. Since that time, the theater has switched to traditional classical productions with the usual composition of the troupe. And since 2000 , Minkov has been making another modernization. The Comedyant's Shelter Theater in St. Petersburg is starting to function according to a new model: a synthesis of contract European theater and traditional Russian, but without a permanent cast of the troupe.

Scene from the play

The innovative project of Victor Minkov

Theater "Shelter of the Comedian" in St. Petersburg can be attributed to innovative projects in the theatrical life of the city. In addition to the fact that there is no permanent troupe in it, the most vivid and interesting productions of famous directors are presented here for the audience, and the stars of the cinema and theater of today shine on the stage. Someone goes to big names, but most - to high-quality art.

The director is very sensitive to the selection of the repertoire, focusing on a subtle and intelligent critic. In his theater, the best examples of domestic and foreign classics, the best modern plays are demonstrated. And this year, the first ballet production will be performed at the Shelter of the Comedian Theater.

House for the theater

“Minkov’s project” received its premises only in its tenth year of existence. The Shelter of the Comedian Theater settled at 27 Sadovaya Street. This is a corner house with Muchny Lane.

Sadovaya street, 27

In the first half of the 19th century. the two-story building was the property of the merchant Tairov and his heirs. And at the beginning of the 20th century, shortly before the events of 1917, the Ampir cinema, owned by Vladimir Kondratyev, was located in the house . Since 1922, the building housed the state cinema, which changed its name: "Agitator" - "Empire" - "Temp" - "Saturn".

The house where the Shelter of the Comedian Theater is now located in St. Petersburg is quite small in size: only two floors, and the first one is a basement. The facade is divided by a cornice into two tiers. On the ground floor there are rectangular, slightly rounded on top arches - passages to the courtyard. There are no special decorations on the facade. Perhaps, only a frieze under the upper eaves, reminiscent of the console, but a smooth shape of the corner of the facade with rustication. And from the Sadovaya side, the entrance is decorated with a modest portico on thin columns with a triangular pediment.

See who? What to see?

If you had a desire to see theatrical works of your favorite movie actors, such as Daria Moroz, Julia Snigir, Andrey Noskov, Alexander Demyanenko, Zoya Burak, Viktor Bychkov and others, or to get acquainted with the work of amazing directors - Yuri Bergman, Konstantin Bogomolov, Andrey Moguchy , etc. ., that way!

Main facade

Poster "Shelter comedian" is very diverse. The Shelter of the Comedian Theater presents both classical and contemporary plays to the audience. The texts of Marina Tsvetaeva and A. S. Pushkin, Mikhail Bulgakov and Sukhovo-Kobylin, Niccolo Machiavelli and William Shakespeare, Beaumarchais and Rostan, A. Ostrovsky and F. M. Dostoevsky, Alexei Arbuzov and Victor Rozov, etc. are used in his productions. Here You can watch everything from comedy, drama and tragedy to ballet.

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