What can nosebleed come from: possible causes and treatment

Bleeding from the nose occurs quite often in many people. It seems that this is a harmless phenomenon, but this is completely not so. It is important to know exactly what the blood from the nose can come from and how to cope with this problem in order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous pathologies.

If this happened due to minor mechanical damage, which often happens in children, then the situation is not dangerous and the bleeding can be quite simply stopped independently. Unless of course we are talking about serious and dangerous head injuries.

Blood comes from the nose for some reason. If this is repeated often, then this situation requires careful attention and a thorough examination by a specialist. The sooner the provoking factor is established and the therapy is started, the higher the chances of getting rid of the pathology.

Types of blood loss

There may be such types of blood loss as:

  • insignificant;
  • moderate
  • massive.

Minor is characterized by the fact that there is a loss of several milliliters of blood. Such a phenomenon does not pose any danger to health and does not lead to negative consequences. Such a situation can only cause fear.

With moderate bleeding, the volume of leaked blood does not exceed 200 ml. Often with such blood loss, dizziness begins, flicker appears in the eyes, the body weakens, the pulse quickens. In some cases, blanching of the skin and mucous membranes is possible.

Bleeding from the nose

Massive blood loss is characterized by the fact that blood can run in a stream. The symptoms are quite serious: dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, tinnitus, thirst, weakness.

Profuse bleeding is considered the most dangerous. In this case, blood flows in very large volumes. This can lead to hemorrhagic shock, which can disrupt blood circulation, cause inhibition, and even loss of consciousness. In addition, pressure is often dramatically reduced.

Causes of bleeding

If an adult is bleeding from the nose, the reasons for this may be due to external factors and more serious illnesses. In the first case, bleeding can provoke:

  • injuries to the nose;
  • climatic conditions;
  • abnormal structure of the nasal passages.

Quite often, blood can flow due to trauma, which is mainly found in children and athletes. Babies have a rather fragile vascular wall, so even a simple scratching in the nose can provoke a rupture of the vessel. In addition, young children often insert foreign objects into their nasal passages that injure the delicate mucous membrane.

High ambient temperatures and dry air can cause nosebleeds. It can provoke heat stroke. Cold air and sudden changes in temperature also provoke a spasm of blood vessels and an increase in pressure in them.

A curved nasal septum, which may be a birth defect or a consequence of injuries, operations, also causes nosebleeds.

If there is blood from the nose of an adult, the causes may be more serious, and these include:

  • overwork;
  • cold;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Chronic fatigue and frequent overwork, as well as stress and workload at work or school, combined with a lack of fresh air, can cause nosebleeds. Increased bleeding occurs with colds and inflammation of the structures of the nose. Blood with mucus comes out with a strong cough and sneeze.

Causes of nosebleeds

Vitamin C is responsible for the elasticity of the vascular wall. Its deficiency, which occurs due to malnutrition and frequent colds, provokes the discharge of blood from the nose. Quite often after alcohol, blood flows from the nose or after inhalation of cocaine. There are also some diseases that provoke nosebleeds. These include the following:

  • polyps in the nose;
  • hypertension
  • hormonal disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • leukemia, anemia;
  • long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • pathologically poor blood coagulation;
  • allergies, hemorrhagic diathesis.

All these diseases and pathologies can provoke constantly recurring nosebleeds.

Main symptoms

It is important not only to know what the blood from the nose can come from, but also what symptoms accompany this condition. More than half of cases of epistaxis indicate that it is a complete surprise to a person, causing a feeling of fright and confusion.

In addition to the discharge of blood from the nose, signs such as:

  • weakness;
  • prostration;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

Bleeding can be front and back, as well as one-sided and two-sided. Lighter is considered to be blood loss from the front wall of the nose, which occurs due to damage to blood vessels.

First aid

rupture of a vessel

When conducting treatment, it is important to understand exactly what the blood from the nose can come from, as well as how to provide first aid. Initially, you need to sit the patient on a chair, slightly lowering his head so as to ensure a good outflow of blood. If it is difficult for a person to sit in this position, then you need to lay him on the couch, raising his head and turning it to one side.

Provide the patient with fresh air. Put an ice bag on the bridge of the nose. If after some time the bleeding does not stop, you need to squeeze the nostrils for 5-10 minutes. You can’t blow your nose. When liquid enters the mouth, it is important to spit it.

If all these methods do not bring the desired result, then you need to moisten a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide or any other vasoconstrictor, inject it into the nostril and leave until the bleeding stops completely.


To know exactly what the blood from the nose can come from, you need to see a doctor and conduct a diagnosis. This may require laboratory and hardware tests. These include the following:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • coagulogram;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • roentgenogram;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • echocardiography;
  • MRI
  • CT
  • Ultrasound of the head and internal organs.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and exclude hidden pathologies in the body, it may be necessary to examine specialists such as a hematologist, neuropathologist, surgeon, optometrist, and cardiologist.

Treatment features

After conducting an examination, determining the degree and cause of bleeding, as well as what kind of blood comes from the nose, the required treatment is selected. Specialized therapy consists of such events as:

  • tamponade of the nose;
  • taking medications;
  • conducting an operation.

It is recommended to take drugs that improve the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as vitamin C. An important factor is proper nutrition, saturated with useful vitamins.

Drug treatment

If the nose often bleeds, treatment is carried out by cauterization of blood vessels or surgery.


Surgery is rarely used. Surgeons offer such methods of exposure as:

  • moxibustion
  • the introduction of medications;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave exposure;
  • laser coagulation.

Cauterization is the simplest method of treating bleeding. After this procedure, a crust forms, which stops the release of blood. The introduction of drugs into the submucosa is carried out with local bleeding. In the case of frequent relapses of the disease, submucosal cartilage resection is performed.


In case of damage to small vessels of the anterior nasal septum, electrocoagulation is indicated, that is, electric cauterization. Radio wave exposure is distinguished by its effectiveness and safety. This type of intervention has almost no side effects.

With cryodestruction, the mucosa is treated with liquid nitrogen. She is fully recovering. Laser coagulation is safe and highly effective. In especially severe cases, ligation of the great vessels, such as the external and internal arteries, is performed. When there is blood through the nose, treatment should be selected only by the attending physician, depending on the complexity of the situation. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can cause even greater violations.

Nosebleeding in children

Why a child may have nosebleeds from time to time, many parents are interested, since such a condition is worrying. The main causes include blood diseases, in particular coagulation disorders. If the baby’s nose often bleeds, then a doctor’s consultation is required and, if necessary, clinical trials are required. Among other causes of this condition, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • fragility of capillaries;
  • mechanical factors;
  • nasal cavity infections and sinusitis.

The most common reason that the nose often bleeds from a child is the fragility of capillaries. A similar problem can provoke a lack of vitamin C, which is simply indispensable for the formation of tissue that forms the walls of blood vessels. In addition, it affects the strength of capillaries. Vitamin C deficiency refers to triggering factors that lead to vascular damage.

Epistaxis in children

If the child is one year old, blood from the nose can go due to mechanical injuries. These include the habit of inserting fingers or various objects into the nasal passages. In some cases, blood can flow from the nose of a child at night, and this happens for the following reasons:

  • avitaminosis;
  • high pressure;
  • anemia;
  • viral colds;
  • unstable hormonal background;
  • dry air in the apartment.

In infections of the nasal cavity and sinusitis, pus and mucus are formed. This causes vascular damage and, as a result, bleeding occurs.

If blood comes from the nose of a child at night or in the afternoon, then urgent medical attention must be provided and an ambulance must be called, as this can be a sign of very dangerous diseases.

Bleeding during pregnancy

In women, during pregnancy, capillaries become quite fragile. This may be a sign of constant and significant changes in hormone production. Blood is often released at night with a deep slope. Basically, this does not mean a dangerous condition. The problem often appears in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth.

However, if the bleeding is intense, then you need to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. When the nose often bleeds, measures must be taken to prevent preeclampsia, since this complication negatively affects the development of the fetus and can endanger its life.

High Pressure Bleeding

High blood pressure is considered one of the main causes of nosebleeds. You can recognize such a violation by the following signs:

  • throbbing headache;
  • nausea;
  • noise in ears;
  • general weakness.
High blood pressure

Bleeding of the nose, which occurs due to arterial hypertension, is characterized by a long duration. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then it can lead to a rapid drop in pressure and provoke heart failure.

The danger of nosebleeds

Losing a large amount of blood can cause dangerous health complications and anemia. If the vessels of the front wall of the nose are damaged, then often bleeding is not dangerous. When blood loss is profuse or frequent, it is already considered a dangerous sign.


Very important are preventive measures, which are:

  • strengthening blood vessels by taking vitamins;
  • treatment of all available internal diseases;
  • maintaining normal pressure.

In addition, you need to abandon bad habits, provide sufficient hydration of the mucosa, control the quality of the blood.

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