Milk noodles - recipe for large and small

A dish well known and beloved by many is milk noodles. The recipe for its preparation differs little in national cuisines. And it is useful to almost everyone: both children and adults. True, with the exception of those for whom the body does not accept lactose.

By definition, noodles belong to a group of products such as pasta. These products are combined in a single cooking method and the same set of products necessary for this. They differ in size and shape.

From almost any type of pasta: noodles, pasta, horns, stars - you can cook soup under the general name "milk noodles." The recipe for it is the same for all types of these products.

Milk noodles can be thick - this is best served for breakfast, and a soup with plenty of milk is suitable for the first dish. Before making milk noodles, you should decide - what dish do we want to get as a result?

Milk noodles require milk, pasta, salt, sugar available. A thick dish is prepared in the ratio of milk and "noodles" 1: 1. Boil the noodles in a large amount of salted water until half ready. Throw it in a colander. Boil milk, sweeten. Dip the noodles in boiling milk and cook over low heat for no more than five minutes. You can add a little butter or heavy cream to the main set. The preparation of such milk noodles will take no more than 15-20 minutes

Homemade milk noodles, the recipe of which we offer, the dish is not so unpretentious. The noodles are cooked by hand, and this process is quite long. Before you cook the dish completely, you need to make "flat narrow strips of wheat dough" and dry them.

We make the dough from the following products: wheat flour 800-900 grams, one glass of cold water, 5-6 eggs, salt, butter or heavy cream.

We combine raw eggs, water, salt and mix thoroughly. Gradually add flour to this mixture. The dough should turn out steep, but elastic, well mixed. To make it roll well, you need to leave it for half an hour to settle.

We cut the mass of dough into pieces, and roll each piece into thin layers. (The thinner the layer, the tastier the noodles). Sprinkle each layer with flour and stack them on top of each other. Then we cut the layers into narrow strips or strips. Before boiling milk noodles, the resulting semi-finished product must be dried. This can be done quickly in an air grill or in a special vegetable dryer. And under normal conditions, the noodles should dry for at least 3 hours.

We cook the noodles in salted water, discard it still in a colander, then lower it into boiling milk and cook for 5-10 minutes. Add butter or heavy cream.

It must be remembered that the longer the milk noodles are, the thicker it becomes, therefore, milk soup with noodles is not left β€œin reserve”, but is eaten all at once. If there is a lot of cooked noodles and it is well dried, it can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week.

If milk noodles are planned for the baby, the recipe for its preparation is almost the same. The difference is only in the number of products: wheat flour - a little less than a glass, one glass of milk, one egg, a little butter and sugar. In order not to dry the dough for a long time, it is kneaded only on the egg, it turns out very steep and suitable for cooking in half an hour. Many children do not like milk foam, so when boiling noodles it needs to be constantly stirred.

According to the encyclopedic definition, noodles are narrow strips of dough made from wheat flour. But wheat flour is not the only product from which noodles have been and are being made. In ancient Russia, pea noodles were often cooked, Asian cuisine prefers rice noodles, now buckwheat and oatmeal are used to prepare it .

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