Sourdough ciabatta: recipe, product preparation, cooking order

Sourdough ciabatta is simply the perfect base for any sandwiches. Soft porous bread with a thin crispy crust perfectly combines with all kinds of cheeses, herbs, all kinds of vegetables, olive oil and other goodies. In general, sourdough ciabatta can be safely served with both first courses and a cup of sweet tea.


As you know, the most delicious bread is one that is prepared with a soul. There is a huge number of diverse recipes for its baking, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way. But it is precisely the ciabatta cooked in the leaven that is deservedly considered one of the most delicious loaves with an unusually delicate structure.

What is this treat? Ciabatta is a traditional Italian bread with a pleasant crisp, porous, delicate crumb and a thin, unobtrusive sour taste. And thanks to the use of special leaven in the recipe, it turns out even tastier and more delicate.

Features of making ciabatta

It is noteworthy that the Italian ciabatta comes out extremely tasty, regardless of what kind of yeast and flour are used: rye or wheat, bakery or premium, whole grains or bran. With any composition, this delicious bread turns out to be very magnificent, soft and porous.


At first, the process of making traditional sourdough ciabatta may seem extremely long, but in fact it is not. But it is safe to say that the result is definitely worth the time and effort. By the way, to achieve the same effect using ordinary yeast, it takes a lot more power.

Ciabatta - continuous fermentation bread. This forces us to spend a little more time on its manufacture than on ordinary baking. Many culinary experts call ciabatta a whimsical product, but if you strictly adhere to the recipe, baking it with your own hands is very easy. So stock up on all the necessary products and start experimenting.

What you need to make ciabatta

If you decide to bake lush, soft bread with large pores, delicate crumb and crisp, then this recipe is what you need. In addition, ciabatta is prepared much more quickly with leaven, so you can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of fresh pastries much earlier.

So, first, prepare the ingredients for the dough:

  • 50 g of wheat yeast;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • 100 ml of water.

And for the test you will need:

  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Additionally, you will need some oil to grease the pan. By the way, you can completely replace the olive product with a sunflower product if you wish. Just keep in mind that the oil should not have odors.

Oven Fermented Ciabatta Recipe

The first step is to cook the dough. To do this, combine in a deep dish all the ingredients, not forgetting to sift the flour first. When choosing a suitable container, consider that the sponge will increase in volume several times. Having achieved a uniform consistency, cover the bowl with polyethylene and leave it warm for several hours. During this time, the dough should come up and increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Test dough

Now add salt, olive oil and water to the mass. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, then pour the sifted flour here. Take into account the fact that its amount in the recipe is approximate and may vary due to various factors: humidity in the room, gluten and the quality of the product itself. Keep in mind that the mass should not be liquid, wet or too soft.

Knead the dough with a silicone spatula or spoon for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, transfer the mass to a greased bowl. Cover the dough again with polyethylene.

Now the resulting mass needs a fermentation process - it is thanks to it that the finished ciabatta comes out porous and airy. The procedure can be carried out in two ways. The first method involves placing the test in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. A simpler way of fermentation is considered one in which the mass remains warm for only an hour.

Put the prepared dough on a work surface sprinkled with flour. Gently, without strongly squeezing the mass, form a rectangle from it. Then fold the figure with an envelope, carefully knead the dough and stretch it again. As a result, you should get a rectangle. Repeat the procedure a few more times. Only at the same time remember about accuracy, it is very important that air remains in the test.

Cooking Ciabatta Dough

After such a warm-up, return the mass to the greased dishes again and leave it warm for another hour.

After the specified time, repeat the folding cycle again. Do not forget to sprinkle the table with flour so that the dough does not stick to the surface. After that, return the mass to a bowl, cover and leave aside for another half hour.

The final stage

Form a rectangle 3-4 cm high from the pastry dough. Sprinkle flour on top and gently divide it in half. Using your hands, give the workpieces a more attractive shape and carefully place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. In this form, the dough should be about 2 hours apart.

Bake ciabatta with sourdough in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 230 degrees. Moreover, the first 10 minutes, the dough should be steamy To do this, place the container with warm water down the oven, which will gradually evaporate during the heat treatment. By the end of the preparation, the bread will be covered with a beautiful golden crust.

How to bake ciabatta

On this, the ciabatta is ready. Properly prepared bread after compression quickly restores its shape.

Second option

No less popular at home is ciabatta with rye sourdough. Among domestic culinary specialists, it is also popular. And not in vain, because such bread is prepared quite easily, but it turns out incredibly tasty.

For dough you will need:

  • 10 g of active rye starter;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • as much whole grain flour.

And for the test, prepare:

  • 0.4 kg of wheat flour;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 280 ml of water.

Rye sourdough ciabatta recipe

Fill the prepared starter with water, stir so that it is completely dissolved in the liquid. Then add the sifted flour here and mix until smooth. Cover the dishes with polyethylene and leave in the room for 8-9 hours. During this time, the leaven will increase in volume several times.

After 8-9 hours, add flour, water to the dough and leave the resulting mixture warm for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the mass will swell, and the dough will begin to form on its own.

How to cook ciabatta with rye sourdough

Now add salt to the mixture and start kneading. The process should take about 10 minutes. As a result, you should get a fairly smooth, collected dough with a pleasant consistency.

Form a ball from the prepared mass and put it in a bowl oiled. Cover with polyethylene and keep warm for 3 hours. The finished dough will significantly increase in volume and become very porous.


Put the rolled ball on a surface dusted with flour and carefully divide in half. Give the blanks a rounded shape and transfer them to parchment or fabric. At the same time, make a partition between the pieces of dough so that it does not stick together. From above, cover the blanks with a towel so that its top does not dry out. In this form, leave the dough for an hour and a half. During this time, the blanks will increase and become much softer.

Sourdough Ciabatta Technology

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and send the prepared bread into it. Bake ciabatta should be 20-25 minutes before the formation of a golden crust. Cool the finished bread on the wire rack.

A recipe for sourdough ciabatta will certainly come in handy for those who like to delight their family with a variety of goodies.

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