Fat with liquid smoke: recipes with photos

Smoked bacon is a favorite snack for many. How well it goes with fresh bread and a slice of pickles! Immediately wakes up nostalgia for the village, where parents smoked lard in the yard. In the city, it is much more difficult to do, but recipes for fat with liquid smoke come to the rescue. Further in the article we will consider the features of cooking snacks.

excellent smoking

Tastes differ

Not everyone is ready to use an additive called Liquid Smoke in their kitchen. Someone believes that it is harmful and categorically refuses such a practice. Others, on the contrary, cannot eat simply salted lard. It seems raw to them. Everyone has their own view of things. In any case, recipes for lard with liquid smoke will surely find their admirer.

You can be sure that the result will be a delicious product with which purchased lard cannot be compared. In addition, all the ingredients that are used are natural, they can not harm the health of your family members. Liquid smoke itself is used only as an additive for brine and is not consumed in its pure form.

What is liquid smoke?

To dispel your doubts, let's do a little research. Classic liquid smoke is a product of decay of various types of wood. Manufacturers use a special installation that allows you to turn smoke into condensate. All elements that are not soluble in water are taken from it. Namely carcinogens, tar and ash. It turns out the condensation of the resin. That is, the products that they are processed are essentially identical to those that are extracted from a real smokehouse. They also increase the shelf life. Surely there are also chemical flavors with a smell of smoked products on sale. It is possible that the packaging may have other information. In general, everyone’s choice here.

Product selection

The taste of snacks depends not only on smoking. It is important to choose a good, high-quality piece of fat, then the enthusiasm of the home is provided. It must be fresh, with a pleasant smell. It is best to take lard from young pigs that are properly fed. Then cherished layers grow. A thick layer of fat, even if it is followed by an equally stately layer of meat, is not at all like stripes alternating one another.

Pay attention to its color. The lard should be snow-white, and the meat should be pink. If you see gray and yellow shades, then it is better to leave a piece on the counter and go to another store. For smoking in this way, you can take pieces of different lengths and thicknesses. The result will still be excellent.

lard with liquid smoke recipes

Classic cooking

All recipes for lard with liquid smoke begin with the fact that a piece must first be salted. Therefore, a concentrated solution is made. To do this, pour salt into the water and mix well. The concentration is checked by potato or testicle. Dip it in water, if it floats freely, then everything is in order. And if drowned, add more salt. A liter of water will require about 6 tbsp. l Place the lard in the solution and leave for two days. If the piece is large, then you can add another 24 hours.

Move on to smoking

In fact, you have already prepared a semi-finished product that you can eat. But a little more patience - and it will acquire a magical aroma. And the first in line is a home recipe. Fat in liquid smoke is cooked in literally an hour. Add to this time for cooling - and you can enjoy.

Pour water into the pan so that it can cover all the pieces. Add liquid smoke concentrate strictly according to the instructions. On average, about 6 tbsp. Per liter will be required. l Spices, bay leaves and allspice can be added to the water. Place the lard in this pickle and let it stand for 12 hours. But if time is short, you can immediately go to smoking. To do this, put the pan on fire and cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

fat in liquid smoke home recipe


The finished product is immediately removed from the pan. It needs to be dried with napkins and put on a dish. The final touch remains. In a cup, mix chopped garlic, paprika, red pepper and any other seasonings. Now generously rub a piece with this mixture. That's all, it remains only to wait for the complete cooling down and you can try. The aroma is magical, but the taste is even better.

Onion peel option

This is the choice of those who want the product and the color resembled smoked. Indeed, the fat turns out to be tasty and very beautiful, golden brown, as it should be. The proportions are as follows:

  • Fresh lard - 1 kg.
  • Water - 0.5 liters.
  • Salt - 200 g.
  • Onion peel - 100 g.
  • Garlic, pepper, a teaspoon of adjika, a few bay leaves and 10 ml of liquid smoke.

Boil water, add lavrushka, salt, adjika, liquid smoke and onion husk to it. Boil again and place the lard in it. You need to cook for 5 minutes. After that, close the pan tightly and remove for 12 hours. After removing from the brine, the fat should be laid out and dried. Rub it with a mixture of herbs and pepper, then pack it in foil or in a glass jar and refrigerate. Here is such a simple recipe. It is impossible to cook fat with liquid smoke for a long time, otherwise it will have a loose structure and the quality of the product will deteriorate.

fat with liquid smoke cooking recipe

Fat in the air grill

Alternatively, you can use the oven or microwave. It will not be exactly that, but it still looks the same. But in the air grill it turns out just a fantastic appetizer that perfectly fits any alcohol and goes perfectly without it. It is best to choose slices with thick meat veins. It will turn out not only very tasty, but also not too high in calories. And much more interesting than just boiled fat with liquid smoke. The recipe is as follows:

  • Salo - 500 g.
  • Liquid smoke - according to the instructions.
  • Gelatin - 10 g.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Paprika - 2 tbsp. l
  • Head of garlic - 1 pc.

Each piece must be thoroughly washed and dried. In a convenient bowl, mix all the seasonings, garlic, passed through a press. With a mixture, rub each piece well and remove for 12 hours. As mentioned above, this is a recipe without cooking. Lard with liquid smoke will be baked in an air grill, saturated with the aromas of the spices used.

If you pickled lard in the morning, then in the evening you can get it. Brush it with liquid smoke. Dilute gelatin in cold water, add red pepper to it and heat on a stove. Now dip the fat into it for 3-4 minutes. Put apple shavings in the aerogrill and sprinkle with water. Put the bacon on the wire rack and bake for about 3 hours. It turns out rosy, fragrant pieces that will appeal to all family members.

fat smoking liquid smoke recipe


We should not forget that this product is not smoked by all the rules, which means it cannot be stored for a very long time. The difference between cooked and smoked sausage is obvious, here the principle is the same. Therefore, it would be wise to place smoked meats in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Then they will remain elastic and ready for use for a long time.

Judging by the reviews of the hostesses, many smoked fat in this way is not the first year. No one came across signs of deteriorating health, gastrointestinal diseases and other ailments that sometimes frighten us. This is just a convenient seasoning that cannot be called useful or harmful. Therefore, if you want smoked, then do not deny yourself the pleasure. Keep a bottle of liquid smoke on hand and cook for your pleasure.

fat with liquid smoke recipe without cooking

Instead of a conclusion

Recipes of smoking fat with liquid smoke are enough to choose the best one for your family among them. Control the rest yourself. This applies to the amount of pepper and other spices, the method of heat treatment. Be sure to try to cook a budget snack.

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