Simple pizza: recipe and cooking secrets

Pizza is a dish with a long history, and perhaps the time of its invention can be considered the moment when a person first baked a cake. Because then, people very often used it instead of a plate, simply lubricating it with oil and laying out seasonal vegetables.

pizza simple recipe
The first pizza with a recipe for just such a classic dough, which is used in our time, was made in Ancient Greece. Its residents laid out cheese, greens, vegetables on such a cake and only then baked. Other authors award the discovery of this dish to Ancient Rome, the Vikings or the Palestinians, but now all the reins are given to Italy, where in the distant past the Neapolitan poor prepared simple pizza, its recipe was to add tomatoes to the filling to traditional tortillas. On this basis, a classic version of this dish has appeared, but now there are more than a hundred of its varieties. Each chef of a restaurant, and even more so a specialized pizzeria, tries to create his own unique recipe, unique and popular. However, among housewives, simple pizza remains relevant, the recipe of which they borrow in cooking magazines and complement their own ideas.

Home recipe

In the home sphere, this versatile dish is rather an open pie, stuffed with everything that is in the refrigerator. The simplest pizza recipe is prepared in a pan, and literally within 10-15 minutes.

the easiest pizza recipe
This is more suitable for student life or emergency options, when guests, as they say, fall down like snow on their heads. However, outside of hasty cases, housewives prefer a simple and tasty pizza recipe in the oven from fresh puff pastry (you can take ready-made) with the obligatory addition of meat ingredients (smoked meats, sausages and even sausages), tomatoes and cheese. In order not to have to salt it, it is better to lubricate the pre-rolled and cut round round layer with a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise. Next, evenly spread thinly sliced ​​sausage, then similar or chopped tomatoes in the form of cubes, and on top - greens and grated cheese. It should be remembered that, although this pizza is simple, its recipe requires a generous portion of this important sour-milk product, because, depending on its quantity, all other ingredients will be kept on the test. This dish will be baked for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Readiness can also be determined by the mouth-watering smell of cream cheese spreading in the kitchen.

Salami Pizza

simple and delicious pizza recipe
One of the traditional options served in restaurants is Salami. This pizza is simple, the recipe of which is available even for amateur chefs. It will only require smoked meats, olives, two varieties of cheese (parmesan and mozzarella), onions, bell peppers, basil and tomato sauce. It cooks even faster, 15-20 minutes, thanks to quickly baked products in the filling. So, for this pizza you first need to grease the dough with sauce, then grate both types of cheese on top , put the salami in circles, between them - thin pepper bell peppers, finely chopped onions and sprinkle mozzarella again.

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