Varicose veins - a disease of the veins, accompanied by a loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in the length of the veins. There is a swelling and distension of the vessels, during the reverse outflow of blood, a malfunction is observed, the veins become crimped. In certain parts of the vessels, nodes are formed in the form of swellings. It was they who gave the name of the disease. "Varicose veins" from Latin - "knot". We will analyze the risk factors and treatment of varicose veins in the article.
The disease can affect the rectum, spermatic cord, but most often varicose veins occur on the legs. According to statistics, a quarter of the world's adult population are susceptible to varicose veins. And mostly women suffer from this disease. The first signs of varicose veins usually appear at a fairly young age, when a person is still active. It is approximately 30 to 40 years old.
Consider the main risk factors and treatment for varicose veins.
- A person may have a predisposition to the disease. It is expressed in the weakness of the valves of the vessels, which is associated with defects in the connective tissue structure. Therefore, varicose veins are often inherited, usually from mother to daughter.
- Provoke the disease can child bearing and childbirth. As the fetus develops, it slowly pinches the veins located in the abdominal cavity. This provokes a violation of blood flow, the legs become "heavy." At the hormonal level, changes occur that cause thinning of the vessel walls. At the time of birth, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs, veins increase, the load on the venous apparatus becomes enormous. Statistics confirm that varicose veins in 30% of women begin precisely during childbirth.
- We continue to analyze risk factors and treatment of varicose veins. Difficult outflow of blood often occurs with a long stay on the legs. Therefore, people in such professions as waiters, salesmen, teachers, hairdressers, surgeons are at risk. But a constant sitting position also brings great harm to blood circulation. Therefore, office workers, managers, drivers, accountants, etc., suffer from varicose veins. Bad habits aggravate the situation: sitting with the legs crossed, bending one or both legs under oneself.
- People whose activities are associated with weight lifting are susceptible to varicose veins. These include movers, athletes, builders, etc. The risk arises from increased abdominal pressure when lifting weights. People who spend a lot of time in the fitness rooms during heavy training can also gradually develop varicose veins.
- Treatment for varicose veins of the legs is often required by women taking hormonal contraceptives.
- Puberty, menopause, pregnancy - the reason for thinning of the walls of blood vessels, as there is a hormonal restructuring of the body.
- Elderly people are also at risk. They have varicose veins due to hormonal imbalance, age-related changes in blood vessels, circulatory disorders. Additional factors causing varicose veins include constipation, chronic cough, obesity, and wearing tight shoes and clothes.
How to get rid of varicose veins? First of all, you need to contact a specialist. A phlebologist treats varicose veins. There are several methods to completely remove the affected vessels.
- Sclerotherapy. A special drug, sclerosant, is injected into a vein. It acts on the walls of the vessel like cement - sticks it together. Blood movement continues through healthy veins.
- Laser Therapy An analogue of sclerotherapy. The difference is that piercing is not performed with laser therapy. The laser does a gluing job right through the skin.
- Venectomy An operation in which veins are removed from the body. Currently, this method is rarely used in phlebology. After surgery, a person wears compression underwear for 2 years.
- Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. Man helps nature itself. Now this method is widely used. He has established himself as one of the most effective.
So, we examined the risk factors and treatment of varicose veins. If there are signs of varicose veins, consult a doctor - he will advise on the issue of treatment and further prevention.