In this article, we consider the instructions for use and analogues for the Anvifen preparation.
It is a nootropic drug designed to improve brain functionality through the normalization of intracellular and metabolic processes. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on blood flow. βAnvifenβ has an antiplatelet effect on the optimization of microcirculation, and therefore the resistance of blood vessels decreases. These properties of the drug contribute to improving the memory of the patient, accelerate and stabilize sensory-motor reactions, increase the concentration of attention. The drug is able to minimize vasovegetative symptoms, increase motivation, normalize the patient's well-being.
Instructions for use with Anvifen are very detailed.
Dosage Forms
The drug is available in the form of capsules made from hard gelatin. The capsule lid has a blue color in different shades, each of which corresponds to a specific dosage of the drug. This provides convenience when using and determining the required amount of medication. In the capsules is a granular powder having a white, yellowish-white or yellow color. Capsules of 10 pieces are packed in a contour blister. A standard cardboard box holds 5 blisters and instructions for using the medication. Anvifen contains various excipients, depending on the dose of the main substance in the medicine.
Below will be presented instructions for use with Anvifen (50 and 250 mg).
Composition and description
The main active ingredient in the composition of the medication is aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride . Each hard capsule gelatin capsule may contain the main component in a dosage of 25, 50, 125 and 250 mg. Anvifen has a positive effect on the functionality of brain tissues due to the ability to improve blood circulation in them. The course administration of the drug helps to optimize mental and physical indicators, normalize memory, improve the accuracy and speed of sensory-motor reactions.
βAnvifenβ allows you to reduce the feeling of anxiety, anxiety, tension, without exerting a depressing effect on the central nervous system, so that taking the drug is not accompanied by muscle relaxation. Along with the main active component, Anvifen at various dosages contains such auxiliary substances as titanium dioxide, purified water, food gelatin, yellow quinoline dye, blue diamond dye, dye azorubine, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, hyprolose, lactulose.
Anvifen is on sale in this packaging. One box of medication can include 5 blisters of 10 capsules, (as well as one to three blisters with the same number of capsules). Each box has instructions for using the medication.
Pharmacological group
According to the instructions for use, "Anvifen" is a drug of the group of nootropics and psychostimulants. The tissue is distributed instantly and after 3 hours is excreted from the body. Most of the active component is metabolized in the liver, excreted by the kidneys, spreads throughout all body tissues, penetrates the blood-brain barrier. The resulting metabolites of the drug do not have pharmacological activity. When it enters the brain, the substance remains active for up to 6 hours. The percentage of active substance penetrating into the brain is greater in individuals at a young and old age than in people of middle and childhood.
Indications for use
As indicated by the instructions for use, "Anvifen" is actively used in monotherapy of mild conditions, as well as as a prophylactic. Treatment of severe psychoemotional conditions and withdrawal syndrome involves taking the drug as part of complex therapy with medicines.
In adult patients, "Anvifen" is indicated for use in the following cases:
- Asthenic syndromes.
- Somatovegetative disorders.
- Prevention of motion sickness.
- Psychopathological disorders.
- Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
- Depression and insomnia, which is accompanied by sleep disturbance in the elderly.
- Functional disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
- Anxiety state.
- Dizziness, headaches.
The drug is actively used in the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. "Anvifen" in this case contributes to the relief of emerging psychopathological and somatovegetative disorders.
To use "Anvifen" in the treatment of children under three years of age is not recommended. Starting from 3 years, the medication has been used for the treatment of tic, stuttering, enuresis, Meniere's disease, neuritis due to impaired psycho-emotional state. It is also effective in combating symptoms of anxiety and anxiety, impaired lability of motility, delayed development of motor memory, asthenic syndrome.
Take a medication during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Anvifen.
Anvifen is absolutely contraindicated for children under three years of age, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of individual sensitivity and allergic reactions to any substance in the composition of the drug.
Anvifen is relatively contraindicated in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with acid disorders. This is due to the ability of the medication to provoke the formation of erosion and ulcers on the surface of the intestinal mucosa and stomach.
Dosage and administration
It is necessary to select the dosage of the drug "Anvifen" individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the age of the patient, the preventive and therapeutic goals of its use.
For adults, the drug can be prescribed for three times a day for 250-500 mg. Some conditions suggest a slightly different dosage:
- When treating withdrawal symptoms, the patient is prescribed three times a day for 250-500 mg of Anvifen. Additionally, 750 mg should be taken immediately before bedtime. The dosage is gradually reduced to a standard intended for adults.
- In the treatment of Meniere's disease, the patient should take 250-500 mg three times a day. The duration of treatment in this case is two weeks.
- Prevention of motion sickness and motion sickness involves a single dose of the drug an hour before the trip in a dosage of 250-500 mg. It is important to remember that after the onset of symptoms, taking Anvifen will be ineffective.
The use of the drug in complex therapy involves the preliminary familiarization of other means used by the patient in order to prevent the development of negative consequences.
This is stated in the instructions for use with Anvifen.
For children, the drug is used in courses lasting 2-3 weeks. Taking into account the pathological condition, children aged 3-8 years are shown to receive the drug three times a day in a dosage of 50-100 mg, children 8-14 years old - in a dosage of 250 mg, older than 14 years old - in a dosage of 250-500 mg. In this case, the maximum allowable daily dose of medication should not exceed 2,500 mg.
Side effects
According to the instructions for use and reviews, Anvifen has a fairly limited number of side effects. They occur most often only at the initial stage of taking the drug. The central nervous system can respond to treatment with manifestations of gloom, irritability, anxiety, and overexcitation. The occurrence of drowsiness, apathy, dizziness and headache is not ruled out. If the patient is allergic to any component of the drug, its administration can provoke allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, redness of the skin, urticaria and itching.
You should be especially careful when using Anvifen (250 mg).
Instructions for use do not end there.
Interaction with other drugs
Anvifen is able to prolong and cumulate the therapeutic effect of antiexudative and antiparkinsonian drugs, sleeping pills and antipsychotics. With extreme caution, it is necessary to carry out a parallel intake of "Anvifen" and opioid analgesics.
The drug has a number of analogues in terms of its effect. Among them:
- Nootropil. Included in the group of nootropics, is an analogue of "Anvifen" in the therapeutic group. In pharmacies, it is presented in the form of a solution for oral administration, capsules, tablets, ampoules.
- Amilonosar. Nootropic drug of domestic production. Available in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of tablets. The analogue of "Anvifen" according to the pharmacological group. It has a tranquilizing, antiplatelet, antioxidant, psychostimulating effect.
- "Phenibut." Structural analogue of Anvifen. As the main active substance, like Anvifen, it contains aminophenylbutyric acid. It may differ in the composition of additional substances, it costs much cheaper.
- "Noofen." A complete analogue of Anvifen. Release form - capsules.
Information on analogues does not contain instructions for use with Anvifen.
In Russian pharmacies there is a wide variation in drug prices. It can cost from 174 rubles to 542 rubles. Thus, the average price is 301 rubles.
Reviews about "Anvifen"
Doctors' reviews about "Anvifen" are quite rare, as experts prefer to conduct personal consultations and do not get tired of repeating that the selection of the drug should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the body of each patient individually.
Due to the permissible use of the drug in the treatment of children, parental reviews are often found. In the bulk - positive. However, it is often noted that when taking the drug, side effects appear. Nevertheless, the drug is effective in treating children, and the right dosage will avoid possible harm.
We reviewed the application "Anvifen" instructions for use and reviews of doctors.