In children, pimples and rashes on the mucous membranes appear much more often than in adults. This is explained quite simply: the immune system is not yet sufficiently developed. What can lead to such a problem as white acne in the child’s tongue, and how to deal with it? Let's try to find answers to these questions in this review.
So, why can a child have acne in the tongue? The first thing that comes to mind is skin diseases of an inflammatory nature, most often provoked by disorders in the sebaceous glands. But such tissues are completely absent on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. It is wrong to call acne pathological rashes on the cheeks, tongue and palate.
Whitish pimples
What are they like? Small acne on the tongue in a child can form during the separation of the mucous membrane and the accumulation of fluid under its upper layer. Typically, such rashes are formed during mechanical damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The appearance of bubbles on the mucous membrane can also be a manifestation of a viral or bacterial infection. The content of pimples is usually transparent. If the vesicle formed in the tongue begins to turn white, this may indicate a secondary infection. Bubbles begin to burst as they develop. In their place, quite painful sores appear.
Reddish pimples
What should you pay attention to first of all? Quite often there are cases when red acne appears on the tongue of a child.
This may occur as a result of:
- Violations of the integrity of blood vessels when exposed to damaging factors. Drops of blood fall into the contents of pimples.
- A local inflammatory reaction leads to an increase in the size of the taste buds on the surface of the tongue.
With the advanced stage of the disease process, the child may feel pain and discomfort in the area where the rashes appear.
Small watery pimples
Why are they formed? White acne on the tongue in a child can appear under the influence of pathogenic factors.
These include:
- Damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity by foreign bodies. Children under the age of one year often pull various objects in their mouths. In older children, the presence of injuries in the oral cavity may be due to biting the tongue and cheeks during meals.
- Candidiasis. This fungal disease can affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. A characteristic feature of the rashes in this case is the presence of a cheesy whitish or yellowish coating. As the disease progresses, it can spread. If it is removed, then redness and sores will become noticeable on the surface. At the same time, a rather unpleasant odor comes out of the mouth. The immunity of a child is usually quite weak, so Candida fungus easily affects the body.
- Stomatitis. With this bacterial lesion of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the appearance of a large number of small white pimples in various areas is often observed. Rashes are rather painful. Children with this disease usually speak little and refuse to eat because of severe pain. Rashes can form quite extensive areas. The general well-being of the child can also be poor, body temperature rises. The chronic form of the disease is easier and is accompanied by minor pain and burning in the sites of ulcers.
- Herpes of the first or second type. A clear sign of the disease is the appearance on the inner surface of the cheeks and tongue of transparent small vesicles. These pathological rashes quite quickly open independently. In their place, painful sores appear. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the infection can spread to the throat and provoke a herpetic sore throat. The most severe disease occurs in infants.
- Bacterial tonsillitis. Infection, accompanied by the appearance on the tonsils and root of the tongue of whitish pimples with a touch. For a sore throat of this type, a pronounced pain syndrome is characteristic. It is difficult for a child to swallow, so he can refuse to eat. The disease is quite severe. The child may have a fever, the lymph nodes swell.
- Scarlet fever. Causes the appearance of bright red spots in the tongue. In this case, a rash can occur not only on the mucous membranes, but also on the skin. The disease is usually accompanied by fever.
Other causes of acne
What else can provoke rashes? Acne on the tip of the tongue in a child may appear due to such an unpleasant disease as glossitis or, more simply, inflammation of the tongue. Taste papillae with the development of the pathological process become inflamed and increase in size. In appearance, they begin to resemble white and red acne. The cause of the disease may be mechanical damage to the soft tissues of the tongue, as well as dysbiosis and poor nutrition.
Acne on the root of the tongue in a child can be the result of an allergic reaction. Such rashes can be accompanied by itching and the appearance of painful sensations. In this case, the general condition of the child remains normal. Such an allergy can be caused not only by food products, but also by oral hygiene products.
Do not try to independently determine the reason why a child has a pimple in his tongue. Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist. First, the doctor will diagnose. For this, in addition to visual inspection, a laboratory examination may be required.
Regardless of the type of pathology, complex treatment should include:
- Regular treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic compounds. A 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine and an aqueous solution of Furacilin are best suited for this purpose.
- An exception to the diet is foods that could lead to an allergic reaction in a child.
- Drink plenty of water to remove toxins from the body as soon as possible.
- To relieve pain, it is recommended to treat the affected areas with ointments with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.
How to treat language formations in infants?
What is the therapy in this case? If this problem affects a baby, then all procedures should be carried out as carefully as possible. The baby's oral cavity should be regularly treated with an antiseptic solution. Hands should be washed thoroughly before doing so. The doctor may also prescribe medication. Their type will depend on the type of infection that led to the disease. If the acne in the child's tongue formed as a manifestation of stomatitis or bacterial tonsillitis, then a course of antibiotic treatment will be required. If a herpes infection was diagnosed, then you will definitely have to take antiviral drugs. This will speed up the healing process. With candidiasis, the doctor will prescribe antifungal medications.
When treating with antibiotics, probiotics are always prescribed. Without them, the baby is likely to experience complications such as candidiasis or dysbiosis. These diseases can lead to the reappearance of a rash on the tongue.
In no case do not try to squeeze pimples on the tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth. This can lead to infection and exacerbation of the disease.
The use of folk remedies
What to do if the child has inflammation in the oral cavity? Acne in the tongue can be completely cured using folk remedies.
The most common of them are:
- Rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
- Antiseptic treatment with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda is taken in a glass of water).
- Lubrication of damaged areas with peach oil: this tool promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous membranes.
Gastrointestinal diseases
Improper nutrition and taking antibiotics can cause dysbiosis. One of the manifestations of this disease is whitish acne in the child’s tongue. Photos of such cases will help to conduct a preliminary diagnosis of the disease. Rashes are usually painless. In some cases, a change in taste may be observed. Also, in a small patient, hypersensitivity to cold and hot dishes is recorded.
First of all, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of the disease that caused the appearance of acne. The doctor is likely to recommend a review of the diet and undergo treatment with drugs for dysbiosis.
Nutrient deficiency
If acne appeared on the tongue in a child, this may be due to an insufficient amount of B vitamins. Usually in this case, the baby's tongue is covered with small pimples. Rashes do not cause any concern. They do not itch and do not hurt. Eliminate the problem will help taking complexes containing vitamin B12 and iron.
The appearance of red pimples on the sides and on the root of the tongue can signal a lack of vitamin A. This symptom is usually accompanied by dry mouth. The kid will feel a general malaise. Vitamin A or fish oil supplementation can help eliminate symptoms. Also, experts recommend revising the diet.
Preventative measures
One of the most common causes of rashes in the oral cavity is a violation of personal hygiene. It is important to explain to your child how to brush your teeth and process your tongue. Teach him to rinse his mouth with antiseptic solutions or decoctions of medicinal herbs. To prevent the development of stomatitis and other inflammatory processes, decoctions of chamomile or yarrow are well suited. Make sure that the baby does not pick up foreign objects in his mouth. Also explain to the crumbs that fingers should not be licked. Visit your dentist regularly. The child should not be afraid of these visits. Try to exclude acidic, salty, spicy and sweet dishes from the diet.
Remember, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Compliance with the basic rules of hygiene, maintaining immunity and a balanced diet are the three main components that will protect your child from diseases that cause discomfort in the oral cavity.
What to do if acne in a child appears in the tongue? In any case, a qualified doctor should deal with the treatment of this pathology. He will be able to diagnose and accurately establish the cause of the disease. Most likely, the baby will be prescribed complex therapy, which includes both local treatment of the affected areas, and medication. The appearance of whitish spots on the tongue can be caused by bacterial or fungal infections. A common cause is also an allergic reaction. To protect your child from such problems, try to comply with all hygiene requirements, pay attention to the diet of crumbs and take all possible measures to strengthen his immunity.