Cooking cherry plum jam with stones according to two recipes

plum jam with pits

The southern edge of our vast country is rich in all kinds of fruits and berries, which are not so easy to find in other areas (in the summer they are, but imported). Cherry plum can be safely attributed to them - one of the plum varieties that is very fragrant, sweet or sweet and sour, depending on the variety. This berry is not only tasty, it is also useful. So if you want to get the benefit with pleasure, then you should include it in your diet - you have a good supply of vitamins and minerals. And what a wonderful cherry plum jam (with and without seeds) can be prepared! In winter, a jar of such a treat will be a real treasure!

If you are a supporter of the "fast and tasty" rule, then you hardly want to bother with pulling the seeds out of these fruits - this is not easy. Therefore, it is better to simplify your work and prepare whole berries: the taste will benefit from this. There will be two recipes. First, consider how to cook cherry plum jam in the classical way, and then try a more piquant option.

First, prepare the necessary ingredients. There will be few of them:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1-1.3 kg;
  • "lemon" - a little (to taste).

how to cook cherry plum jam

Rinse and sort out the fruits so as not to get spoiled. We shift the plum in a large bowl. From the indicated amount of sugar and water we cook the syrup, with which we pour the berries. It is better to do this directly at night (and immediately cook in the morning) or stand for about 6 hours. Cherry plum jam is prepared at intervals: keep it on the fire for no more than 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, then stand again for 6 hours and boil again. Repeat this time. 3. If the bubbles on the surface of the jam begin to stray to the center, then it is ready. And the result should be the following: clear syrup and whole cherry plum berries. Now you can sterilize the jars, lay out the blank and roll up. The most important thing is to resist the temptation and not to gobble up the stock before the winter.

Cherry plum jam with stones is also prepared with the addition of other components. So, for example, this berry is perfectly combined with star anise. This spice is very similar to anise in aroma and taste and is used in the preparation of various products, including chicken and vegetables, for flavoring liquors and even chewing gum. We will add it to our cherry plum jam. With bones, again, we will not bother, we leave the whole berry.

making cherry plum jam

First, take half the lime, cut it into slices (here you can remove the seeds) and blanch in half a glass of water for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that its peel becomes softer. Next, we pour 1 kg of cherry plum with sugar (500 g) and leave for 2 hours so that the berries let the juice go. After which we put on a slow fire, add the same amount of sugar, 3-4 star anise and lime. Bring the jam to a boil, and then cook until tender for about 20 minutes. Pour into prepared jars in hot form and close with lids.

Cherry plum jam with stones, prepared in this way, will appeal to lovers of spices. Its aroma is delicious, and the taste is very pleasant, with sourness and light bitterness from lime. By the way, yellow cherry plum is better for the first recipe, and purple for the second. Each of them is tasty and interesting in its own way. Try both!

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