Antibiotic "Clindamycin": instructions for use

Antibiotics are often perceived by illiterate patients as an undeniable evil. Many of them do not even suspect what danger they might be exposed to if these rescue drugs were not available to doctors. Those infections that used to kill hundreds and thousands of unfortunate people today do not even occur in real life. One of these tools will be discussed below. The drug "Clindamycin", the instructions for which are covered in this article, is prescribed to patients quite often. It can be attributed to universal antibiotics or to broad-spectrum agents.

Forms of release and properties of the antibiotic "Clindamycin"

The instructions for each drug include standard sections. However, they are often made up for each form of release of the drug separately, therefore, the patient cannot fully understand the drug. Let's try to describe such options for the release of the drug โ€œClindamycinโ€: gel, tablets, injection.

White, yellowish or creamy gel has a characteristic, but weak smell, is available in tubes of 20 g.

The solution for injection is produced in ampoules, packed in cardboard boxes with the inscription "Clindamycin."

Tablets or capsules have a two-tone shell, packaged in blisters one at a time in a cardboard box. The total number of capsules in the package is 16 pieces.

The active substance of the drug "clindamycin" is clindamycin phosphate.

The properties of the drug are based on the ability of the active substance to disrupt protein synthesis in the cells of several categories of bacteria. The list of infections for which the drug is effective is quite wide. Among them are staphylococci and streptococci, gram-positive microaerophilic cocci, anaerobes, clostridia and other bacteria.

Indications for the use of the drug "Clindamycin"

The instructions given by the author in this article cannot be the basis for uncontrolled use of the product. Antibiotics are always prescribed by your doctor. Such precautions are associated with a number of contraindications, as well as a wide list of possible negative consequences that may occur with the illiterate use of the drug.

Clindamycin gel is used for bacterial vaginosis caused by the activity of certain microorganisms, against which clindamycin phosphate is effective. Creams and gels are prescribed to women after a series of tests.

Capsules are prescribed to patients if they have the following diseases:

  • infectious skin lesions;
  • infectious diseases of the motor system;
  • mucosal lesions;
  • respiratory tract infections ;
  • peritonitis;
  • and other diseases associated with the activity of a number of bacteria.

Injections are prescribed for:

  • infectious lesions of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • infections of the skin, joints, muscle and bone tissue;
  • urogenital infections;
  • dental diseases;
  • otitis media;
  • abscesses;
  • septicemia;
  • endocarditis.

On the recommendation of a doctor, the drug "Clindamycin" can be used in other cases.

Contraindications, side effects of the drug "Clindamycin"

The antibiotic instruction published by its manufacturer contains the following information about contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • age up to 1 month.

The manufacturer warns of the need for constant medical monitoring when using the drug in patients with ulcerative colitis, myasthenia gravis, lesions, and kidney or liver failure. Only in exceptional cases is an antibiotic prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.

Among the side effects of the antibiotic Clindamycin, the instruction calls:

  • gastrointestinal tract disorders associated with partial death of beneficial microflora;
  • disorders of the NCC in the form of headaches, loss of conduction of neuromuscular fibers;
  • violation of blood composition and normal blood formation;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • allergies
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • superinfection.

With the rapid introduction of intravenous collapse can be observed.

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