First aid for respiratory arrest. First Aid Instructions

Unforeseen circumstances can often take a person by surprise. And in order not to get confused, one must always be in a state of so-called “combat readiness”. First aid for stopping breathing - what it is, when and how to provide it correctly and what you should not forget about - everyone should know about it.

first aid in respiratory arrest

Main reasons

What can cause this condition? What are the causes of respiratory arrest? So, doctors say that they occur most often in the following cases:

  • In case of electric shock.
  • In case of drowning.
  • With a strong blow.
  • During acute poisoning of the body.

In this case, it is important to remember that irreversible effects in the body after respiratory arrest occur within five to six minutes. So even before the arrival of rescue vehicles or an ambulance, the patient must provide first aid. After all, such simple manipulations can save a person's life.


Cardiac arrest and breathing are characterized by the following symptoms, which can determine the presence of this problem:

  • Dilated pupils.
  • Lack of pulse. It must be remembered that you can "listen" not only to the carotid, but also to the femoral arteries.
  • Lack of breathing. You can check it by bending your ear to the nasopharynx of the patient. Or you can simply put a mirror on your nose. If it is not fogged up - the person does not breathe.
  • The condition of the skin. They become wax-pale or acquire a bluish tint.

first aid instruction

Rescuer Actions

There is a special instruction for first aid. It is very important to observe it, because this is the only way to provide real effective help. The order of its implementation should be as follows:

  1. A man needs to be taken outside. Or provide clean fresh air through windows, doors.
  2. The victim must be laid on his back, tuck the roller under his neck. This is important, because the patient's head should be slightly thrown back.
  3. First aid for stopping breathing is to release the airways from excess fluid (vomit, water, mucus). In this case, you can use gauze napkins.
  4. Next, put gauze on the victim’s mouth. This is the preparatory stage for artificial respiration. Previously, the lower jaw of a person needs to be slightly advanced.
  5. Direct artificial respiration.
  6. It is important to accurately note the time of respiratory arrest, as well as the beginning of recovery.

However, first aid in stopping breathing is a call to the ambulance service. After all, only specialists can do everything necessary to bring a person back to life.

mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration

Respiratory Techniques

It is also worth noting that the following methods of ventilation are available (i.e., artificial respiration):

  1. This is mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. It is it that is used most often.
  2. Sometimes artificial respiration called mouth to nose is used.
  3. Use of auxiliary means: rubber bags with a mask, respirators. However, such equipment in difficult situations at hand is extremely rare.

respiratory arrest

Respiratory Technique

How to carry out correctly and what should be done if artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing is to be done? So, for this there is a simple list of actions, the correct result of which determines the result of the work done.

  • Initially, you need to open your jaw. You can do this with your hand or with a wand. It is also important to pull out the sunken tongue from the larynx. He will have to hold his fingers outside. This is a special precaution, because if this is not done, a person can use his tongue to block his own airways. And all further manipulations will be simply ineffective.
  • If there is a risk that the victim may have a damaged spine, his head should be in the primary position. Otherwise, the person should be lifted by the neck so that the head goes a little back and turns sideways. This is necessary so that the remnants of water or vomit come out, and not get into the body.
  • It must be remembered that the mouth of the victim is best covered with a scarf. After all, with artificial respiration, direct contact with the human mucosa occurs. And this is unhygienic.
  • Next, the rescuer is on the side of the victim, falls to his knees. Covers his nose with his fingers. In the lungs, the one who provides assistance draws a lot of air and exhales it sharply into the mouth of the person being saved. Due to the elasticity of the chest, its movements will be visible.
  • The inspiration takes a couple of seconds. The number of breaths per minute is approximately 12-15 times. It is important to ensure that the chest is raised. Otherwise, all actions will be ineffective.
  • It must be remembered that after each breath, the victim must open his nose. Artificially pumped air should exit.
  • If first aid is provided when breathing is stopped, it must be remembered that after inhalation, a heart massage is necessary. This is important, because these two conditions (respiratory arrest and heart function) are most often inseparable. To do this, the chest with medium strength should be pressed five times in a row.
  • You also need to remember that it is necessary to free the stomach of the victim from air. To do this, lightly periodically press on it.
  • If artificial respiration is carried out using the “mouth-to-nose” method, air must be inhaled into the victim’s nose. In this case, his mouth should be tightly closed. All other actions are the same as described above.

causes of respiratory arrest

If a child is injured

First aid instructions for children are slightly different. In this case, when inhaling air, not only the lips, but also the nose of the victim should be clasped at the same time. Heart massage is also somewhat different. In order not to break the bones of the chest of the baby, he needs to press with two fingers on the connection area of ​​the lower ribs. It is also important to ensure that the child’s pulse is at least a little rhythmic. Well, if it will be 10-12 beats in 10 seconds.

If the victim still regains breathing after the manipulations, this is not a reason to relax. In this case, before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to monitor the pulse of a person. You need to check it every two minutes. If a malfunction occurs, artificial respiration and heart massage should be repeated again.

You can make motion data for as long as necessary. It must be remembered that such simple actions can save the life of the victim.

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