Papillomas on the genitals: causes, consequences, treatment

Today, HPV is quite common, it causes, including papillomas on the genitals. In general, more than one hundred types of this virus are now known. These neoplasms deliver not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also tend to be injured, inflamed and become malignant. They grow especially rapidly during pregnancy, can interfere with childbirth and contribute to the occurrence of neoplasms in the larynx of the baby.

Genital papillomas usually have the appearance of genital warts. They appear near the anus, on the labia, perineum in women, on the penis - in men. They are also found in the urethra, vagina, cervix, bladder. Basically, they become infected through sexual contact with the virus, but domestic infection is not excluded.

The reason for the appearance of genital warts is HPV 11 and 6 types. They are classified as low oncogenic, since they rarely cause cancer. The 16 and 18 types are much more dangerous, they provoke a malignant process on the cervix. They are classified as highly oncogenous species. These types are the most common, although genital papillomas cause several dozen varieties of HPV.

When they appear in the urethra, urination may be impaired, pain may occur. If there are neoplasms in the vagina and on the neck, then discharge, itching and bleeding during and after sex are possible.

Usually the appearance of papillomas occurs months after infection. Their number and type can be very diverse. Sometimes the virus does not manifest itself for a very long time, and for the first time warts appear when the immunity is weakened.

Unfortunately, this often happens during pregnancy. This is due to suppression of immunity at this time and with a change in hormonal levels. Moreover, under these conditions, they can grow very rapidly, reaching large sizes. Often, condylomas themselves disappear after childbirth. The question of whether to remove papillomas on the genitals during pregnancy is decided by the attending physician.

However, it should be borne in mind that they can interfere with childbirth, provoke bleeding and contribute to inflammation. In addition, the baby may be infected when passing through the genitals. This will lead to the appearance of papillomas in his larynx.

However, indications for caesarean section are neoplasms of only large sizes, overlapping the birth canal. They more often occur in patients with immunodeficiency.

The opinion of experts is such that the genital papilloma should be removed. Today this is done both surgically, for example, using a laser, and cauterization using various drugs. Categorically you can not deal with their removal at home on their own.

With the appearance of such neoplasms, you should go to the gynecologist, urologist or venereologist. More often after removal they no longer appear, although relapse is possible. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antiviral and immune drugs.

It is important to understand that HPV has settled in the body forever, it is completely impossible to get rid of it. With any weakening of the immune system, papillomas can appear again. However, competent therapy will help to reduce the number of relapses and their severity to a minimum.

Removing all moles on the body is impractical, and experts do not call for this. However, an indication for the elimination of any neoplasms is their rapid growth, damage and being in dangerous places. The genitals are just one of them, since there is a high probability of a malignant process and trauma.

Examination and PCR are used to diagnose HPV. Smears from the cerical canal, urethra, vagina, and other material are examined. However, in the latent course of the disease, the analysis may be negative even if the virus is in the anogenital region.

Women with HPV need to constantly visit a gynecologist. Be sure to make a smear annually on atypical cells and colposcopy. Cervical cancer today is well treated with timely detection.

So, the papillomas on the genitals should be removed, although in rare cases they pass by themselves. If you do not get rid of them, then cancer is possible. In addition, they are often damaged and inflamed in this area. Condylomas tend to appear and grow rapidly during pregnancy. They can interfere with childbirth and contribute to the infection of the baby.

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