How to make cutlets juicy and magnificent: tips

How to make cutlets juicy and magnificent? Surprisingly, this dish, familiar to everyone from childhood, can be prepared in many ways. This article will show you how to make homemade meatballs tender and literally melt in your mouth.

How to make cutlets juicy and magnificent

Minced meat

To cook this dish according to the classic recipe, you will need to take: pork and beef in equal proportions, add onion soaked in milk, bread, salt and pepper to them. However, professional chefs, and with them amateur cooks, cook cutlets not only from meat, but also from poultry, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. Often they are baked in various sauces, come up with a variety of fillings and add various spices. Meat cutlets will be more useful for the figure if you remove potatoes and bread from their composition. To prevent the taste of the finished dish, add mashed raw vegetables, greens, chopped forest mushrooms or fried onions instead.

Little secrets

Experienced housewives experimentally establish how to make cutlets juicy and magnificent. Try the tips tested by time:

  1. Always cook the minced meat yourself - you can never guess what components the products purchased in the store consist of.
  2. Especially soft are cutlets made from pork tenderloin.
  3. Mixed minced meat dish will be more tender. For example, you can combine pork, chicken, beef, turkey.
  4. For softness, you can add two or three tablespoons of sour cream to the prepared meat.
  5. Instead of bread soaked in milk, put a couple of tablespoons of raw mashed potatoes.
  6. Try diluting the minced meat with a little hot water.
  7. Instead of filling, put a small piece of butter in the patty.
  8. To add splendor to the dish, add a little soda to the meat.
  9. You do not know how to make chicken cutlets juicy? Try not to chop the meat in a meat grinder, but chop it with a knife.
  10. Of great importance is also the method of preparation of this dish. For example, if you use hard meat for minced meat, then you should not fry it in oil. It will be better if you make cutlets for a couple or bake them in the oven.
    How to make soft cutlets

How to make meat patties

The recipe for this amazing dish is not much different from the classic cooking option. However, changing some points, you will understand how to make cutlets juicy and magnificent:

  1. Put three slices of a dried long loaf without a crust in a bowl and soak in milk.
  2. Peel two onions, finely chop and fry in a pan until golden.
  3. Mix 500 grams of mixed minced meat with one yolk, soaked bread and fried onions. Products must be thoroughly mixed by hand, and then salt and pepper. To make the finished dish tastier, beat the minced meat by throwing it in a bowl.
  4. Beat one protein with a mixer until a thick foam and mix it with the meat mass.
  5. Form elongated cutlets from minced meat, roll them in flour and quickly fry in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. When the cutlets are lightly browned, transfer them to the preheated oven and bring to readiness.
    how to make chicken cutlets juicy

How to make minced chicken cutlets

Fans of diet foods always take a creative approach to diversify recipes and make them more delicious. Everyone knows that chicken cutlets are often obtained from beginner cooks dry and tasteless. If you have not solved this problem, then read our recipe and find out how to make chicken cutlets juicy:

  1. Mix the prepared minced chicken breast (600 grams) with grated cheese (200 grams), grated onion (one head), chopped parsley and dill, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and salt. All components should be mixed well with each other.
  2. Form round meatballs from the resulting meat and fry them in a pan under a closed lid until cooked. Do not forget that chicken cutlets are cooked faster than meat.

To make minced chicken cutlets, you can use the method described below.

how to make homemade meatballs

Juicy cutlets with vegetables

  1. Soak three slices of dried white bread in milk.
  2. Grate onions and potatoes (one at a time) on a fine grater, chop two cloves of garlic with a knife.
  3. Mix vegetables with minced chicken breast (700 grams), bread and one large egg. Season the minced meat with spices (you can take "Italian herbs"), salt and black pepper.
  4. Form the patties and fry them in a pan on both sides.

How to make cutlets juicy and magnificent? To do this, we advise you to prepare the sauce:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of potato starch (with a slide) with one tablespoon of tomato paste.
  2. Pour boiling water over the mixture and warm in a separate bowl over low heat for several minutes.
  3. Cut a large tomato into a cube, chop three cloves of garlic, and tear the basil with your hands. Stir all the products a little hold in a pan.
  4. Pour the patties with sauce and let them stand for about ten minutes.
    how to make meat patties

Chopped poultry diet cutlets

To prepare a low-calorie, but hearty chicken or turkey dish, carefully read the recipe below:

  1. Cut the chicken breast or turkey breast (700 grams) into a cube, mix with one egg and one spoonful of whole grain flour (ground bran can be taken instead). Stuffing with salt, pepper and season with your favorite spices.
  2. Form the patties with your hands and place them on a baking sheet previously covered with baking parchment.
  3. Bake the dish until cooked in a preheated oven.

How to make chicken cutlets soft? First of all, try not to dry them while cooking. To make the dish even more juicy you will help the sauce, which is made from sour cream, herbs, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Serve hot cutlets with it, and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables and olive oil for garnish.

Make minced chicken cutlets

Cutlets with vegetables and cheese

This recipe will tell you how to make soft meatballs with an unusual and piquant taste:

  1. Chicken fillet (500 grams) and one sweet bell pepper cut into pieces.
  2. Cheese (300 grams) and zucchini (200 grams) grate.
  3. Mix all the foods and add one egg, a couple of spoons of whole-wheat flour (or bran), pepper and salt to taste.
  4. Form the patties and bake them in the oven on parchment without adding oil.

Juicy Nests

These original meatballs will surprise fans of hearty and delicious dishes:

  1. Make minced meat from pork and beef (800 grams), mix it with one chicken egg, add a couple of tablespoons of fiber, salt and pepper.
  2. For the filling, take one large tomato, 150 grams of cheese and a bunch of fresh dill. Grind and mix all the products.
  3. Roll a small ball out of the minced meat, make a recess with your fingers and put the filling inside. Put the finished nests in a glass form and send to bake in the oven until a golden crust appears. This dish can be served with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables.

How to make chicken cutlets soft

Lush pork cutlets

You do not know how to make cutlets juicy and magnificent? Try to practice this recipe:

  1. Mix home-made breadcrumbs (120 grams) with sour cream (250 grams) and add 150 ml of cold water to them.
  2. Mix 700 grams of minced pork, finely chopped onions, one egg, sour cream, salt and pepper in a large bowl.
  3. Put the minced meat in the refrigerator for ten minutes.
  4. Form cutlets, bread them and fry on both sides. To prevent the cutlets from burning out and baking well, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. In a few minutes the family dinner will be ready.

Fish cakes

Properly prepared minced fish dishes are as tasty as meat dishes. In addition, fish is a very useful product, and nutritionists are strongly advised to include it several times a week in their menu. How to make soft cutlets:

  1. Take 500 grams of thawed fish fillet and mince it. If you wish, you can also use a blender or food processor.
  2. Mix the resulting minced meat with finely chopped onions, two chicken eggs, one mashed boiled carrot, salt, pepper and seasoning for fish.
  3. Blind small oval cutlets with your hands and fry them in a pan until cooked. The dish can be served with mustard or sour cream sauce.

When you learn how to make tasty and juicy meatballs, guests will often praise your culinary talents and never give up the proposed supplement. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and learn new ways of cooking dishes familiar from childhood.

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