Why does the nose hurt inside when pressed?

Many people know the feeling when the nose hurts inside. In most cases, such an unpleasant sensation occurs with rhinitis. But not only this cold sign is the cause of pain. In fact, there are a large number of them.

If the nose hurts inside when pressed, then this indicates that there is some kind of inflammatory process, since almost all the nerve endings of the organ are concentrated in its internal part. And all sorts of provocateurs act inflamed on the nasal mucosa, which, in turn, is accompanied by the occurrence of pain. Sometimes the patient cannot determine with confidence the place where the disease develops.


If the slightest signs of discomfort occur, you should not make a diagnosis on your own, because only a specialist should do this. When the nose hurts inside, what to treat, the doctor will prescribe after he carefully examines the patient and determines the real cause of the pain.

sore nose inside

The causes of these discomfort can be such diseases:

  • rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic sinusitis.


With rhinitis, the process of inflammation provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, due to which there is a constant secretion of mucus from it. There are two types of this disease:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

sore nose when pressed

Excreted mucus bears a constant inconvenience. For this reason, treatment like a not-so-serious catarrhal symptom should be taken responsibly, rather than hoping that it goes away on its own.

In allergic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa inside hurts, because the constantly released mucus and sneezing irritate it. Worst of all, when the allergen is present regularly and it is extremely difficult to avoid it. For example, at work.

With hypertrophic rhinitis, the shell in the nasal cavity is slightly deformed. This may be due to poor environment, cancer, adenoids. Most often, with such a disease, the tip of the nose inside hurts when pressed. In addition, there are rhinitis of a specific nature that occur with diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

the nose tip hurts inside

At first, the disease is painless. Although at this time, destruction occurs in the tissues of the bones and nerve endings die. The pain occurs even when the nasal septum is very difficult to save.


With sinusitis, pain and discomfort are observed in the maxillary sinuses. Due to swelling of the nasal cavity, mucus secretion occurs with difficulty.

sore nose inside sore

This enhances the inflammatory process and provokes stagnation in the sinus, leading to the occurrence of pain. Pathology is best expressed in the morning.


If chronic sinusitis is observed, then the nose hurts inside when the disease worsens or with huge physical exertion that provoked overwork. In addition, the following symptoms are also observed:

  • general weakness or malaise;
  • body temperature rises slightly.

In this case, you need to urgently consult a specialist to prescribe adequate treatment, which should be based on antibiotic therapy. Each of these diseases requires special treatment, which is aimed at ensuring that all possible complications do not occur.

Other reasons

Why does the nose hurt inside, especially if you press a little? Considering this topic, several diseases provoking this symptom can be distinguished:

  1. One of the main is considered sinusitis. Since it can be one-sided and two-sided, during inflammatory processes, pain when pressed occurs both on the one hand and on the other.
  2. Herpes is the next in pain. Perhaps not everyone knows that this type of disease manifests itself not only on the lips, but also in the nasal cavity. Most often, it can be observed at the tip of the organ, less often on the wing.
  3. A boil resembling an abscess, but at the same time accompanied by pain.
  4. Injury can cause pain even at the slightest touch.

If the tip of the nose inside hurts, then this indicates that some disease affects the internal epithelium of the nasal cavity. This can happen for various reasons. These include:

  • herpes, when not only the external side of the organ is affected, but also the internal;
  • a disease with the manifestation of acne, which can occur on the nasal wings;
  • furunculosis, characterized by increased redness;
  • with burns or frostbite.

If you experience pain in this area of ​​the nose, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed for a long period. Since this will help to avoid many diseases associated with impaired immune system.


In some cases, a slightly different picture of the course of diseases affecting the organ is observed. When the nose inside hurts, the sores arising from this bring a lot of discomfort. This disease is called streptoderma. This phenomenon proceeds as follows. At first, redness appears on the skin. After that, a bubble filled with liquid appears. When it bursts, the mucous membrane remains naked. Now it is a wonderful window into the body for various infections.

This area dries up in a fairly quick time, but at the same time it is accompanied by severe itching, which provokes scratching the damaged area, especially in this case children can not restrain themselves. Then the infection, under the influence of an ongoing disease, can spread throughout the body. This disease can be transmitted through contact with the patient. So at the first signs it is worth contacting a specialist in order to protect not only yourself from complications, but also those around you from infection.

Vascular inflammation or abnormal lifestyle

Sometimes, when the nose inside hurts, it can be triggered by inflammatory processes of blood vessels. This is due to the fact that a person leads an incorrect lifestyle, eats foods that adversely affect the body, as well as abuse of bad habits.

Pain in the nasal cavity when pressed can be triggered by the improper use of pharmaceuticals, which in most cases people use to treat, for example, rhinitis, on their own. Applying them for a long time, they do not take into account the fact that it is absolutely impossible to do so. As a result, the nasal mucosa either grows or dries up. And this will lead to complications in the form of atrophic or hypertrophic rhinitis.


But there are such cases that the nose hurts inside, and the reason for this manifestation is not clear. In addition to discomfort, no more symptoms are observed. In this case, pain occurs not only in the nose, but also gives into the eyes, ears, forehead, teeth.

sore nasal mucosa inside

Such sensations are referred to as symptoms of neurological diseases. This mainly refers to inflammatory processes that spread on the nerves. With neuralgia, pain appears depending on which nerve is damaged.

In this case, treatment should be supervised by a specialist. The neurologist will first eliminate the source of the disease using medications or physiotherapy. If such manipulations do not give a positive result, then resort to surgical intervention.


A disease such as ganglionitis can provoke pain in the nasal cavity. It refers to the viral. It is characterized by the spread of pain not only in the nose, but also from the temples to the shoulder joints. At the same time, it can be either sharply arising or cutting.

Charlin's Syndrome

Burning pains in the nasal organ are characterized by Charlin's syndrome, which occurs due to inflammation of the nasolacrimal nerve. Attacks of discomfort most often occur in the evening. In addition, they can last from a couple of minutes to several days.

See a doctor

If the slightest signs of pain occur in the nose, then it should not be allowed to drift, just like you should not do anything yourself.

why does the nose hurt inside

This will save not only from complications, but also from the occurrence of other pathologies. It is worth noting that without prior consultation with a specialist, you cannot use traditional medicine recipes. This can not only cause an allergic reaction, but also affect the patient’s well-being.


Why pain occurs inside the nasal cavity, the otolaryngologist must determine, of course, if this is not a consequence of the injury, when you need to consult a surgeon.
To make a diagnosis, the specialist is primarily interested in the general condition of the patient and what changes he feels in his body. After that, with the help of a rhinoscope, examines both the external and internal parts of the nose.

inside the nose hurts than to treat

For a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor may still prescribe additional studies:

  • endoscopy;
  • roentgenography;
  • CT
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI

With more suspicious symptoms, a biopsy or bacteriological analysis of the mucus may be performed to clarify the diagnosis.

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