Many often met with a situation when the face turns red in the cold. What to do if your skin begins to redden in cold weather?
Our face in the cold season is subjected to serious tests. When we go outside from a warm room, the skin undergoes a sharp change in temperature. A person in the cold can often become covered with red spots, streaks of capillaries appear. Under the influence of wind and precipitation, the skin dries quickly, begins to peel off, itching appears. The intensity of such manifestations on the face depends on how close the vessels are to the skin, on the condition of your skin and the body as a whole. The face reddens from frosty air , what to do in this case and how to protect it from the negative effects of the cold?
If your face often turns red when going outside at a low temperature, what should I do and what medications can I use? As a rule, in such cases, injections of nicotinic acid are prescribed, as well as ascorutin, aevit. However, the use of these drugs should only be after consultation with a specialist dermatologist, since the dose of the drug in each case is selected individually.
A very important moment when the face reddens in the cold, what to do with facial skin care, should I use makeup?
Remember that in the cold season, your skin needs nourishment and protection. Therefore, before going out, be sure to apply nourishing cream on it, of course, but in no case use moisturizers. You can powder your skin with loose powder. Try to cover most of your face with a scarf, a hood from wind and snow.
As a means of increasing the skin's resistance to the negative effects of cold, use nourishing masks, especially if by nature it is dry. As ingredients for the mask, you can use sour cream, vegetable or butter, sour milk. It is recommended to apply such masks in the evening, before going to bed for 15-20 minutes. Nourishing creams will become an indispensable tool in facial skin care for the winter season.
What to do if the nose turns red in the cold? After all, even on this subject there is a well-known saying: frost is a red nose. To reduce redness, try wiping your nose with a warm decoction of linden flowers. Only you need to do this not just before going out, but at least an hour earlier.
As a tool that will help temper the capillaries of the skin of the nose, try using contrasting compresses. As the basis of such compresses, you can use a decoction of chamomile. You need to do this procedure in the evening before going to bed, alternating cold and hot compresses every 10 minutes.
In the cold, your face constantly burns. What to do in this case? It is possible that all unpleasant redness of the skin in the cold, accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, headache, are manifestations of an allergy to frost. In this case, you should consult a specialist, since an allergy to cold, as a rule, signals some disturbances in the body as a whole, and a weakened immunity. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to undergo a full medical examination. Be sure to visit an endocrinologist to check the correct functioning of the hormonal system of the adrenal gland and pituitary gland. Do not delay the examination, because allergies are a serious disease that must be treated with all responsibility.
Well, as a preventative measure against the occurrence of such troubles in the cold season, we advise you to temper, dress warmer in the cold, do not forget about hats, exclude coffee, spices, alcohol from the diet. If you follow all these rules, you can avoid unpleasant sensations.