Peptic ulcer (Simanovsky-Vincent) is a special type of purulent tonsillitis, which is extremely rare in modern medical practice. This is due to the lowered contagious activity of the pathology. That is, this type of tonsillitis is practically not contagious. In addition, the development of pathology requires the coincidence of several provoking factors.
Young people are most susceptible to the disease at the time of a decrease in resistance to negative environmental factors. This is especially true of vitamin deficiency, exhaustion and various oncological diseases.
Causes of ulcerative-filmy sore throat
This ailment appears as a result of active reproduction of special spindle-shaped spirochetes and bacilli. These pathogens of peptic ulcerous tonsillitis are classified as saprophytes that live in the human oral cavity. Malicious bacteria begin to show activity amid weakening of the body’s protective properties resulting from various diseases, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, and bad habits, such as dependence on alcohol or drugs.
Pathology has an infectious origin and affects mainly the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx. To the category of diseases dangerous to health include ulcerative-filmy tonsillitis. The photos presented below reflect all the unpleasant symptoms that a person experiences.
In medical practice, there are quite a few cases when the pathology was detected in patients with periodontitis, caries and other dental diseases that contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, we can conclude that dental problems may well become a prerequisite for the development of ulcerative-film tonsillitis.
The clinical course of the disease
The course of the disease has a number of characteristic features, thanks to which it is possible to recognize sore throat at an early stage. Let's consider some of them:
- Latent onset of the disease. The patient may complain of discomfort when swallowing and a slight sore throat. In the future, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced.
- Asymmetry. As a rule, the pathology is localized on one amygdala. Bilateral lesion is much less common.
- Changes in the oropharynx. Tonsils are covered with a specific film, which is easily removed with a cotton swab. Under it, sores are found, sometimes bleeding.
- The general condition of the patient is satisfactory. There are no symptoms of intoxication.
- In advanced cases, necrosis can spread to adjacent tissues. Sometimes the tongue and gums are involved in the process.
- Bad breath.
In the vast majority of cases, on-time therapy leads to complete recovery.
At the initial stage of development of ulcerative-filmy tonsillitis, the following characteristic symptoms appear:
- Discomfort while swallowing.
- Sore throat.
- Soreness of small intensity, reminiscent of a cold.
The film on the tonsils may be grayish or pale yellow in color. The color of the plaque resembles the remains of a stearin suppository, and the spots themselves can also cover the front arch of the tonsils. The film is surrounded by an inflamed edge. After removing the film, you can see many ulcers with clear edges. They are usually yellow in color.
Symptoms and treatment of ulcerative-film tonsillitis are interconnected.
If the disease lasts for a long time, the ulcers penetrate deeper and acquire a shape resembling a crater. If timely therapy is not carried out, deformation of the tonsils can affect deeper tissues, penetrating inside. Sometimes the disease spreads to the mucous membranes of the tongue and gums and even captures the periosteum. Sometimes the disease also reaches the tongue.
The lymph nodes
Lymph nodes can be slightly enlarged against a background of ulcerative-film sore throat and cause slight discomfort. Bad breath is like rotting. A concomitant disease of this type of angina in every tenth case is diphtheria. If you do not carry out the treatment, the lymph nodes will begin to increase significantly, the bad breath will become more intense, and the sore throat will become intolerable.
Body temperature
As for body temperature, against the background of ulcerative-film sore throat, as a rule, it does not increase or keeps within subfebrile indicators. However, with the progression of the disease, a significant increase in temperature is also possible. Many attribute the first symptoms of the disease to a cold, and as a result, the disease is detected at a later stage.
How to treat ulcerative-filmy angina, not everyone knows.
General characteristics and possible complications
The main characteristics of ulcer-film tonsillitis are:
- Marked saliva.
- Soreness when swallowing or chewing food.
- Bad breath.
- Enlarged adjacent lymph nodes causing pain on palpation.
- Fever.
- Increased ESR.
- The moderate severity of leukocytosis.
Some of the listed symptoms of the disease can stop during therapy, however, they are completely eliminated only after recovery.
If timely treatment of ulcer-film tonsillitis is not carried out, the following complications may develop:
- Acute rheumatic fever.
- Jade with a risk of transformation into kidney failure.
- Tonsillitis in chronic form.
- Polyarthritis of infectious origin.
In advanced cases, treatment can continue for several months until the patient recovers completely.
The most informative method for the diagnosis of ulcerative-angina is considered scraping taken from the throat of the patient. This method allows you to confirm or deny the presence on the mucous membrane of a fusiform bacillus and spirochete. It is also important to conduct differential diagnosis with the following pathologies:
- Diphtheria pharynx. It differs from tonsillitis by the defeat of both tonsils at once. Ulcers found during bacteriological analysis exclude diphtheria.
- Necrotic type of tonsillitis.
- Syphilitic ulcers. In terms of external manifestations, it is rather difficult to distinguish two pathologies. For differentiation, the Wassermann reaction is carried out.
- Neoplasm. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy and cystological examination are performed.
- Angina of the secondary type.
In order to accurately diagnose "ulcerative-film sore throat", it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and a number of studies using various methods. This will distinguish pathology from other more serious diseases, as well as exclude ARVI, flu or scarlet fever.
Treatment of ulcerative-film tonsillitis
After the examination has been carried out and the diagnosis has been confirmed, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment. It is important that this is done on the basis of indicators obtained from analyzes and taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.
A prerequisite for treatment is the use of antibacterial drugs. This is necessary to increase local immunity and its resistance to pathogenic microflora. It is also necessary to carry out treatment with topical preparations, for example, treat the mucous membrane with tincture of iodine, copper sulfate or a solution based on silver nitrate. In addition, a glycerin-based solution of novarsenol and methylene blue are used to treat the affected areas.
Doctors may recommend treating the throat with a solution of potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse at least three times a day. If positive dynamics are absent for several days, powder with novarsenol is included in the treatment. This substance may also be injected. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the age and condition of the patient.
Additionally, the treatment of tonsils with a sweet solution is prescribed. This forms an unfavorable environment for pathogens of ulcerative-film tonsillitis. It is also important to follow a special diet and eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins.
In order to prevent the recurrence of ulcerative-filmy sore throat, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner and conduct it until complete recovery. Sometimes, experts prescribe vitamin complexes, which can increase the body's resistance to the effects of the negative environment, as well as enrich it with all the necessary minerals.
The basis for the prevention of angina is the observance of personal oral hygiene. This means not only brushing your teeth, but also regular visits to the dentist and timely treatment of problems with your teeth, such as caries.
In addition, it is important to make efforts to strengthen immunity. To do this, you need to temper the body, exercise and eat balanced. You can also start taking vitamin complexes. However, this step requires consultation with a doctor.