Clotrimazole suppositories are indicated for women who suffer from a disease such as vaginal candidiasis. This medication is used vaginally, and if certain daily doses are indicated in the instructions for it, it can provide a stable and very long lasting therapeutic effect.
How does the drug work?
This drug is widely used in modern gynecological practice, since it has good antifungal properties. The drug "Clotrimazole" has an extensive spectrum of action against fungi that cause the so-called "thrush." This disease is not a type of sexually transmitted disease, however, it can be transmitted sexually. In addition, the causes of this ailment may be a violation of the vaginal microflora due to the use of certain drugs, for example, antibiotics.
Similar symptoms can also be caused by bacterial and trichomonas vaginitis, due to which, as a rule, inflammation in the female genital area is caused. Vaginal suppositories “Clotrimazole” can be used as adjunctive therapy for the occurrence of such diseases.
This medicine is an effective topical antimycotic. The main direction where it works effectively is the extermination of fungal infections, as well as the following pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, molds, streptococci, trichomonads, dermatophytes, etc. However, if we are talking about trichomoniasis - one of the unpleasant diseases of the female genital area, then in this case it is necessary to use the drug “Clotrimazole” in the form of suppositories, and this should be done as soon as the disease has arisen, as an auxiliary drug, against the background of the main complex of other medical products Paraty.
The therapeutic effect of the treatment with suppositories “Clotrimazole” is achieved due to the main active substance, which destroys the membranes of pathogenic cells. The substance of the same name clotrimazole destroys the membranes of fungi of the genus Candida, and also has an effect that reduces the activity of other pathogens of vaginal candidiasis. Such yeast dies, and the patient ceases to experience discomfort near the genitals, which are characterized by burning and itching, as well as characteristic white cheesy discharge.
In addition to the main active substance, the composition of this drug includes:
- microcrystalline cellulose;
- lactose (milk sugar);
- potato starch;
- citric acid;
- stearic magnesium.
The main forms of drug release
Clotrimazole suppositories are produced in three forms, this is influenced by the amount of active substance - clotrimazole (500, 200 and 100 mg).
The product is produced in the form of tablets of 6, 3 or 1 piece per pack. In addition to tablets, the package may contain a special applicator, which helps to correctly and sterically introduce the drug into the vagina.
Candles are oblong in shape and have a dense consistency, have a white color, sometimes a specific smell. Consider the use of Clotrimazole suppositories.
Symptoms of diseases that are treated with a remedy
Yeast-like fungi that cause “thrush” multiply rapidly in the vagina and on the second day of the development of the disease cause very unpleasant symptoms, which manifest as itching of the external genital organs of a woman, burning in the urethra, as well as copious discharge in the form of white curdled clots. It is such discharge that is the main sign of this disease and distinguishes it from pathogenic other infections. Bacterial vaginitis can also manifest itself in the absence of secretions, however, in this case there are also unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning and itching.
Many people wonder whether Clotrimazole suppositories can be used during treatment with other drugs?
How do they interact with other medicines?
It is very important to consider the pharmacological effect of other drugs that are used in the form of concomitant therapy in the treatment of the above diseases.
According to the instructions for use, suppositories "Clotrimazole" are not as effective in the treatment of substances such as amphotericin B, natamycin, as well as some fourth-generation antibiotics. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to increase the dose of “Clotrimazole”, violating the maximum daily dose of the drug.
In addition, you should not drink alcohol during the use of the product.
- To prevent the recurrence of urogenital infection, it is necessary to be treated by each of the sexual partners.
- Prior to completing treatment for partners, sexual intercourse is undesirable, as it can cause reinfection.
- Do not use the applicator during pregnancy.
- Patients with liver failure require periodic monitoring of the liver.
- If the effect of treatment is absent for a month, then confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary.
Determine the dosage
Doses of this medication depend on the degree of the disease and its manifestations. If a woman begins therapy, as soon as she noticed the first symptoms of the disease, it will be enough to use the minimum dose of the medicine - 1 tablet once a day, at night. Such treatment should last up to ten days. In cases where the disease is in a more severe and neglected form, it is necessary to use candles in higher doses - 1 twice a day, morning and evening, for ten days.
Before the introduction of the suppository into the vagina, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment and exclude the possibility of further development of the disease. The procedure for introducing suppositories “Clotrimazole” is carried out using a special applicator, which is contained in the package.
If, after the end of treatment, the therapeutic effect of the use of suppositories does not occur, it is necessary to consult your doctor to find out the causes of the disease, since a number of other diseases have symptoms of thrush.
Side effects
Side effects of the treatment with "Clotrimazole" may be:
- rapid and painful urination;
- increased migraines;
- gastralgia;
- pain during intimacy;
- acute cystitis;
- allergic reactions.
The use of Clotrimazole suppositories during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, and also with individual intolerance to certain components of this medication is not recommended.
What happens in case of overdose?
In cases of an overdose with this drug, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, severe dizziness, blurred consciousness may be observed. At the first suspicion of this, you must seek emergency medical help.
Can Clotrimazole candles be replaced with anything?
Similar drugs
In pharmacies, there are a large number of local antifungal agents, which, like Clotrimazole, help eliminate the fungal infection of the vagina. You can resort to help:
- "Nystatin";
- Ovisa
- "Antifungol";
- "Mycosporin";
- “Candida”;
- Livarola
- Canesten
- Pimafucin
- "Terzhinana";
- "Fungal."
Candles "Clotrimazole": reviews
According to numerous research programs and scientific surveys, almost every woman at least once in her life has encountered candidiasis. Some of the fair sex suffer from this ailment several times a year, and sometimes more often.
There are a lot of reviews about the drug “Clotrimazole” in the form of candles and almost all of them are positive. Women are satisfied with this medication, since its action is aimed at the local solution of problems with the “thrush”, and this is very convenient for those who do not like to take medicine inside. In addition, women say that it is very convenient to use candles once a day, which allows you not to remember the need to take the medicine all day, distracting from work duties.
The effect of treatment with Clotrimazole, according to patients, is achieved very quickly. Burning and itching in the vaginal area may persist for several days, however, by the end of treatment, patients note the complete disappearance of all symptoms of “thrush”.
Despite the large number of positive reviews about the drug Clotrimazole, there are also negative ones, but they are much smaller. Such patients claim that the drug did not help them, some of them were unsatisfied with the fact that during the treatment with candles they had side effects, for example, an allergic reaction to the drug, symptoms of mild nausea after its use, increased itching in the vagina.