Gastritis and ulcer - causes and symptoms of stomach disease

stomach disease symptoms
Today, one of the most common are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Statistics confirm that more than 75 percent of Russian citizens suffer from a โ€œstomachโ€. At the same time, no more than half of them regard the symptoms of stomach disease as a potential threat to life. Doctors determine this for several reasons: a low standard of living and, as a result, insufficient nutrition, inattentive attitude to the body, lack of necessary trace elements and vitamins. Moreover, as experts say, quite often minor problems with the stomach and intestines can lead to complications and even death.

According to statistics, most often people suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Now a little about these diseases, causes and symptoms.

stomach disease symptoms
An ulcer is areas of a destroyed mucous membrane. The causes of this are the ingestion of Helicobacter pylori infection. It penetrates most often with the acceptance of unwashed vegetables and fruits in writing. In addition, doctors identify a secondary cause of ulcers - neuropsychiatric disorders, frequent alcohol consumption, smoking, and taking antibiotics. Signs of gastric ulcer: belching with a sour taste, loss of appetite and weight loss. Rare bleeding in the feces is also a sign of peptic ulcer, but this symptom manifests itself only during an exacerbation of the disease. Early pain (that is, after an hour or half an hour after eating) indicates ulcers in the upper stomach. Later (in one and a half to two hours) - about the disease in the lower sections. In other words, the symptoms of stomach disease can vary depending on where the ulcer develops.

signs of gastric ulcer
Gastritis is an inflamed mucosa. With this disease of the stomach, the symptoms can be most common for a person, since it is inevitably associated with food poisoning, poisoning with toxins (due to alcohol and not only), disturbances in microflora (which is associated with taking medications that affect the microflora of the stomach, as well as taking a certain type of food: fast food, too spicy or too fatty foods).

So, there are signs of gastritis: after eating, you feel colic in the abdomen and nausea, vomiting and diarrhea happen, as well as the complexion turns pale, a white coating on the tongue, dryness or drooling appears. In this case, the symptoms of gastric disease (with gastritis) change depending on whether the secretory function is increased or decreased in a person. In the first case, pain after eating, nausea, as well as belching with a sour taste. In the second, the sour taste in the mouth is replaced with a metallic one, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea are observed.

In addition to the characteristic pains, there are other symptoms of gastric disease, which hint to the owner that it is time to pay attention to your body. This is a bad breath, frequent belching, bloating, a feeling of heaviness, flatulence, too much salivation, discomfort while swallowing food, frequent diarrhea.

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