Sometimes we completely vainly discount some products that are used to tasting in the traditional version of the appointment. After all, cheese is not only used in the preparation of sandwiches, it can also serve as the basis for soup. A recipe for processed cheese soup can be a lifesaver in many situations.
Often we refer to a lack of time, eternal vanity and an everyday kaleidoscope of events. Another reason we call a lack of material resources. The recipe for processed cheese soup is a way out of these seemingly controversial and pressing situations. Indeed, more often for its preparation, the components that you have in the refrigerator are used, without the cost of additional investments. Therefore, there are a lot of variations of soup. You can connect your wit and make cream cheese soup in 20 minutes, or you can invest more effort and components and get a culinary masterpiece.
The recipe for processed cheese soup implies the following ingredients: 400-600 grams of potato, 2 melted sliced ββcheese (100 grams each), one onion (70-90 grams), dill and parsley, one carrot. This is a required set of components for the soup and the minimum necessary. If you want to make it more satisfying and tasty, we will offer product variations for this transformation.
The recipe for processed cheese soup may additionally include any mushrooms (fresh, dried, canned). You can use smoked brisket or balychk for greater nutrition and flavor of the soup. If you prefer a dietary option, it is recommended to add vegetables. If you grind them in a blender and add even more, you can cook soup with cream cheese. By originality, it is in no way inferior to the famous French dishes. To do this, peel and rinse all vegetables under running water, dry with napkins, removing any remaining moisture.
To prepare the soup, add 2-2.5 liters of filtered water to a three-liter pot and put on fire. Cut the potatoes into cubes of medium size and toss in boiling water. It is with this cooking method that a greater amount of vitamins in tubers will be preserved. Chop the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onions into small cubes, put the mass on a preheated pan with thick walls, adding vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown for 6-8 minutes over low heat. If you plan to use mushrooms, then we cut them into slices and put them in a pan. Fry for no more than 5-7 minutes (if it is mushrooms, if other mushrooms, then you must first boil them until cooked). Add this mass to the pan and cover. Cook 3-5 minutes after boiling.
The recipe for processed cheese soup involves the use of sliced cream cheese, rather than pasty, which cannot be crushed. To do this, put the cheese briquettes in the freezer for 13-15 minutes. And then grind them on a grater with large holes (they have become hard and rub well). Add the cheese mass to the pan and knead constantly so that it dissolves evenly, and does not form a precipitate and does not burn. After that, it is worth trying the soup to taste whether there is enough salt, since it is already laid in the cheese recipes, and it is important not to salt the soup. However, if you intend to add more smoked meats, then it is worth considering their seasonings. Now you can add dumplings or brisket cut into cubes or thin strips. We cook everything in a saucepan for another 10 minutes under a covered lid. Just before the end of cooking, add finely chopped dill and parsley.
Soup with melted cheeses, the recipe of which we used for cooking, can be served with pan-fried white bread croutons. And whoever loves, they can put small crackers before serving in a portioned plate and sprinkle with fresh herbs to decorate.