Lisa Arzamasova. Biography of a brilliant actress

Not every actress is able to impress with such a relaxed and convincing game as Lisa Arzamasova. The biography of the rising star is already marked by sparkling symbols of victory. The girl received her first medals at the World Championship of Performing Arts when she was 7 years old. Three years later, she is already the winner of the Audience Award of the Theater Festival in Moscow.

Lisa Arzamasova biography
A year later, in 2006, the young actress won awards at two festivals at once for her excellent work in the children's adventure film “In the Captivity of Time”. In 2009, Arzamasova was noted as the most promising young artist at the International Pacific Meridian Film Festival. We can also say with confidence that the prize collection of the actress will grow steadily, given the age of Lisa Arzamasova.

She was born on March 17, 1995. The girl did not have to be forced to sing, dance, read poetry - from the earliest years, the stage string had already sounded in her. The little performer understood early that in fairy tales shown on television, not actors Pinocchio or Little Red Riding Hood were experiencing adventures, so Lisa, pointing with her finger at the TV, was interested: how did they get there? And in vain my mother scared her daughter with stories about how difficult it was for children on the set, how “mosquitoes eat them” and how “they freeze in the forest.”

biography of Liza Arzamasova

Cinematic biography of Lisa Arzamasova

It so happened that the girl herself at the age of six was under spotlights. Her first movie role is the daughter of a policeman in the psychological series "Line of Defense". To date, she has already played in thirty films and voiced two animated roles of Lisa Arzamasova. The biography of the talented actress abounds in both serious roles and memorable episodes. The latter did not bother her, because she was ready to play, according to her, even “sand on the beach”.

In 2007, the television series “Daddy's Daughters” was launched, and the eccentric clever Galina Sergeyevna performed by Lisa instantly fell in love with viewers. At the same time, the girl studied at the school “with a French bias”, studied at the GITIS music studio.

how old is liza arzamasova

Lisa Arzamasova: biography of theatrical diva

The first serious debut of the artist on the stage was in 2004, when the girl was 9 years old. She was surprisingly plastic and reliable in the role of the little orphan Annie, who enchanted with her sincerity all the inhabitants of the rich mansion Oliver Warbux (musical “Annie”). Then Lisa played the role of Princess Anastasia Romanova at the Novaya Opera Theater. In 2010, the actress reincarnated in Juliet in the performance of the Moscow Drama Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky "Romeo and Juliet." And last year, she had the chance to voice this heroine in a modern English film version of Shakespeare's play.

A television

Together with Maxim Stavisky, Lisa Arzamasova won the second place of honor in the television show of the First Channel “Ice and Fire” of the 2010-2011 season. Around the same period, she was the host of the International Television Competition for Young Musicians on the Culture channel. In 2013, Lisa became a co-host in the youth talk show "I'm Right" on the "Humor" channel.

Lisa Arzamasova

Personal life

In 2012, Lisa graduated from high school and entered the Humanities Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, at the producing department. Last fall, the news of the marriage of a young actress rustled through the pages of periodicals. The reason for this was an engagement ring in which the girl appeared at a fashion show. However, Lisa did not comment on the event. There were rumors that her partner in the play "Romeo and Juliet," Philip Bled became not only a stage lover. But Liza Arzamasova also mysteriously kept silent about this, whose biography is fully saturated with impressive projects. However, there is no doubt that the marriage of the artist will, when the time comes, be a bright event for her fans.

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