How to close birch sap with lemon and keep it until winter? This question is of interest to many housewives who love to collect life-giving moisture in early spring and enjoy it in the summer, autumn and winter seasons. However, not all fans of birch sap know how to properly prepare it for the future. In this regard, we decided to introduce several preservation methods that will help maintain such a drink until the onset of the cold period and even longer.
How to preserve birch sap?
Almost every housewife knows recipes with lemon and orange. However, for those who decided to first prepare such a drink for the winter, we will repeat the methods in more detail.
Option 1: with an orange
Preserving birch sap using a fragrant orange fruit is the most popular method among fans of this drink. To create it you need:
- fresh birch sap - 3 l;
- granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons with a slide;
- sweet orange - 1 medium-sized fruit;
- citric acid - Β½ dessert spoon;
- dry mint leaves - dessert spoon.
Procurement process
In order for the
birch sap with orange to be as aromatic and tasty as possible, in the process of its preparation all the rules described should be strictly observed. First you need to pour a fresh drink into a clean enameled pan and slowly bring it to a boil. After this, it is necessary to sterilize a glass three-liter jar, put sugar there,
citric acid, 4-5 circles of orange (directly with the peel) and leaves of dry mint. Next, on the neck of the jar should be placed a multilayer gauze or set a strainer, and then gently pour hot birch sap into it. Such processing will deprive your drink of all unnecessary particles and will save it for a long time.
After all the steps described, it is necessary to roll up the jar with a sterilized lid, turn it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it in this position until the next day or completely cool down. It is advisable to store the prepared drink in a cool room: a cellar or a refrigerator.
As you can see, preserving birch juice using fruits is a fairly simple and quick way to create a tasty and healthy drink that can be enjoyed until late winter. However, the option with slices of orange is not the only method of rolling life-giving fluid. Consider other methods in more detail.
Option 2: with lemon
How to close birch sap with lemon? For this we need:
- fresh birch sap - 3 l;
- granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons with a slide;
- lemon - 1 large fruit;
- Lollipop with any taste (apple, duchess, mint, etc.) - 1-2 pcs.
Cooking process
Not sure how to close birch sap with lemon? First you need to carefully process a fresh drink. To do this, it must be filtered through thick gauze or a small strainer, and then pour into an enameled pan. Next, pour sugar into the same dishes , put 5-6 slices of lemon with peel and a couple of fragrant candies. After this, the pan should be put on low heat. Boiling a drink is not recommended. It only needs to be slightly warmed up so that all added components are completely dissolved.
After the first bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the hot dishes, the birch sap can be safely poured into jars. To do this, take a three-liter glass container and sterilize it over hot steam. Next, on the neck of the can, you need to install a sieve and pour a hot drink. Finally, the filled container should be rolled up with a lid. The finished canned product needs to be turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket or blanket and left to cool for about a day. After the specified time, the birch sap should be removed in the refrigerator or any other place where the air temperature does not exceed 5 degrees.
Now you know how to close birch sap with lemon for the winter. However, it should be noted that such a drink can be preserved not only with fresh citrus fruits and mint. After all, some lovers of this juice prefer to use it in an effervescent form. To do this, it is recommended to add yeast to a fresh drink and keep it warm for some time. Although instead of such an additional ingredient, some chefs use dried fruits. Consider this method in more detail.
How to prepare birch sap with raisins for the winter?
In taste, such a drink very much resembles kvass. And this is no accident, because it is in the mentioned drink that they add a handful of raisins, which allows you to ferment the liquid and convert it into vigorous juice.
So, to create such an effervescent piece we need:
- fresh birch sap - 3 l;
- granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons with a slide;
- dried lemon peel - a small pinch;
- raisins black or brown (it is possible both with stones and without them) - 10-12 pcs.
Procurement process
Unlike previous recipes, this version of the drink does not provide boiling or any heating of the life-giving fluid. This allows you to save maximum useful substances in birch sap. Moreover, this drink is better refreshing in hot summer weather.
In order to make such a preparation, it is necessary to strain fresh birch sap, pour it into a glass container, and then add granulated sugar, dried lemon peel and a handful of brown or black raisins. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon, loosely closed and left at room temperature for 25-30 hours. During this time, the juice should ferment a little. Next, it must be bottled and stored in a refrigerator. You can use the finished drink only after 2-3 weeks. During this time, it will reach completely, it will become slightly sour, aromatic and very tasty.
It should be noted that not only refreshing drinks can be made from birch juice, but also such a table product as vinegar. To create it, the collected liquid in an amount of 2 liters must be mixed with 30 g of honey and 100 g of vodka, and then left warm for 2-3 months.