The main types of lichens and their description

Today we will talk in detail about what types of lichen exist and how to determine them externally. It should be noted that such skin diseases can occur in any person at a very different age. To get rid of them, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. Indeed, in some cases, such skin defects can not only contribute to the appearance of painful sensations, but also cause moral discomfort.

Types of depriving a person: photo and description of the disease

There are several types of such skin diseases. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

types of lichens

Multi-colored, or pityriasis, versicolor

The causative agent of the presented species is a fungus of the genus Malassezia. With it, spots of various shapes and sizes form on the human body. If the patient’s skin is too tanned, then such a disease appears on it in the form of white islands. In winter, when the body is pale, spots can be brown or even with a pinkish tinge.

When determining the types of lichen in their patients, doctors first of all pay attention to their form. Indeed, in different skin diseases, it can vary significantly. For example, in a multi-colored type, the resulting spots can be oval or round, large or small. At the same time, smaller foci quite often merge with each other and fill with themselves almost the entire body of the patient.

Pink lichen, or the so-called Zhibera lichen

types depriving a person of a photo

How to determine the type of lichen? This question is often asked by those who have encountered such a skin problem. After all, this disease should be treated only after its variety is detected. Pink lichen is an inflammation of several or one parts of the skin, which is characterized by the appearance of oval or round spots. Usually they are accompanied by peeling. Their color is fully consistent with the name, but in some cases they can be light brownish. The sizes of such spots often reach several centimeters. The exact cause of the formation of pink lichen has not yet been established.


Types of lichen and knowledge about them allow you to quickly get rid of these skin diseases, return to the patient not only health, but also a beautiful appearance. The causative agent of herpes zoster is the herpes virus. Usually it appears in the intercostal space. Its symptoms include pain and severe itching in the presented part of the body. After some time, a rash forms in this place, filled with a clear liquid. After they burst, the skin becomes covered with a crust, which subsequently disappears by itself.

how to determine the type of lichen

Lichen planus

This type of skin disease is characterized by the formation of a large number of red flat nodules, which are accompanied by quite severe itching. To date, the true cause of the appearance of this species of lichen has not been established.

Ringworm, or Trichophytosis

This species is a fungal variety of skin disease. In this case, the causative agent of the disease are trichophyton fungi. Ringworm appears on the scalp in the form of pinkish spots, which have uneven edges and flake quite strongly. At the same time, hair thinns and breaks at a distance of 1-3 mm from the roots.

Thus, we examined all kinds of lichens that can affect a person at any time. In order to warn yourself and your loved ones from the possible occurrence and development of such a disease, it is recommended to observe personal hygiene and consult specialists in time if there is a suspicion of the presence of this disease.

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