Cranberry Meat Sauce

Sauce is not a dish, but a tool, once it was considered an indicator of the cook’s skill, today it is used less often, however, until now it is responsible for the taste of the dish. The French believe that the cook covers his mistakes with a good sauce. Let's talk today about cranberry sauce, which can be served with meat.

We all, of course, know about the many beneficial qualities of cranberries. A good cranberry meat sauce can be cooked well in advance and stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

The wonderful combination of cranberries and meat has been known for a long time. Cranberry meat sauce was served at various festivals. Today, housewives are not so attached to ancient customs and traditions, and prepare their favorite dishes whenever they want. Making this sauce is a fairly simple procedure that does not take much time, however, the sauce itself will help turn the most ordinary meat dish into a treat on the festive table.

Ingredients for making cranberry sauce: fresh cranberries (half a kilo), granulated sugar (300 g), chopped onions (150 g), apple cider vinegar (150 ml), half a tablespoon of cinnamon, salt, allspice, celery seeds, crushed garlic, half a teaspoon of black pepper.

Pour onion and cranberries in a suitable pan, pour a glass of water there and boil. After that, the pan must be closed with a lid tightly enough and keep its contents on low heat for about 10 minutes. Using a blender, the cranberries and onions must be wiped until smooth. Then, add vinegar, sugar and spices to the pan, and then boil over low heat until this mixture gets the consistency of a sufficiently thick ketchup (about half an hour). Then the finished sauce should be cooled, pour it into a saucepan and can be served with any meat dish. This cranberry sauce is also good for turkey.

You can also make cranberry sauce for meat according to the following recipe, which is considered very quick and easy.

You will need a pound of large cranberries, a liter of water, a pound of sugar.

Water should be poured into a pan, sugar dissolved in it and brought to a boil. In a boiling syrup, you need to add cranberries and continue to boil until the moment when the skin of the berry does not burst (10 minutes). Then the pan should be removed from the heat, wipe its contents with a blender and serve the sauce to the dish prepared in advance. This version of cranberry sauce is good both in hot and in cooled form.

Let’s tell you how to cook cranberry sauce for the future during the cranberry harvest season.

This is a classic version of cranberry sauce, which goes well with both meat and game, poultry and fish.

Ingredients: fresh cranberries (1.5 kg), chopped finely fresh onions (half a kilo), sugar (1 kg), diluted vinegar (1/2 l), crushed garlic (1 tablespoon), salt, ground cinnamon (1 spoon ), allspice, celery seeds, black pepper.

To prepare this sauce, put onion, cranberries in a saucepan and pour half a liter of water there, then bring to a boil. Cover the pan, boil for 10 minutes, until the cranberries are soft enough.

The resulting puree should be wiped thoroughly through a sieve or mixed in a blender.

Then mix in the pan the resulting mashed potatoes with sugar, salt, vinegar, garlic, celery, cinnamon, black and allspice. Boil the resulting mixture in a saucepan without covering it with a lid, for about half an hour, it should acquire the consistency of ketchup. Sometimes you need to mix the sauce so that it does not burn.

Remove cranberry meat sauce from the heat, remove the foam.

Ready sauce should be placed in hot sterilized jars, leaving about 1 cm of space on top.

Close the jars with lids, sterilize in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Roll up, put the finished sauce in a non-hot dark place for storage.

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