In this article, we will consider the instructions and the price of the drug for the Nystatin candles. What kind of medicine is this?
Nystatin is an antifungal drug. It is prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis provoked by aspergillus, as well as various fungi from the genus Candida. This drug is used for candidiasis of various localization, including the intestines, oral cavity and vagina. The active ingredients act locally on the fungus, the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not affect the normal microflora. "Nystatin" adversely affects the shell of fungal cells, penetrating inside and destroying them. Suppose you take the drug for a long time, due to the lack of resistance of the fungus to the active component of the drug. Below we consider the use of candles "Nystatin".
Purpose and form of release
The tool is produced in various forms. It is often prescribed to those patients in whom the vaginal microflora was impaired. The drug is considered a highly effective drug, in addition, it is practically non-toxic. However, it should be borne in mind that taking it during pregnancy is prohibited. An individual reaction to the components that make up the drug is also considered a contraindication.
In pharmacies you can find various forms of Nystatin, including tablets, ointments and granules. Today we will talk about vaginal suppositories. They are prescribed when it comes to vaginal candidiasis.
In the people, this disease is called thrush. This is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women today. Thrush is manifested by curdled vaginal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, itching and burning. Pathology causes significant discomfort to a woman and requires immediate treatment with antifungal drugs.
The composition and properties of the drug
The main causative agent of thrush is a yeast-like fungus, referred to in medicine as candida. Suppositories "Nystatin" are one of the most common drugs prescribed for vaginal candidiasis. It is also affordable and has proven its quality and effectiveness.
The composition of the suppository includes the active substance nystatin, presented in dosages of 250,000 or 500,000 units, as well as auxiliary components, namely citric acid, liquid paraffin, semi-synthetic glycerides, butyloxytoluene, etc.
Vaginal suppositories are often prescribed for women with candidiasis. Some patients are treated independently, not considering it necessary to consult a doctor and not perceiving the disease as something serious. Such self-medication can cause numerous relapses of the disease and its transition into a chronic form. Only a qualified specialist can choose the right dosage and prescribe the correct course duration. With improper use of the drug, relapse is possible, since not all pathogens will be destroyed.
What are the indications of Nystatin candles?
Indications and method of use
When contacting a doctor, a woman will be taken from a vagina during examination, and other types of examinations will be prescribed. This is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and choose the right treatment regimen. The main indication for the use of vaginal suppositories "Nystatin" is candidiasis.
When using candles, remember that certain rules must be followed. So, before the introduction of the suppository, it is necessary to conduct hygiene procedures. Mucous vagina should be washed with clean water, then dry well with a towel. It is necessary to enter the suppository, being in a horizontal position, since it is in this position that a candle can be inserted deep into the vagina.
Suppositories "Nystatin" rectally also used. With intestinal candidiasis, they are very effective. Also among the indications:
- Damage to the mucous membranes of the lower parts of the large intestine.
- Prevention of fungal infections of the intestine after operations on the lower intestine.
The duration of treatment can be up to two weeks. After the end of treatment, a repeated analysis of the vaginal microflora is carried out, which allows us to evaluate the effect obtained from therapy. Depending on the indicators, the therapy either ends or a second appointment is made for further treatment.
Nystatin and antibiotics
Often, vaginal suppositories “Nystatin” are prescribed to women during antibiotic treatment to prevent fungal diseases. The fact is that antibacterial drugs adversely affect not only the harmful microflora, but also beneficial microorganisms. A similar effect provokes an increase in pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Candidiasis in this case becomes a complication after antibiotic therapy.
To prevent side effects from taking antibiotics, experts prescribe antifungal drugs to women, one of the most common of which is Nystatin.
Suppositories during pregnancy are strictly prohibited, even if antibiotic treatment is performed. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, if a woman carries a child, she needs to inform the doctor about this in order to avoid the negative consequences of using candles.
Side effects of the drug
If you believe the instructions that came with the Nystatin suppositories, they practically do not cause unwanted reactions. With increased sensitivity to the components that make up the drug, the following symptoms may be observed in patients:
1. Nausea.
2. Diarrhea.
3. Chills.
4. Elevated body temperature.
If the patient observes such signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the dosage or completely discontinue the drug. In addition, suppositories with nystatin are not recommended for women with the following diseases:
1. Pancreatitis.
2. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
3. Diseases of the liver.
It is necessary to inform the attending physician about all the drugs taken, since some of them can reduce the effectiveness of the drug we are describing. There have been no cases of drug overdose. This is confirmed by the "Nystatin" instruction.
The price of candles will be presented below.
Drug Analogs
Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs with antifungal action. However, Nystatin has no analogues in the active substance.
A number of drugs with the same "Nystatin" action and indications for use are highlighted. The most common among them are the following drugs:
1. The Hexicon.
2. "Pimafucin."
3. "Terzhinan."
4. "Clotrimazole."
All these drugs have different compositions and active components, but all of them are aimed at the treatment of candidiasis and other fungal diseases. They vary in price.
Reviews of candles "Nystatin"
"Nystatin" showed the greatest effectiveness in those cases when the sensitivity of the fungus to the components of the drug was determined in laboratory conditions. Most reviews regarding the use of suppositories are positive. Suppositories with nystatin are well perceived by the female body, practically without causing side effects.
Those who report an adverse reaction to Nystatin claim that complications were manifested by slight nausea, low-grade fever, allergies and digestive upsets. None of the reviews contain information about adverse reactions of a local nature. The drug does not cause itching and burning in the vagina. The introduction of suppositories is painless and easy.
Experts also consider the vaginal suppository "Nystatin" an effective and effective drug. It is often prescribed to women with candidiasis. However, doctors warn of possible side effects that go away on their own after treatment and do not require specific therapy.
They are described and instructions for use with candles "Nystatin." The price of the drug is considered acceptable.
How much are candles in pharmacies? The average price is 55 rubles. It depends on the region and the pharmacy network.
In some reviews, you can find comments about the weak therapeutic effect of Nystatin. Also, sometimes there are reviews that an effective drug is only at the initial stage of the disease, and also as a prophylaxis of thrush. This is explained by the fact that the drug is obsolete and there are many similar, more modern and effective suppositories. Low efficiency is also associated with the fact that the resistance of fungi to nystatin has increased.
Despite these negative aspects, the drug is often prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis. However, in case of recurrence of thrush, women turn to the doctor with a request to replace Nystatin with more modern and effective analogues. The disadvantage of the drug is also a long course of treatment, while other drugs require a maximum of 10 days of use.
We examined the "Nystatin" candles for instructions for use and price.