What is the meaning of the respiratory system? Their characteristics and functions

What is the significance of the respiratory system in human life? The answer is obvious - the main one. You must admit that without food we can exist for two weeks, without water - from three to five days, without sleep - for several days. If you block the access of oxygen, then after a couple of minutes, life can tragically end.

Primary role

The respiratory system is the mechanism by which life is supported by most creatures on the planet. Without air it is impossible to move around, drink and eat, meet friends, communicate. Even the slightest lack of it worsens one's well-being: dark circles appear in front of the eyes, rings in the ears, the consciousness is clouded, the legs give way. If a person does not breathe for a long period, irreversible changes occur in his brain, his heart stops, doctors fix death.

what is the significance of the respiratory system
Blood-borne oxygen nourishes every organ and system in the body. It also burns toxins, harmful bacteria and other substances that poison us from the inside. In addition, he takes an active part in the regeneration of cells, promoting blood oxidation. Of course, the importance of breathing should not be underestimated. The organs of the respiratory system must be protected, as well as tempered and trained. This helps physical exercise and special meditation.

Respiratory system

First of all, these are two lungs. They are located in the subcostal part of the chest. Two segments of the lungs are separated from each other by blood vessels, respiratory tubes and the heart. Each of them has a porous, spongy structure. Inside, they are hollow, with the exception of the crown, on which are the bronchi, veins and arteries that connect the organ to the heart and respiratory throat. The lungs are very elastic, covered with pleura, secreting a special fluid. It is this secretion that serves as a kind of lubricant, which makes it easy to slide the walls of the body during its operation.

the importance of respiration of the respiratory system
Characterization of the respiratory system is impossible without a description of the ways in which air moves into the lungs. They consist of a nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes. If the first element of the system is located outside and its structure is known to us, then the rest are located in the back of the body, so many are interested to know how they look and work. For example, the larynx is like a funnel, the trachea is like a tube, the bronchi are like branches of a tree. At the ends of the latter there are alveoli - small vesicles filled with air and pierced by blood vessels. Through their walls and gas exchange occurs.

How does the system work?

Features of the respiratory system lie in the complex mechanism of their work, which we just try to understand now. Everyone knows that it all starts with a deep breath, which a person takes with his nose. Once in its cavity, the air heats up to body temperature. Here it also cleanses itself of dirt and germs, which protects the body from attacks of various viruses and bacteria.

Further, the air enters the larynx and trachea: the mucous membrane of the latter additionally cleans it of large particles. In the bronchi, it continues to be filtered, a cough reflex is also formed here, with the help of which dust and small foreign bodies are evacuated from the body. It should also be noted the work of the diaphragm - a unique abdominal muscle that looks like an umbrella. When it is stretched, the volume of the chest and lungs increases - air fills the void. During contraction, it is pushed out. Without the diaphragm, as well as other components of the system, we would not be able to maintain the vital activity of the body - this is the significance of the respiratory system.

Oxygen and blood

These are two parts of one whole, which help the body to cleanse itself and enrich itself with beneficial substances. Blood running from the heart gives the organs all the good that it contains, so it becomes dirty and dark. Having reached the lungs, it spreads over a whole grid of small capillaries. The flow of air through the walls of blood vessels enters the blood: it absorbs the necessary oxygen and is freed from harmful carbon dioxide, which is formed from rotting particles collected in all corners of the body.

significance and structure of the respiratory system
The blood purified and enriched with life-giving properties returns to the heart. Through the left ventricle, it flows into the arteries, which carry it throughout the body. Just think: in one day 18 thousand liters of blood pass through the capillaries. Based on the foregoing, we understand the importance of the respiratory system: without lungs, the intake of clean air into the body is impossible. This entails serious consequences: being dirty, saturated with harmful substances, blood poisons us from the inside. And intoxication, in turn, leads to death.

Deep breathing and its role in the body

It is very important for the general state of human health. If he does not breathe correctly, the blood is not completely cleared - the body does not receive the necessary nutritional standards. As a result - illness, loss of vitality, strength and mood, lack of energy and vigor. Problems begin with all organs: a failure occurs in their work, they perform their functions at an insufficient level. Immunity falls further: viruses, one after another, attack your already weakened body. You treat the consequences in the clinic, not realizing that the root cause is commonplace - insufficient oxygen enrichment of the blood.

value and function of the respiratory system
The value of the human respiratory system is undeniable. Without enough fresh air, the blood does not take on a bright red hue, remaining cyanotic and dark. A person loses weight very much, looks exhausted and tired. And vice versa, the one who breathes correctly and deeply is distinguished by excellent health and excellent physique. Normally, arterial blood should contain 25% oxygen.

Oxygen and Digestion

You probably did not know what the importance of the respiratory system for the work of the gastrointestinal tract. By the way, it functions normally only if the digested food is sufficiently saturated with oxygen. And this happens, of course, only with the help of fresh air, which travels through the blood and with its help gets into the stomach and intestines. Weak lungs and poor digestion are inseparable friends. The body receives nutrients from products processed and absorbed by the body. Failure of this function, caused by insufficient oxygen supply, leads to anemia.

the importance of the human respiratory system

Weak breathing provokes problems in the work of the lungs: they become weak and painful. As a result, the body to a greater extent does not receive the substances necessary for its health and vital functions. A vicious circle is formed, the exit from which is open and uninterrupted access of a person to a source of fresh air.

Oxygen and immunity

The value and function of the respiratory system cannot be underestimated. Any doctor will tell you that at a time when the blood is saturated with oxygen, combustion occurs in the body, caused by the replacement of spent material. Due to this, an even body temperature is maintained, and heat is also retained. People who breathe correctly have virtually no colds. There is enough warm blood in their veins, which helps to adapt to changing weather. As a result, immunity does not suffer from a drop in air temperature in the street.

The respiratory organs play the role of the so-called scavenger, spewing from the bowels of the body all that is harmful and unnecessary. Therefore, the development of the respiratory system is the key to strong immunity and good health.

What happens during sleep?

Oddly enough, but at this time our health is most vulnerable. We go to bed to gain strength, restore energy. But often we wake up tired, frustrated, irritated and angry. All because of the elementary lack of oxygen. Clogging in a cramped room for 8 hours, a person breathes all the harmful substances thrown away by the body. And this is 290 liters of carbon dioxide in one night! If two people sleep in a room, then this figure needs to be multiplied by two.

respiratory features
What is the meaning of the respiratory system during sleep? They must also function by filling the body with oxygen. Therefore, they say that sleep with an open window at any time of the year is the key to health and longevity. The main thing is not to make drafts. Do not be afraid to catch a cold. Remember that modern methods of treatment of consumption are based on the constant stay of the patient in fresh air, even if the window is freezing and inclement. Cover yourself with a few wool blankets: soon you will get used to the temperature and fall asleep in a healthy sleep.

Other recommendations

The value and structure of the respiratory system should be known to everyone to maintain health and strengthen immunity. He is also required to get acquainted with medical recommendations that will help to breathe fully, and do it as correctly as possible. In addition to sleeping with an open window, throughout the day periodically ventilate the room in which you are (at home or in the office). Air circulation will contribute to health, preservation of beauty and youth.

respiratory development

Walk a lot. Get out a few stops earlier and walk to the place of work. At lunchtime, also stroll through the city streets, avoiding dusty tracks and highways. Be sure to have picnics in the forest for the weekend. Decorate your home with pots of live plants: they absorb carbon dioxide and produce the necessary oxygen. Also, do yoga: special exercises allow you not only to stabilize and improve the functioning of the respiratory system, but also contribute to finding harmony, peace of mind, give vitality and good mood.

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