How much has been said about the dangers of sausages and sausages, but we still continue to buy them. It’s delicious and fast, you can cook dinner for five minutes by putting sausage in a pan and throwing ready-made noodles into a plate, prepared according to the “steaming with boiling water” principle. Is it possible to eat raw sausage? The question, of course, is interesting. But the answer depends on which product we are talking about. If this is a natural sausage that contains 60% pure meat with the addition of milk, butter and spices, then of course you can. This is a product that is completely ready for use and is no different from boiled sausage. Although for baby food, experts in the field of dietetics advise using only products that have undergone heat treatment.
Modern sausages
But we are not talking about the ideal option, but about what we encounter regularly, every day. Is it possible to eat raw sausage from the supermarket? To answer this question, let's get acquainted with the composition. Instead of mincemeat, it usually includes ground veins and skin, soy and wheat protein, fiber and semolina, milk protein and starch, as well as a large amount of water, flavor enhancers and thickeners, flavorings and other “joys of life”. The meat is not more than 10%, and if we consider cheap sausages from cardboard packaging, then this is not there. Agree, the question of whether it is possible to eat raw sausage, you can ask in a different way. Is it worth it at all.
Boil = Soak
This is roughly what happens if we consider inexpensive products. In the process of boiling, part of the dyes and salt goes into water. The situation is the same with fat. Pay attention to how the water looks after the sausages are cooked. She is very oily, salty and pink. That is, we can assume that the product has become somewhat "more useful." Is it possible to eat a raw sausage stuffed with so many additives - decide for yourself.
The timing
This is the date of manufacture and the maximum shelf life that can be found on the packaging. The shorter the indicated period, the better. So, the manufacturer did not put a huge amount of preservatives into the product. The same information allows you to understand whether it is possible to eat raw sausages. If the sausages are made just yesterday, then there will be no harm. Provided that the composition assumes the presence of at least something useful. If you see that they were made for a long time, then you definitely need to cook, and longer.
One more thing is connected with this. It is no secret that the deadlines in modern stores and supermarkets are interrupted. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to eat raw sausages, we would recommend to be careful. You never know in advance what a modern seller is capable of in pursuit of profit.
Product color
And again, we offer to evaluate products back in the store, so that it would not be upset for the wasted money. Is it possible to eat raw sausages that are bright red or very dark in color, smell strongly of smoked meats? The unequivocal answer is no, during cooking they will get rid of at least part of the dyes. But it is desirable to completely abandon such a product. Good sausages should be light pink, uniform, without too intrusive aroma of spices and especially smoked products, which is the result of the addition of liquid smoke.
Sausage structure
You can evaluate the sausage even before you put it in the water, or after removing it from the pan. A good product keeps its shape perfectly, is dense and uniform, since it consists of meat at least half. Remember the sausages and sausages of the Soviet era? The peel did not burst on them, and they did not fall apart in a pan. What is happening today? When cooking, the product swells, the skin breaks, and the sausage turns into a kind of jelly, which falls apart when you try to get it on a plate. That is, the composition of a huge amount of starch, fat and all kinds of dressings from the skins. Is it possible to eat raw sausages for children, given the modern realities, is a question for parents.
Shell: natural or artificial
It depends on how sausages will withstand heat treatment. The natural casing can withstand cooking and frying, as well as grilling. Today, most manufacturers indicate on the packaging that the sausages are packed in a natural shell. But if it bursts in a pan, then there is nothing natural in it. By the way, if you are interested in whether it is possible to eat raw sausages in a natural shell, then remember that the shelf life of such a product is 72 hours. Are you sure that the seller will manage to sell all the goods during this time? Artificial packaging does not give the product a big advantage, but during the cooking process it bursts under the influence of temperatures.
How much to cook
In principle, all sausages are already finished. They only need to be warmed and slightly sterilized. Nutritionists say that you need to boil water and put sausages in it. After three minutes, you can get and eat. However, if we turn to the experience of Soviet cooks, we learn that completely different numbers were indicated in the manuals. About whether it is possible to eat raw sausages and sausages, nothing was said there. A thin product was recommended to boil for 5-10 minutes. Thick sausages were subjected to heat treatment even longer, 10-15 minutes. Boiled or fried, it was recommended to serve with mashed potatoes and green peas. But nutritionists say that it is better to offer a lower-calorie side dish, cabbage or other vegetables.
Cooking the most healthy sausages
If you are disappointed in the products that the modern industry offers you, then engage in the self-cooking of delicious sausages. To do this, you will need to buy good meat and grind it thoroughly in a blender. After this, the mass must be diluted with milk, add spices and butter. The consistency should be quite tender, so it will be tastier.
Now you need a special meat grinder with a nozzle for sausages and a shell into which the mass will need to be pumped. Tie the edges carefully and send to the fridge so that the minced meat lies a little. Now it remains to cook the product. To do this, pour water into the pan and put sausages in it. We wait for boiling and cook for 15-20 minutes. Now we get our amazing sausages and serve with any side dish. You should not ask whether it is possible to eat sausage raw, not cook. In this case, there is no way to do without heat treatment. By the way, such sausages can be fried and baked. Each time the aroma and taste will be fantastic.
Nutritionists about sausages
The quality of products in the modern market leaves much to be desired. Therefore, for baby food, pregnant and lactating women, it is better to completely exclude such products from the diet. Studies show that the sausages contain a huge amount of fat and harmful additives, which, even if raw, even boiled, will not give the body anything good.
If you decide to give the baby sausage for a change, then remember that it can be included in the child’s diet no earlier than from the age of three. Choose your brand carefully. Do not pay attention to the cheapest sausages, they contain too many harmful additives. But there is no need to take the most expensive ones either. Usually their composition is the same as in the middle price segment, but the cost is much higher. Why overpay for a trademark? Sometimes frankly low-quality goods are sold at top prices. In this case, the manufacturer expects precisely what the consumer considers expensive as the highest quality.
Instead of a conclusion
Today, two conclusions can be drawn. First - eating raw sausages is not recommended. Despite the fact that it is boiled sausage, it is much safer to subject it to heat treatment. The second - modern store sausages to eat are not recommended at all. It is much better to make home-made sausages. Baked on the grill, they will be much tastier than what you can buy in the market. At the same time, you can adjust the amount of salt and spices, and you will also know exactly what meat is inside.