Appetizer "Tomatoes in Armenian": a detailed recipe for cooking

The usual way to preserve the tomato is to put them in jars along with cucumbers and a minor addition of other vegetables. But you can prepare them in a slightly different way. We offer you one of the original recipes - a salad called “Salted Tomatoes in Armenian”. The dish differs from others in the use of a large amount of onions and herbs. It is also necessary to observe a prerequisite - to lay vegetables in a jar in layers, pouring each of them with chopped herbs. Such harvested tomatoes in Armenian style for the winter will surprise you with their juiciness and piquant pleasant taste. Fruits for preservation take dense and fleshy, with a thick layer of pulp and a minimum of juice.

Armenian tomatoes

Armenian Tomatoes: Essential Ingredients

Vegetables for laying in jars:

- Fresh tomatoes of excellent quality;

- onions (medium size) onions;

- cloves of fresh garlic;

- a lot of greens (to taste - parsley, dill, spicy celery).

Armenian tomatoes for the winter

Components for marinade:

- 1 liter of raw water;

- 1 tbsp. l salts;

- bay dry leaf (1-3 pcs.);

- black pepper peas (5-6 pcs.);

- 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

- 1 tbsp. l weak (5%) vinegar solution.

For pouring into jars before sterilization:

- 1 tbsp. l boiled any (preferably “odorous”) vegetable oil.

Armenian tomatoes: laying vegetables in jars

Wash all ingredients (including herbs) in cold water. Peel the onion and garlic. Divide the tomatoes into two parts, cutting, and free from the place of attachment of the stem. Very large dense fruits can be harvested in slices. Chop the onion in large half rings. Turn greens and garlic into a small juicy mass. It is best to use liter jars (previously scalded or sterilized) as containers for preparing snacks. First lay a layer of tomato on the bottom, filling no more than 1/3 of the height. Then pour onion with garlic and herbs on top. The height of this layer will be half that of the previous one. Alternating all the components, fill the jar to the top, tamping a little, and finish with tomatoes.

Armenian pickled tomatoes

Tomatoes in Armenian: pickling

Put bay leaf, salt, pepper, sugar in water and boil until the bulk products are completely dissolved. Add vinegar before shutting down. Marinade is done immediately before pouring into cans. Therefore, first completely place all the vegetables in the container, and then cook the piquant liquid. Fill the cans with it, pouring carefully, in small portions so that the glass does not burst. The required level of marinade - not reaching 1-1.5 cm to the brim. After filling with a solution of all cans, add to each vegetable oil.

Armenian tomatoes: sterilization and rolling

Set the jars covered with lids in a wide low pan with a thick bottom, having previously covered the towel inside. Then, carefully, directing the stream between the banks, fill the container with warm water. Place the pot on medium heat and gradually bring to a boil. Sterilize with moderate "gurgling" need liter jars 15-17 minutes. Remove them after warming up, roll them up and, turning everything upside down, wrap them in a well-warm blanket. Store the appetizer after cooling and checking for proper sealing in a cool place.

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