Delicious red bean dishes: recipes

Red bean is a very common bean crop that serves as an excellent source of easily digestible vegetable protein. It is successfully used for the preparation of soups, salads, pastes and other culinary masterpieces. In today's article, you will find some simple recipes for red bean dishes.


This hearty dish has a spicy taste and pleasant aroma. It is often used as a spread for sandwiches and, if desired, can replace a full breakfast. To cook such a paste for your family, you will need:

  • 200 g of red beans.
  • 200 g of walnuts.
  • 50 g of soft oil.
  • 100 g of fresh herbs.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tsp spices (hops-suneli, basil, herbs of Provence).
  • Salt and water.
red bean dishes

Begin cooking this simple red bean dish by treating the beans. They are sorted out and soaked in cold water. Not earlier than seven hours later, the swollen beans are poured with two liters of clean liquid and boiled until fully cooked, not forgetting to slightly salt. Softened beans are treated with a blender and combined with crushed garlic, spices, butter, chopped herbs and crushed nuts. All mix well and serve.

Stuffed peppers

This recipe for a delicious red bean dish will surely appeal to vegetarian enthusiasts. To repeat it at home you will need:

  • 6 bell peppers.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 2 carrots.
  • A can of red canned beans.
  • Onion head.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, vegetable oil and spices.
red bean recipes

Onions with carrots are sautéed in a heated greased pan. As soon as they change color, they add tomatoes, garlic, salt and spices. After a few minutes, the fried vegetables are combined with canned beans and gently mixed. The resulting mass is filled with peppers, spread out their greased form, pierced with a fork and baked for a little longer than twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven.

Meat stew

This original red bean dish is characterized by a relatively high energy value and excellent taste characteristics. Thanks to this, it can be a good option for a hearty family meal. To make such a stew, you will need:

  • 400 g of beef.
  • 200 g of champignons.
  • 100 g of red beans.
  • Onion head.
  • 3 potatoes.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 100 ml of dry wine.
  • 100 ml of tomato juice.
  • Salt, parsley, water, vegetable oil and spices.
delicious red bean dishes

Washed, dried and chopped meat is fried in a greased heated pan. As soon as it is browned, chopped onions and chopped garlic are added to it. Almost immediately, all this is poured with tomato juice and wine and stewed for a short time on low heat. Then the meat is transferred to a pan and supplemented with mushrooms, parsley, spices, beans, sliced ​​potatoes and half a glass of water. All this is sent to the stove and boiled until all the ingredients are soft.

Casserole with mushrooms and cheese

The following recipe for red bean dishes will be a real find for lovers of food cooked in the oven. The casserole made on it has not only a pleasant creamy taste, but also a delicious ruddy crust. To feed your family a similar meal, you will need:

  • 400 g canned beans in their own juice.
  • 100 ml cream.
  • 100 g of cheese.
  • Large tomato.
  • 5 large champignons.
  • Salt, basil and vegetable oil.

Beans are laid on the bottom of a greased form. Top with sliced ​​tomato and chopped greens. All this is slightly salted, poured with cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and decorated with thin plates of mushrooms. Cook the casserole for half an hour in a moderately heated oven.

Braised cabbage

This is one of the most popular red bean lean dishes. It is characterized by incredible simplicity and speed of preparation. To stew cabbage with legumes and mushrooms, you will need:

  • 300 g of fresh champignons.
  • ¼ fork of white cabbage.
  • Jar of canned red beans.
  • Onion head.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, vegetable oil, water, herbs and dried herbs.

The chopped onions are sautéed in a heated greased pan. As soon as it becomes transparent, cubes of champignons are added to it and wait until all the released liquid evaporates. After that, peeled and chopped tomatoes, salt, dried herbs, a quarter glass of water and shredded cabbage are sent to them. All this is stewed under a lid, and then supplemented with beans, crushed garlic and chopped herbs. At the final stage, the contents of the container are gently mixed, briefly heated over low heat and removed from the stove.


This recipe for red bean dishes, a photo of which will be posted just below, was invented by Georgian cooks. To play it in your own kitchen, you will need:

  • 4 small onions.
  • 400 g of red beans.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, parsley, water, vegetable oil, coriander, cilantro, black and red pepper.
simple red bean dishes

First of all, you need to do the preparation of beans. It is washed, poured with water and left for several hours. Then the swollen bean is boiled until tender with the addition of lavrushki and knead with a blender. The resulting mashed potatoes are spread in a greased pan, in which there is already sautéed onion, crushed garlic and chopped cilantro. All this is salted, sprinkled with seasonings and stewed for a short time under the lid on the smallest fire.


This delicious red bean dish is surely appreciated by those who fasting or are on a vegetarian diet. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 350 g of red beans.
  • 80 g semolina.
  • 2 onion heads.
  • Medium-sized carrot.
  • Salt, water and vegetable oil.
simple red bean recipes

The washed beans are soaked for several hours, boiled until tender and processed with a blender. The resulting mashed potatoes are salted, supplemented with semolina and passivated vegetables. Neat cutlets are formed from the resulting mass and fry them in warmed vegetable oil.

Potato soup with meat

This delicious red bean first course is equally suitable for both the kids and adults menu. It is prepared very quickly and simply, which means that even an inexperienced housewife can do it without problems. To cook a saucepan of such a soup, you will need:

  • 600 g of red canned beans.
  • 250 g of beef.
  • 4 potatoes.
  • Small onion head.
  • 45 g of tomato paste.
  • 2 liters of standing water.
  • Salt, vegetable oil and parsley.
recipes for delicious red bean dishes

Washed beef is cut into small pieces and fried directly in a pan. As soon as it is browned, chopped onion tomato paste and half of the available water are added to it. All this is stewed for twenty minutes, and then supplemented with potato cubes and beans. All this is poured with the remaining water, salted and brought to full readiness. After turning off the stove, the soup is sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Vegetable stew

This red bean diet dish will surely interest those who try to adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition. To make such a stew, you will need:

  • 150 g of carrots.
  • 175 g of red beans.
  • 120 g of onion.
  • 80 g of tomatoes.
  • 150 g zucchini.
  • 450 ml of water.
  • ½ pod of chili pepper.
  • Salt and Lavrushka.
lean red bean dishes

Pre-soaked beans are boiled until tender, and then combined with sauteed onions, fried carrots, zucchini and tomatoes. All this is poured with settled water, salted, supplemented with lavrushka and chili pepper. All this is covered and languished for twenty minutes at the slowest fire.

Casserole with Chicken and Cauliflower

This interesting red bean dish will surely appeal to lovers of vegetables and tender poultry. To prepare such a casserole for dinner, you will need:

  • 450 g chicken fillet.
  • 450 g canned red beans.
  • 350 g of cauliflower.
  • 150 g of hard cheese.
  • 170 ml of cream.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Onion head.
  • Medium-sized carrot.
  • Salt, dill, water and vegetable oil.

The process should begin with the processing of chicken. It is washed, cleaned from films, boiled in salted water and cooled right in the broth. The cooled fillet is passed through a meat grinder and combined with heat-treated cabbage inflorescences, sautéed onions and carrots, beans, eggs, cream, cheese, spices and dill. All this is turned into a homogeneous mass, transferred to a greased form and sent to a moderately heated oven. After about forty minutes, the casserole will be ready for use.

Potato Salad with Tuna and Beans

This delicious spicy dish will be a great option for a family dinner. It is a very successful combination of fish, vegetables, herbs and home-made sauce. To make such a salad, you will need:

  • 450 g canned red beans.
  • 850 g of tuna.
  • 8 tomatoes.
  • 8 anchovies.
  • 8 potatoes.
  • 6 eggs.
  • 2 bell peppers.
  • Clove of garlic.
  • 32 olives.
  • 60 g of parsley.
  • 50 ml of wine vinegar.
  • 30 ml Dijon mustard.
  • 230 ml of olive oil.
  • Salt and seasoning.

The washed fish is cut into pieces and fried in a greased pan. Browned tuna is watered with a mixture of vinegar, mustard, crushed garlic, olive oil and spices, and briefly removed to the side. After some time, sliced ​​boiled potatoes, olives, anchovies, tomato slices, chopped heat-treated eggs, strips of bell pepper, chopped parsley and canned beans are added to it. Everything is gently mixed and served.

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