Crab meat cutlets: recipe and subtleties of cooking

It is known that crab meat is a soft and easily digestible dietary product, very useful for the digestive system, rich in vitamins and valuable minerals. Experts recommend including it in the diet of people who have had a serious illness. Unusually tasty and rather original dish, which in addition is also quite simple and quick to prepare, are crab meat cutlets. We bring to your attention several recipes for the preparation of this delicacy.

How much does a crab cost?

Crab meat is not used in everyday cooking. Juicy, with a delicate texture, white, slightly crumbly, or brown, similar to a paste, it is mainly acquired by lovers to prepare exquisite culinary experiments.

How to choose a crab

The most affordable domestic delicacy, tasty and universally recognized as healthy, is the Kamchatka (royal) crab. Buying a live individual is quite problematic even for residents of a metropolis. How much does a crab cost? Often this is an important question that interests inexperienced culinary specialists. It should be noted that no less important when choosing a crab is the problem of its size. A large crab (and they sometimes reach enormous size) looks very impressive, but its meat is often stiff. In a small individual, meat may not be enough. Therefore, experts recommend ordering a medium-sized crab.

The cost of the product is differentiated, that is, depends on its weight. The price of a large crab, of course, will be higher than the price of its fellow of small or medium sizes. The average price of crab meat in Moscow and the Moscow region is 2650 rubles. for one kilogram.

Crab Meat Cutlets: Cheese Recipe

This dish looks great on the festive table and invariably delights guests with its unusual taste. To prepare 2-3 servings, use:

  • 200 g of crab meat (or crab sticks);
  • 150 g of cheese (hard);
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • to taste - salt and spices.
Crab meat

Cooking features

According to this recipe, crab cutlets are prepared as follows:

  1. Frozen crab meat (crab sticks) is crushed using a food processor or grated (fine).
  2. Then rub cheese (preferably hard varieties).
  3. Using a press, squeeze the garlic.
  4. Crab meat (minced), garlic and cheese are mixed, an egg is driven in, not forgetting to pepper and salt the product. If desired, you can add spices. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  5. Cutlets are molded from the obtained crabmeat and crumble them in breading or flour.
  6. In a hot frying pan, heat the oil (vegetable), lay out the patties and fry on both sides for 3 minutes. (until a ruddy appetizing crust forms).

Ready crab meat patties are laid out on a beautiful dish and served.


This dish (crab cutlets) is a very popular snack, which can be prepared from both crab meat and crab sticks. Although this is by no means the same thing, but. According to the assurances of many housewives, crabcakes are equally tasty from both products. The dish got its name from the English cake (cake) and crab (crab). This wonderful appetizer is easily prepared in a pan and is eaten very quickly.

Yummy crab meatballs


To prepare 2-3 servings, use:

  • packaging of crab meat (or crab sticks): 250-300 g;
  • 1 tsp mustard (dry);
  • 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise;
  • one egg;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l breadcrumbs;
  • to taste - salt, hot pepper on the tip of a knife;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l fresh parsley (finely chopped) for decoration.

How to cook?

Prepare like this:

  1. The oven is turned on 180 Β° C (350 F). She will have time to warm up while crab stuffing is being prepared.
  2. Finely chop the crab meat. You can twist it in a meat grinder, but many housewives like to chop the crab meat. Its pieces are very pleasant in their structure, and cutlets of chopped meat are tastier than with the mixture transferred in a meat grinder.
  3. Then wash and finely chop the parsley. Add it to minced crab along with mustard, mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, salt, black and red hot peppers. Those who are not a fan of spicy appetizers, it is better to add 1/2 tsp. mustard.
  4. Rusks can be prepared from slices of the remaining homemade bread, which are dried in a bread machine and grind.
  5. Then an egg is added to the crab mixture, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.
  6. The baking dish is sprayed with oil (vegetable). Some housewives recommend using a mold for mini-muffins for baking crabcakes. About two tablespoons of the crab mixture are laid out in each form and slightly crushed.
  7. It is sent to the oven for 10-15 minutes, after which the finished meatballs are taken out, decorated with parsley and served on the table.
Crab cutlets

Maryland crab cake

Crab meat patties are very popular all over the world. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for snacks invented by employees of the famous American company Fedley (Maryland, Baltimore), which is one of the oldest suppliers of seafood. Ingredients for making 3-4 servings:

  • 300 g of crab meat (or crab sticks);
  • one chicken egg;
  • three tablespoons of petiole celery (finely chopped);
  • four stalks of green onions;
  • one tablespoon of chopped basil leaves;
  • one lemon;
  • one tablespoon of mustard (Dijon);
  • one tablespoon of sour cream;
  • five tablespoons of breadcrumbs (2 tbsp. for ground meat, 3 tbsp. for breading);
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • to taste - pepper and salt;
  • olive oil (for frying).

The process of preparing crab meat patties takes about half an hour.

Ground Crab Meat

Gourmet cooking

Act as follows:

  1. Crab meat is finely chopped. You can use a blender, it should be chopped, and not chopped into a paste, as it turns out in a meat grinder. In the original, this recipe involves cooking a dish of fresh crab meat, but you can also use its imitation, that is, crab sticks.
  2. Then add the chopped vegetables: celery, onions (green), basil, juice and zest of one lemon, one egg and sour cream.
  3. Then add nut (nutmeg), and at the very end - crackers (breading). In no case should you overdo it with the amount of breadcrumbs so that the sweet taste of the crab dominates in the dish, and not the bread flavor.
  4. Cutlets are formed from the resulting mixture, which are larger in size than usual. At the same time they mold a ball about the size of an orange and flatten it slightly on top, after which they crumble in breadcrumbs.
  5. The dish is put in the refrigerator for at least twenty minutes, but it would be better if it stands in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, crackers will absorb all the moisture from the product. Ready cutlets in 10 minutes. before serving, on both sides fry in a frying pan in heated olive oil (over medium heat) until a golden crust forms (for about 4 minutes).
Juicy cutlets

Unusually juicy, with a delicious crispy crust, the cutlets are served hot, laid out on lettuce leaves and sprinkled with lemon juice on top. Enjoy your meal!

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