Characteristics of Barbara from the play "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky

The common word "dark kingdom" first appeared in the article-review of Nikolai Dobrolyubov on the play "Thunderstorm" by Alexander Ostrovsky. The playwright, being a Russian man in his spirit, presented in his work a deep and vivid description of the problems of Russian society at the end of the 18th century. His work was a worthy continuation of the traditions of the Russian national theater, laid down by Gogol, Griboedov, Fonvizin.

thunderstorm barbarian characterization

The characters of the characters in the drama of Ostrovsky are recognizable and loved by the people, they have become common nouns: both the main positive is Katerina Kabanova, and the negative ones are the “dark kingdom” who feed on their greed and hatred for people — the merchant Martha Ignatievna Kabanova and the merchant Savely Prokopyich Dikiy.

Brief Description of Barbara

However, a brilliant playwright decorated his work with a whole gallery of characteristic secondary images. They also participate in the action, form the plot. This article is dedicated to one of them. The characterization of Barbara from the play “The Storm” is presented by Ostrovsky quite fully and richly. She is 18 years old. Her last name is Kabanova, she is the daughter of the widowed merchant Martha Ignatyevna. She has an older married brother - Tikhon. She is smart, well versed in people. It has its own ideas about the surrounding reality. Like a brother, does not fall under anyone's influence. In vain does not go to the conflict (to itself is more expensive). Prefers to hide his thoughts and actions. However, she is decisive and achieves her plan. This article is dedicated to this character.

Prudence is a defining feature

characterization of the hero of the barbarian thunder ostrovsky a n
After reading the above lines, it may seem that we are talking about a positive character. However, the characterization of Barbara from the play The Thunderstorm determines the main thrust of her personality not at all as spirituality and not as a striving for beauty, for a new one. The essence of Varvara Kabanova is the calculation.

She, having considered the situation when it is profitable for her, can do both a good deed and a bad one. The measure is only its common sense, allowing the commission of villains from self-interest.

Barbara is a mentally disabled person

speech characteristics of the barbarians from the play thunderstorm discussion
The characterization of Barbara from the play The Thunderstorm gives us reason to reason that the "dark kingdom" left an indelible depressing mark on her personality. This young girl inside has already formed a lackey essence. Fully formed type adaptation. If necessary, she will be silent and pretend that she agrees with who is stronger. Moreover, her position will be with her. These are unwritten rules by which the majority of the population of Kalinov lives. Her life principle is to do what she pleases, hiding it.

Barbara’s autobiographical characterization from the play The Thunder is not optimistic: she herself believes that the world around her has forever destroyed her purity and honesty. She learned to lie always and in everything. He considers the correct line of behavior "so that everything is sewn and covered." The young girl no longer has hopes for romance in life, that she will meet love ... She just lives for her pleasure. Secretly meets with Kudryash, the clerk of the Wild merchant ("And what a hunt to dry! ..").

However, she knows that he also has no special feelings for her.

On my own mind

Often classics give an ambiguous characterization of the hero. Barbara ("Thunderstorm", Ostrovsky AN) acts as a neutral type: neither positive nor negative. She, unlike the suffering Katerina, understands that in the world of the "dark kingdom" surrounding her, no one shows mercy to each other. Therefore, it is reasonable not to take seriously the rules or orders. The girl was completely assimilated to the endless teachings of mother, simply passing them by her ears.

Speech characteristic

characterization of barbarians from an island thunderstorm play
The playwright Alexander Ostrovsky created an interesting, characteristic image that does not look like an ordinary extras ... Even the speech characteristics of Barbara from the play "The Storm" are completely unique. Discussion of neighbors, brief assessments of events ... Behind all this lies a solid everyday common sense. Her phrases are short and reflect her cold, practical, mundane mind.

Cursing everyone and all the mad lady, who scared the unfortunate Katerina to death, she reasonably replies: “On your head ...” She has no illusions about her brother, despite her close relationship. In fact, brother and sister are completely alien people. In a conversation with Katerina, she gives Tikhon a murderous characterization, claiming that he has no future: only he will break free from the influence of his mother, then he will drink.

At the same time, the poverty of the inner world, the mundane interests of Barbara are expressed in her speech. She is not filled with folk poetry. She cannot, like Katerina, exclaim: “Why don't people fly like birds?”

The fatal role of Barbara in the life of Katerina

Having accustomed and accustomed to the “dark kingdom”, Varvara sympathizes with her daughter-in-law Katerina, tormented by the tradeswoman Kabanikh and unsupported by her husband, indifferent to everything and morally trampled by Tikhon. When the young woman Katerina exclaimed that she wanted to feel life, joy, the daughter of the merchant understood this in her own way.

As we have already mentioned, the characterization of the image (Barbara) in the drama The Storm does not differ in high moral principles. Having grown up in an atmosphere of hypocrisy and deceit, she considers it normal if the sister-in-law changes her brother. She does not consider this a family disgrace.

In order to diversify Katerina’s life, sympathizing with her, Varenka arranges a date with Boris, the nephew of the merchant Wild. Moreover, without even suspecting that the betrayal would inflict a deep moral trauma on the young woman and expose him to the merciless blow of the “dark kingdom”.


characterization of the image of the barbarian in the drama thunderstorm
The characterization of Barbara from Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” enriches the gallery of classic female images in Russian literature. The type of girl created by the playwright is characteristic of the merchants and bourgeois class of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. Uneducated, but smart. Sensible and prudent. Despising social conventions. A sister-in-law who left home after suicide in company with her lover Kudryash. Able to lie and weave intrigue.

Who will come from it: a new Boar or a woman who prefers a life free from oppression? Each reader of the drama "Thunderstorm" will be able to present it in their own way ...

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