Champignons in a creamy sauce

Those who have not tried mushrooms in a creamy sauce have lost a lot! This word in translation from French means mushrooms. They are very useful for the nervous system, improve heart function, strengthen muscles and are good for the skin.

Champignons - a real natural pantry. It is a source of protein and organic acids, minerals and vitamins, phosphorus, as well as iron, potassium and zinc. And low calorie content makes them almost an ideal product. What kind of dishes do not cook with these mushrooms. These are a variety of soups, snacks, salads, sauces ... Mushrooms in cream sauce are especially tasty.

To prepare this dish, you need to take one kilogram of mushrooms, one head of onion, a bunch of parsley, a little white wine and sour cream (three tablespoons each), bay leaf, fresh and dried thyme (a pinch), a tablespoon of flour, a little salt and pepper. To cook mushrooms in a creamy sauce, you need to peel the mushrooms, wash and chop. Rinse the parsley, then dry and chop. Finely chop onions.

Heat the oil in a pan and stew the onion in it until it becomes transparent. Then add parsley, cover and simmer a little more. Add a spoonful of flour and stir, add champignons and mix again and fry for three minutes, stirring continuously. Add the pepper and a pinch of salt, wine, bay leaf and thyme. Cover the dish and simmer for eight minutes. After this, add sour cream and mix quickly. As soon as the sauce boils, the pan must be removed from the heat.

When served, the dish is decorated with fresh thyme. From this set of products, four servings are obtained. Champignons in a creamy sauce can be served with buns, or with any side dish. And you can use this dish as an additive to the main one, for example, to chicken.

You can cook champignons in cream. To do this, you need to buy frozen mushrooms in the store (1 bag), defrost them and put them on a heated frying pan. Mushrooms should be fried until almost all of the liquid has evaporated. then cut the onion into rings and fry it in boiling oil in another pan.

When the mushrooms are ready, add the fried onions, 100 grams of cream (you can take sour cream or mayonnaise), nutmeg, sprinkle with pepper and salt. The mixture must be boiled, stirring continuously, until thickened. Instead of frozen champignons, you can take fresh ones, but in this case the time for cooking this dish will increase.

You can cook this dish in a slow cooker. Put vegetable oil and coarsely chopped onions in a saucepan and turn on the โ€œbakingโ€ mode. When the onions are slightly browned, add the chopped champignons and continue to fry for another fifteen minutes. Then add cream, salt and a little pepper and put the slow cooker on the "stew" mode for half an hour. It will turn out very tasty pasta sauce. For this recipe, you need to take 500 grams of fresh champignons, onions, two heads, vegetable oil, 100 milliliters of cream, to taste pepper and salt.

You can cook whole mushrooms with cream. We take the following products: whole fresh mushrooms - 500 grams, fat milk cream - 100 grams, two heads of onions, cheese - by eye (you can take any), dill and to taste salt and pepper. Throw mushrooms into boiling water and cook for three minutes over low heat. Then pour oil into the pan and put chopped onions and mushrooms. Five minutes later, pour the cream, but so that they completely cover the mushrooms. Cook until the cream is almost completely evaporated (it should remain a little at the very bottom) and fill it with grated cheese. After the cheese has melted, you can sprinkle with dill and put on the table.

You can cook many more delicious dishes with mushrooms. Enjoy your meal!

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