"Promedol": instructions for use. The form of the drug, the rules of sale in pharmacies

Some diseases are characterized by severe bouts of pain, which not all painkillers can cope with. Therefore, in medical practice, medicines related to opioid analgesics, which are sold only on prescription, are widely used. One of these drugs is Promedol, which can disrupt interneuron transmission of pain impulses at any levels of the human central nervous system. Acting as an opioid receptor agonist, the drug "Promedol" acts on the brain, changing the emotional color of pain. By pharmacological properties, this medication is close to the "Morphine" and "Fentanyl" drugs, it also significantly increases the pain threshold of a person, has an average hypnotic effect and depressing effect on conditioned reflexes. However, unlike the above drugs, Promedol is less likely to cause side effects, such as vomiting and nausea, less depresses the center of respiration and more sparingly has an antispasmodic effect on the ureters and bronchi. At the same time, it slightly enhances the contractile activity and tone of the myometrium.

Forms of release of the drug "Promedol" and its composition

Promedol: instructions for use
Outside of our country, the analgesic Promedol has another non-patented international name, Trimeperidine Hydrochloride, under which it is used as an active substance for many drugs. To date, the release of the drug is reduced to three forms: tablets, ampoules and syringe tubes. The former are packaged in packs of 10 and sold by prescription in pharmacies, while the latter are more often used in medical institutions for injection into patients. The Promedol solution is available in concentrations of 1% and 2% and contains 0.01 or 0.02 g of trimeperidine, respectively. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and, in some particularly difficult cases, intravenously. Syringe tubes are used both in medical institutions and at home.

What diseases can the Promedol analgesic be prescribed for?

Promedol Prescription
In order to purchase the medicine "Promedol", a prescription for it must be obtained from a doctor who can correctly calculate the dose of the drug and draw up a treatment regimen. Indications for taking this drug can be various diseases, accompanied by pain syndrome of strong and medium intensity. From the digestive system it is a peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, chronic pancreatitis, and perforation of the esophagus. The medicine “Promedol” can also be prescribed for people who are diagnosed with diseases of the genitourinary system, namely acute prostatitis, paranephritis, paraphimosis, acute dysuria and foreign bodies in the urethra and the bladder. This narcotic analgesic is also very effective for myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, hepatic artery thrombosis, stratified aortic aneurysm, thromboembolism of limb and pulmonary arteries, pulmonary infarction, air embolism, spontaneous pneumothorax and acute pleurisy. The effect of "Promedol" has a positive effect on pain in people with acute neuritis, causalgia, glaucoma, lumbosacral radiculitis, thalamic syndrome and acute vesiculitis. Due to the rapid analgesic effect, the drug is used for severe injuries, burns and cancer.

The use of Promedol during childbirth

Promedol at birth
This synthetic analogue of Morphine is used in the process of preparing the patient for various surgical interventions, as well as to strengthen labor activity. Acting as a strong antispasmodic, it relaxes the cervix, thereby provoking its opening. At the same time, this drug affects the uterus of the woman in labor, somewhat enhancing her contractions, therefore, accelerates labor activity. As a rule, the drug “Promedol” is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly in the buttock, thigh or shoulder during childbirth. And only in exceptional cases, when the life of a child is at stake, a woman in labor can be administered intravenously. The analgesic effect after the injection manifests itself after 10-15 minutes, after which the woman can recover a little and safely give birth to the baby.

The consequences of the use of Promedol during childbirth

In general, this synthetic analgesic is considered the safest for mother and baby during childbirth, but do not forget about the individuality of the human body. Therefore, in some women, there are manifestations of side effects of the use of this medication, such as vomiting, nausea, and a slowdown in conditioned reflexes. You should also take into account the fact that the drug "Promedol", instructions for use confirms this, it quickly enters the bloodstream even with subcutaneous administration, and its maximum concentration is reached after 2-2.5 hours. Therefore, already 2-3 minutes after the injection of the mother, the child receives a narcotic analgesic through the umbilical artery, which will be excreted from his body 7 times slower than that of the mother. After birth, such babies slowly restore respiratory function, are drowsy, irritable, and often refuse to take breasts. In the first days of their lives, these crumbs need special attention of neonatologists, as they may need, for example, artificial respiration or other measures to normalize their vital processes.

The use of the drug "Promedol" in anesthesiology

Promedol Solution

Another area of ​​medicine, where the medicine "Promedol" has found its wide application, is anesthesiology. For premedication, a person is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously with 1-2 ml of a solution of this pain medication in combination with 0.5 mg of Atropine approximately 30-40 minutes before surgery. In emergency cases, when the patient needs urgent sedation, these drugs are administered intravenously. During surgical intervention, a person under anesthesia also administers fractional doses of this drug to enhance analgesia, which helps to stabilize blood pressure and reduces tachycardia. For general and local anesthesia , the Promedol medication in ampoules is used together with anticholinergics, antihistamines and antipsychotics. For central analgesia, a combination with antipsychotics and the drug “Droperidol” is used. The postoperative period for some patients also does not pass without the use of this narcotic analgesic, it is administered subcutaneously to relieve pain and as an anti-shock agent.


Promedol reviews

It is dangerous to use any medications without a doctor’s prescription, especially drugs such as Promedol analgesic. The instructions for the use of this pain medication have many contraindications, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before you start taking it. You should pay attention to the fact that you should not use this medicine for treatment during pregnancy, during lactation, the elderly and children under two years of age. The instructions also contain a whole list of diseases in which the Promedol is not only dangerous, but categorically impossible. This list includes hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, respiratory depression, infections, blood clotting disorders, diarrhea due to pseudomembranous colitis caused by lincosamides, cephalosporins, toxic dispersion or penicillins. You should refuse to take the drug during treatment with MAO inhibitors, as well as for 21 days after the end of their intake. With special care, this drug should be used for pain in the abdomen of unknown etiology, bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, seizures, hypertension, respiratory failure, heart failure, myxedema, renal, adrenal and hepatic insufficiency, hypothyroidism, central nervous system depression, intracranial hypertension, severe inflammatory bowel disease.

Side effects of the drug

Action of promedol
Given the individuality of the human body, we can confidently say that any, even the safest medication can cause many adverse reactions. And if we consider the narcotic analgesic Promedol, a prescription for which can only be obtained from a doctor, then its list of contraindications is even longer. So, the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to taking this medication is a spasm of the biliary tract, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, anorexia. If a person is diagnosed with acute inflammatory processes of the digestive system, then paralytic intestinal obstruction, jaundice and toxic megacolon can be added to the above list. In some people who take the drug, sensory organs and the nervous system can “rebel”. Symptoms may include blurred vision, dizziness, diplopia, headache, cramps, involuntary muscle contractions, tremors, confusion, drowsiness, euphoria, disorientation, depression, tinnitus, paradoxical agitation, and other disorders. Inhibition of the respiratory system with Promedol can also dramatically affect the patient’s well-being and lead to various problem states, even coma. In some patients who used Promedol, reviews indicate visible manifestations of arrhythmia, as well as sharp fluctuations in blood pressure. The urinary system can also fail when taking the drug, which can manifest itself in a decrease in urine output and urinary retention. In medical practice, cases are also known when side effects of the use of Promedol were detected in the form of allergic reactions, such as laryngospasm, skin rash, edema, bronchospasm, and others. And even in cases where the above reactions of the body do not occur, when taking Promedol, the instructions for use suggest the appearance of mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting and general weakness of the body.

Overdose and consequences of improper use of the medication "Promedol"

The drug promedol
With improper use of this medication or inaccurate dose calculation, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. In medical practice, cases have been recorded when an overdose not only increased the severity of side effects, but in patients there was a depression of consciousness, and acute myosis was diagnosed.

Correct Overdose Actions

The main measures for human recovery in case of an overdose of Promedol should be aimed at supporting adequate pulmonary activity in combination with symptomatic therapy. For this, a specific opioid antagonist drug “Naloxone” is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, which should quickly restore the work of the respiratory center. If after 2-3 minutes the expected effect did not occur, repeat the injection.

Terms of sale of the drug and storage conditions

Vacation in drug pharmacies to the population occurs only according to prescriptions in an amount that does not exceed one full course of treatment. As for the storage of narcotic analgesic "Promedol", the instructions for use clearly regulates compliance with all conditions. In particular, the fact that the medicine should be out of the reach of children, subject to a temperature regime of not higher than + 15 ° C.

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