Profasi 500 UI - what is it? Reviews, instructions for use and composition

Hormonal drugs are used as an important, effective tool in the treatment of many pathological conditions of a person. They can be used only for certain indications, a diagnosis, after a thorough examination. For example, the drug "Profasi" ("Profasi"), instructions, reviews, price, a description of which will be discussed below.

What works in the drug?

Hormones are substances produced by the human body and are involved in all the processes that take place in it. Why is Profasi 500 IU needed? Such a question is asked by those patients to whom he is appointed by a specialist. The answer to it is given by the main component of this medicine - chorionic gonadotropin.

The process of the birth of a new life in the womb depends on many, many components. So, for example, the embryo and fetus go through many stages of development, each of which has its own purpose. Already in the first 6-8 days of the life of a fertilized egg, a structural component such as chorion is formed. This is the outer shell of the embryo, supplying it with blood and all the necessary substances. At about 13 weeks of gestation, the chorion is already turning into a full-fledged placenta.

The chorionic functional is the most important element of a proper pregnancy. It is by its development that the health of the nascent life is judged. From the very first hours of the formation of chorion, it produces a specific hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. Its amount during pregnancy is constantly increasing. It is by the presence and amount of gonadotropic chorionic hormone in the urine that a pregnancy is concluded. The same home pregnancy test is based on the reaction of a certain substance to chorionic gonadotropin, which is manifested by staining a portion of the paper test in a characteristic second strip. If the level of gonadotropin falls or remains unchanged, then we can talk about an ectopic pregnancy or the danger of interruption.

The gonadotropin hormone allows the placenta to mature until it begins to produce estrogen and progesterone - hormones necessary for the further development of pregnancy.

If there is no pregnancy, then there is no hormone in the body. Its presence in this case indicates some types of tumors that can produce this substance.

profasi 500 ui what is it

In what form is the drug produced?

One of the hormonal drugs based on chorionic gonadotropin is Profasi 500 UI. What is this medicine? This is an injection solution containing a certain number of units, as indicated in the name of the medicine. One package contains 2 ampoules with a powdered substance - the active component, as well as 3 ampoules with a special solution for the preparation of an injection. Releases the tool Spanish Corporation Industria Farmaceutica Cantabria SA (SERONO).

profasi 500 ui what is it in the morgue

When is the medication indicated?

What is Profasi 500 UI? This question is of interest to many patients, to whom the doctor recommends this tool for use. There are several conditions when the Profazi treatment is indicated:

  • Adiposogenital syndrome.
  • Adrenogenital disorders.
  • Pregnancy with an abortive outcome.
  • Infertility (female and male).
  • Hypopituitarism.
  • Unspecified dysmenorrhea.
  • Testicular dysfunction.
  • Threatening abortion.

The use of the drug for women is indicated in cases when a predominant luteinizing effect is necessary, as well as corpus luteum insufficiency, anovulation, "superovulation", and habitual miscarriage. For men, the medicine is prescribed to provide steroidogenic, initiating and supporting spermatogenesis effects in azoospermia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, cryptorchidism, oligoasthenospermia.

medicine profasi 500 ui what is it

For pregnant

Despite the fact that the instructions for use attached to the Profasi preparation (Profazi) indicate the only active substance - chorionic gonadotropin, a pregnancy hormone, it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine without prescribing a doctor during pregnancy! It may be dangerous.

If the drug cannot be taken

Those who are prescribed treatment with a hormonal drug ask themselves: Profasi 500 UI - what is this medicine? This substance, produced in the form of a lyophilisate, is used as a luteinizing, steroidogenic agent. Like any other drug, it has its contraindications. it

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • hormone-dependent tumor of the prostate gland;
  • gonadal dysgenesis (ovarian and testicular underdevelopment);
  • prostate carcinoma;
  • lactation period;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • swelling of the ovaries;
  • lack of uterus;
  • early onset of menopause;
  • thrombophlebitis.

what kind of drug profasi 500 ui

Feasible side effects

If you always remember when using Profasi 500 UI in the treatment that this is a hormonal drug that can cause side effects, you can avoid these unpleasant manifestations. Among them:

  • allergic reactions (in rare cases);
  • anxiety;
  • pain in the injection area;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • weakness;

The use of the drug at an early age can cause premature puberty, which is why the drug is prohibited for use during breastfeeding. Also, the remedy in women can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and in men - gynecomastia, nipple sensitivity, fluid retention and, as a result, edema.

How to take the drug?

The instructions for use attached to the hormonal preparation Profasi ("Profazi") indicate that it can not be taken without appointment by your doctor! Only a specialist determines the dosage and regimen of the drug. The general recommendations are as follows. The lyophilisate powder is diluted with a solution from the proposed ampoule, which is included in the kit, at the rate of 1x1. The tool is prepared immediately before administration. Ready solution is not stored!

In infertility on the background of anovulation or "superovulation", the drug is administered in the middle of the cycle at the rate of a maximum of 10,000 IU once. If the problem arose against the background of insufficiency of the corpus luteum, then the injection includes up to 5000 IU / m and is performed on the fifth day after ovulation, calculated by the method proposed by the doctor. The usual miscarriage and the threat of spontaneous miscarriage require the course of the drug: first injected up to 10,000 IU intramuscularly once, and then the injection includes 5,000 IU and is given 2 times with an interval of 3-4 days for the period determined by the attending physician.

For the treatment of male problems, when treatment with the drug "Profazi" is indicated, the medicine is administered according to the following schemes for 3, 6 or 9 months:

  • to normalize the level of testosterone found in blood serum, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of up to 4000 IU every week;
  • increased spermatogenesis requires a course of taking a weekly dose of up to 12,000 IU or 4000 IU three times a week; then the dose is reduced to 2000 IU three times in 7 days for 3 months;
  • with cryptorchidism in the prepubertal period, the drug can be taken as follows: for 21 days, 9 injections of 4000 IU are administered; 4 times with an interval of 1 day is introduced at 5000 IU; or 25 injections of 500-1000 IU of the drug are administered within 6 weeks;
  • idiopathic normogonadotropic oligospermia suggests a weekly administration of 5000 IU weekly for 3 months, which is carried out in conjunction with pergonal;
  • with oligospermia and asthenospermia, the drug is administered once every 5 days at 2500 IU or 1 time in 2 weeks at 10,000 IU for 3 months.

The specific dosage of the drug and the duration of its use are prescribed only by a specialist!

Why do I need profasi 500 ui?

What are the risks of non-compliance with the dosage?

It should be remembered when taking Profasi 500 UI that it is a hormonal drug, and a specific hormone works in it. Therefore, it must be used in treatment strictly according to certain indications and in the regimen indicated by the doctor. It involves adherence to sexual activity, regular ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs - the uterus, ovaries. Constantly conducting a blood test for hormones. If the desired results are not obtained after the course of the drug, its further use is irrational.

Joint treatment

In infertility therapy, Profasi 500 UI is often prescribed. That this is a hormonal drug should be remembered to everyone who is undergoing therapy with its help. It is also necessary to know that this substance when used in conjunction with menotropins and urofollitropin enhances the syndrome of ovarian hyperstimulation, and also potentiates the likelihood of pregnancy or premature birth.

drug profasi 500 ui reviews

Truth and lie

Very often, people get false information by watching films, where there is not only fiction, but also the mistakes of the requisites. In one of these works, viewers saw numerous packages of Profasi 500 UI medicine among the morgue's surroundings. "What, is it used in the morgue? For what and why?" - Such questions have appeared in various forums. But this drug is used only to treat a certain group of diseases associated with the process of the birth of a new life, and has nothing to do with its end. Images from the film led to confusion and unnecessary speculation.

How to buy and store medicine?

The drug "Profazi" is sold in the pharmacy network only by prescription. Buying it just like that, on demand, will not work. The price of a medicine depends on the dosage and the pharmacy network, and therefore varies from 500 to 800 rubles. It should be stored at room temperature, without access to sunlight. It is strictly forbidden to use the product after the expiration date.

Reviews about the drug

The drug Profasi 500 UI reviews is quite positive from both specialists and patients who have coped with their problems with the help of this drug. But each grateful response mentions the course use of the drug, strict adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. There are, of course, negative reviews that mention that it was not possible to fully cure, and the medicine was ineffective.

profasi profazi instructions for use

Are there any analogues?

Chorionic gonadotropin is an important component of a healthy pregnancy, it is produced by the chorion - the shell of the embryo. Its use in the treatment of a certain group of diseases helps people solve the problem of infertility. But there are not so many analog preparations of Profazi. These are such agents as “Rotted”, “Ecostimulin”, Horal, “Horagon”, as well as the generic “Gonadotropin chorionic.” Which specialist to choose for treatment, the specialist decides.

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It is necessary to take any drugs only on the recommendation of a specialist, because self-medication can be dangerous both as side effects, complications, and lost time. It is very important to remember in Profasi 500 UI drug therapy that it is a hormonal drug. It can be taken only if the doctor has prescribed after a thorough examination and diagnosis.

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