Many factors can negatively affect the intestinal microflora: antibiotic course, radiation or chemotherapy, climate change, unhealthy diet, high acidity, alcohol, insufficient motor activity, toxic substances in food and air, as well as nervous disorders and stress. BAA "EM-Kurunga" (instructions for use, price, reviews will be given in the article) is able to restore the full intestinal microflora, because its bifido-, lacto-, acetic and propionic acid bacteria and yeast produce enzymes in the body necessary for normalization of the intestines. As a result, the intestinal walls are cleared of undigested food residues, the microbial composition of the intestine returns to normal, and all this together leads to the necessary removal of harmful toxins from the body and the transportation of useful and nutrients.
How does the drug work?
As already noted, the probiotic contains bifido-, lacto-, acetic, propionic and other types of bacteria, as well as lactostreptococci, amino acids, enzymes and milk yeast. In addition, the EM-Kurunga complex (a natural fermented milk product) is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements.
Lactic acid with salts, which are included in EM-Kurunga, restore the norm of the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing or decreasing its level, depending on what is needed for this organism. In addition, the drug enhances immunity by stimulating the production of endogenous interferons by the body.
The properties
Patients suffering from salmonella enteritis noted that after a course of drinks made using EM-Kurunga, the excretion of salmonella from the body is accelerated. The explanation is simple: as a result of stimulating the growth of acidophilic anaerobic intestinal flora, its cleansing effect on the body from salmonella is enhanced.
The use of EM-Kurungi reduces pain in the gastrointestinal tract and liver due to the fact that probiotics facilitate the work of both the liver and other digestive organs, as well as cleanse the liver ducts and restore normal liver function.
With the simultaneous use of the drug and alcohol, the fact is noted that intoxication occurs much more slowly and is less intense.
In order for the body to recover from diseases such as dysbiosis, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, bronchopulmonary pathology, immunodeficiency states that have arisen after cancer, bacterial and viral diseases, you should use the probiotic "EM-Kurunga".
Instructions for use informs that thanks to this drug, bile salts, sugar, dipeptides, amino acids, triglycerides, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium are well absorbed, vitamins are synthesized, which leads to normalization of digestion. The use of EM-Kurungi leads to the restoration of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.
The price of the drug is less than 1000 rubles, which is quite affordable. For relatively little money, in this way, you can purchase a probiotic that will help to cope with many health problems.
What diseases do you need to drink a probiotic for?
When is this product shown? The drug "EM-Kurunga" instructions for use recommends using:
- in case of violation of the physiological flora of the intestine, during treatment with sulfonamides and antibiotics, radiation and chemotherapy;
- during constipation, flatulence, diarrhea;
- during atrophic gastroenteritis, chronic intestinal diseases;
- when the gastrointestinal tract is upset with food poisoning or climate change;
- with peptic ulcer, gastritis, dysbiosis, nonspecific colitis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- with hypo - and anacid gastritis, colitis, gastroenteritis;
- with enterogenic diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
- with enterovirus infection, paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever, dysentery and other acute intestinal infections;
- with gum disease;
- with chronic respiratory diseases;
- with candidiasis (thrush), bacagnosis and other gynecological pathologies;
- with eczema, urticaria, allergies and skin diseases;
- can be used for children who are lagging behind in development and have signs of malnutrition;
- It will help restore microflora after therapy through hormones, cytostatics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc .;
- when there are cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers;
- with thrush of the mouth in newborns;
- for cleansing the facial skin as a cosmetic mask;
- when the microflora of the female genital organs is disturbed, etc.
"EM-Kurunga": method of application and dosage
This drug is used with food 3-4 times a day:
- for adults, the dosage is 1-2 tablets or capsules at a time;
- for children - 1 pc.
These requirements regarding the use of the drug "EM-Kurunga" instructions for use (the price of the course is relatively low) recommends maximum compliance. An overdose of a probiotic will not help you recover faster, and irregular intake will not bring the desired effect.
The drug should be taken taking into account the state of the human body. If the patient is worried about protracted chronic or protracted acute intestinal infections, prolonged intestinal dysfunction, chronic enterocolitis and colitis, dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes in organs and systems, then the drug should be used in an increased amount (up to 7-10 doses until recovery). If a person suffers from constipation, then 3-4 doses taken at bedtime will help the patient. You can reduce the dose after the onset of improvement in the patient's condition. Thanks to the reception of “EM-Kurungi”, for every hour, 1 tablet or capsule, patients can get rid of vomiting and diarrhea. During the anti-relapse and recovery phase, it is recommended to use 1 dose after every hour with interruptions to sleep. These are the schemes for the effective use of EM-Kurungi.
For prevention, this drug must be used in courses (from 2 to 4) for 40 days per year, 1-2 doses daily. To normalize the digestive process and in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys and liver, the drug should be used regularly with food. Description and application (“EM-Kurunga” instructions are included in each package) is not limited to capsules and tablets. There are other forms of using this probiotic.
In addition, it is recommended to use the fermented milk drink "EM-Kurunga" as a prophylaxis.
Method of application and dosage of fermented milk drink "EM-Kurunga"
Pasteurized or warm fresh milk, the fat content of which is 1.5–2.5%, pour one bag of dry sourdough (weighing 2 grams). If desired, some add sugar or honey in an amount of 0.5 teaspoon. After everything is mixed, tightly close the mixture with a plastic cover. Then they wait about 2-3 days with regular stirring. The fermentation temperature should not exceed 30 º.
With stirring, a uniform distribution of microorganisms in the future drink occurs, which leads to an increase in the fermentation process. As a result, the homogeneous mass has a light sour-wine, yeast and refreshing taste.
In order to make the leaven the most effective, you should use a thermos. To the finished drink, warm milk is added in the same amount (1: 1) and kept for another day until the required volume is obtained. In the future, you should leave a part for the sourdough of half the drink with daily addition of warm milk to it. In order to get a fermented milk drink "EM-Kurunga" in a larger volume, you can use 3-liter cans.
How to drink
As a medicine from EM-Kurungi, a fermented milk drink and mead are used. Adults are recommended to take them this way: in the morning before meals - 1 glass and in the evening, after dinner - 1 glass, and for children in the same sequence, but half a glass. The above recipe for a drink has established itself very positively as a truly effective remedy. You can verify this by examining any reviews regarding the EM-Kurung product. Instructions for its use are not limited to one recommendation.
Pill Drink
The fermented milk drink from EM Kurunga is prepared quite simply: you need to pour 1 liter of boiled milk of 1.5% fat into a large jar. Add honey 1 teaspoon and EM-Kurungi 10 tablets. Mix everything thoroughly, tightly close with a strong lid and put in a dark place for 2-3 days, sometimes it is necessary to mix the contents. When the milk is acidified and the mass begins to separate, the fermented milk probiotic is ready. The drink should be mixed well so that the mass becomes homogeneous, and after that it can be consumed.
To prepare a new portion of a healing drink, you do not need to do all the operations first - just leave at least 1/3 of the contents in the jar and just add milk to the top. Only once every 3 weeks should the leaven be renewed so that the drink continues to be healing. In this form, the drug is more suitable for people whose blood group is II, III and IV. This fact is also confirmed by various numerous reviews about EM-Kurung.
Probiotic mead
For people who have blood type I, it is better to use a mead prepared with the help of EM Kurunga. It is produced as follows: in a liter of boiled water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 10 tablets "EM-Kurungi." Mix everything well, close the lid and leave in a room with an average temperature for a day or two. Further maintenance of the drink does not differ from sour milk. In addition, if there is already a fermented milk “Kurunga” in stock, then half of its glass can replace the tablets in the recipe for making mead.
To enhance the medicinal properties of drinks during their preparation, add 5-10 doses, calculated per day, of any of the preparations in the “Litovit” or “Nutricon” series, which help the beneficial microorganisms “EM-Kurungi” penetrate the large intestine, and also accelerate the healing processes .
“EM-Kurunga”, the instructions for use of which are given above, are manufactured in Russia, in the city of Ulan-Ude, at the enterprise LLC “EM-Center”. Manufacturers of the drug recommend that adults use capsules, because if they enter the environment of the stomach (due to acidity), most of the beneficial bacteria die. And since the gastric environment in children is less acidic, they should use the medicine in the form of tablets or powder.