Fried potatoes with onions: recipe and cooking secrets

Let's recall a line from one Soviet song: "Ah, potatoes are an overeating!". She was very popular in the 20th century. It sang about the food popular and loved by a huge number of people, not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Potato is one of the vegetables that all housewives must buy. Indeed, from it you can cook a huge number of dishes. Today we will remember with you how to cook potatoes fried with onions.

Potato tubers

Interesting Facts

But, before we talk about recipes and features of heat treatment of this vegetable, let's take a short excursion into the distant past. And for this, we offer to get acquainted with some interesting facts:

  • The root crop loved by a huge number of people appeared more than four thousand years ago. The homeland of potatoes is considered South America.
  • He was brought to Russia at the end of the seventeenth century from Holland.
  • In the world there are a huge number of varieties of potatoes. Among the most unusual: red, black, blue.
  • In some countries of the world there are even monuments to potatoes. Many singers and poets, as well as artists, dedicated their creations to him.
    Fried potatoes in a slow cooker

Fried potatoes with onions

In the arsenal, every housewife has her own recipe for cooking everyoneโ€™s favorite dish. Indeed, it is difficult to refuse any person fried potatoes with onions. It becomes completely unimportant that this dish is very high-calorie. It would seem that it could be easier than frying potatoes? However, there are subtleties. Surely, many of us wondered why one housewife got the dish crispy and fried, and the other soft and boiled. It's all about following certain rules. Today you will learn how to cook fried potatoes with onions. Even if it seems that you are perfectly able to do this, perhaps we will open some secrets.

Essential Products

What is the best way to cook crispy fried potatoes with onions in a pan? Read about it later. For cooking, we need the simplest food products, which, for sure, are in any kitchen. We list them:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 medium tubers. The amount may be less or more. It all depends on the number of people for whom you are cooking. Choose only fresh potatoes. It must be hard and without signs of decay. Green potatoes can not be eaten, it contains toxic substances.
  • Sunflower oil - 1-2 tablespoons. You can also use margarine, olive, corn oil, lard, pork, etc. The taste of the finished product will vary depending on what you are going to fry it on. Here, as they say, a matter of taste of each person.
  • Salt and other spices to taste.
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces.
  • You can add fresh herbs: parsley, dill, etc.
Fried potatoes with onions


We suggest you get acquainted with one of the simple recipes for fried potatoes with onions. Our actions will look something like this:

  • Potatoes must be thoroughly washed and then peeled. This is best done with a thin, sharp knife.
  • Take a small pot and pour water from the tap. Put washed and peeled tubers there.
  • Leave the potatoes in the water for ten to fifteen minutes. Thus, you will get rid of excess starch. After the specified time, drain the water and rinse the potatoes again.
  • Cut the peeled tubers into four pieces, and then each into thin slices.
  • Take a paper towel and dry the potatoes a little.
  • Take a frying pan; best taken with a teflon coating. Potatoes will not stick to the pan and burn.
  • Pour in the sunflower oil or whatever you have chosen. What is best to fry, we have already told.
  • Preheat the pan and then spread the chopped potatoes.
  • Do not cover with a lid. Five minutes later, you can stop it.
  • Let's take onions. Wash it and peel it. Then cut into small pieces and put in a pan. Mix everything carefully.
  • Turn the potatoes over so that they do not burn and fry evenly every five minutes. Cook the dish over medium heat.
  • At the very end of cooking, salt and if necessary add pepper or other spices.
  • After 20-25 minutes, the stove can be turned off.
  • Serve hot or warm. You can sprinkle with fresh herbs or grated cheese.

In a slow cooker

We think that after reading this article, you will not encounter difficulties about how to cook fried potatoes with onions in a pan. This will not cause any difficulties in cooking. But now let's cook this dish in a slow cooker. Thanks to the availability of such equipment in our homes, the time spent on housekeeping is significantly reduced, and it becomes possible to do something else. Fried potatoes with onions (several recipes are given in the article) are cooked in a slow cooker very quickly. The dish is liked by everyone who has tried it! We proceed to the description of the sequence of actions.

Cooking steps:

  • Cut potatoes and onions into small slices.
  • In a multicooker bowl, pour the sunflower oil.
  • We spread onions and potatoes.
  • Turn on the "Frying" mode.
  • Five minutes later, gently turn the potatoes and onions.
  • At the very end, salt.
  • Cooking time - 15-20 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

With mushrooms

fresh champignons

We offer a recipe for another interesting and delicious dish. For him we need mushrooms. You can take fresh or pickled champignons. Open the can and drain the water. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Prepare potatoes and onions for cooking (we already talked about how to do this). Mushrooms and onions are best fried in a separate pan, and then add to the finished dish. Salt and add spices should be at the end.

Fried potatoes

How to cook fried potatoes with onions: useful tips

  • Some housewives salt the dish at the very beginning, but, in fact, this is not worth doing. The potato will turn out to be more crispy and aromatic, if you add all the necessary spices, including salt, at the very end of the preparation.
  • How to make potato wedges crispy and well-done? Pay attention to how you prepare this vegetable for subsequent processing. Potatoes need to be cut into thin slices, and preferably the same size. In this way, he will be able to better brown. And as a result, you get - delicious fried potatoes with onions.
  • A lot of cooking oil should be taken. With its lack of potatoes will burn up, and the golden crust will be gone.

The oil pan should be preheated well.

fried potato recipe


Now you know how to cook delicious crispy potatoes with onions. Of course, this dish is unusually fragrant and appetizing. But, remember that too often and in large quantities, fried potatoes will contribute to the deposition of extra pounds on your figure. Stick to the golden mean, then everything will be all right! Tasty and healthy dishes to you, and bon appetit!

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