Do you know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? It is known that all phytonutrients from them immediately after preparation begin to disappear. And vitamin C, in contact with the metal parts of the juicer and air, is completely destroyed within half an hour. That is why such juices should be drunk immediately! The exception is only beetroot drink.
In the sunny south
Resting in the Crimea, many pay attention to the sale of fruits. For example, in the city of Yalta, in the central market, sellers sell pomegranate and at the same time immediately make fresh juice from it. People ask them to make juice from this delicious fruit and drink it for a couple of minutes. Some acquire and immediately consume an already prepared drink, which stood under the sun on the counter for an unknown amount of time.
There are customers who buy juice with the words "tomorrow I’ll go home and take the children as a present." Apparently, they do not know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. After half an hour, all the vitamins in them disappear, they begin to turn sour and turn into a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. What will they bring to the kids? Dark red liquid with germs?
And how to drink fresh juices? The consumption of these drinks provides an effective and easy way to get a daily dose of vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Since fresh fiber is absent, fructose from it is absorbed very quickly by our body, which can upset the sugar balance in the blood.
Drinks made from vegetables (with the exception of carrots and beets) do not have this negative effect. Therefore, doctors are advised to consume more vegetable juices and limit the intake of fruit to one glass per day.
It is known that from 3-4 oranges one glass of juice can be prepared, which in its composition will contain up to 8 tsp. Sahara.
The experiments
Not everyone knows how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. You should not be afraid of experimentation. Most people are reluctant to consume such juices in mixed form. But it is known that it is necessary and possible to combine them. Not everyone can drink pomegranate or lemon juice due to sugaryness and acid. If you mix them with others, you get a delicious cocktail of minerals and vitamins.
Of course, not all drinks can be combined thoughtlessly. Many of them, when combined, cause fermentation. By the way, sugar and salt cannot be added to fresh. If the juice is too sour to taste, add a little honey to it, and if sweet, dilute it with another juice or water.
You are interested in the question of how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? Do not try to eat them during breakfast or immediately after it. Fresh is a concentrate of active substances. He begins to roam, reacting with food. As a result, a person has bloating, heartburn and many side symptoms of flatulence. In addition, he asks himself: “What have I eaten this?” There is a simple answer to this question: fresh must be consumed on time.
With high acidity, you need to drink such drinks an hour after breakfast or lunch, and with low acidity - an hour before meals.
Few rules
Nobody taught you how to drink freshly squeezed juices in the morning? Let's try to figure this out. All fruit drinks and fruits should be consumed on an empty stomach. After all, the fruits are digested in the small intestine. If there is a lot of food in the stomach, then upon reaching it, the fruits fall into the trap and begin to roam.
Not everyone can start a day with a glass of citrus juice. Each of us has our ailments - one morning intake of this drink will be beneficial, and the other - complications! For example, people with gastritis or an ulcer are not allowed to consume citrus juices on an empty stomach. This rule also applies to those with gallbladder or pancreas pain.
One of the sweet drinks is pineapple juice. That is why it is impossible to lose weight with it. It breaks down proteins, not fats. Nevertheless, it contains a huge amount of amino acids that improve human digestion.
Medical claims
Doctors say that drinking juices that are not sterilized is unhealthy. They claim that raw fruits and vegetables contain pathogenic microbes that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even kidney failure. Doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice for babies and pregnant women.
In sterilized drinks sold in stores, there are not only harmful microorganisms, but also “live” vitamins. Think for yourself what can be left after heat treatment? Moreover, such drinks contain various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other food additives.
Apple product
Now let's find out how to drink freshly squeezed apple juice. Many practitioners believe that the most useful cocktail is an apple-carrot drink. It is well absorbed by the body, enriches it with carotene and iron. Sugar fruits in combination with trace elements contained in vegetables, bring great benefits to humans.
With a large body weight, it is recommended to use this recipe: mix 50 ml of tomato, 50 ml of melon, 100 ml of apple and 25 ml of lemon juice. This cocktail is also used for vitamin deficiency.
If your stomach reacts negatively to juice, try diluting it with water in a proportion that will be harmless to you. The simplest recipe is taking a freshly made apple drink 30 minutes before breakfast (about half a glass).
In addition, you can make any smoothies from vegetable juices, taking apple as a basis.
It’s rare where you can find information on how to drink freshly squeezed beet juice. We will talk about this now. Beets can be stored for a long time, so you can make juice from it all year round. The tops of this root crop are also useful, and many people squeeze life-giving moisture from it. To obtain a healing drink, a red beet variety is suitable, which does not have white veins. The extracted juice is kept in the refrigerator for several hours, the foam is removed from it and mixed with carrot in a ratio of 1: 4.
Beetroot pure juice can cause unpleasant reactions: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. Thus, it cleanses the body. Experienced people are convinced that it is better to start drinking mixtures with those in which carrot juice predominates. They say that the proportion of beetroot needs to be increased gradually. Instead of carrot juice, you can use pumpkin.
If a person wants to be treated with beets, then he should take one glass of the mixture twice a day. When his body gets used to it, you can start drinking pure beetroot juice. It should be taken for up to two weeks, then take a break for the same time, and then repeat the course again.
If a person is healthy, he can use beet juice with lemon, carrot, currant, tomato, apple, pumpkin. You can add honey, kefir or bread kvass to the mixture.
Some people mix 50 ml of beetroot juice with the yolk of one egg and 4 tsp. Sahara. Then, a couple of pickled cucumbers are ground on a fine grater and the resulting substance is added to the mixture. Next, the cocktail is salted to taste and filled with half of the glass. After adding a little tomato juice and lemon, mix and cool. The drink is served on the table by adding parsley, ice and green onions on top. This amazing dish is eaten with a spoon.
Carrot product
Did your grandmother tell you how to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice? First you need to remember that such a drink retains its beneficial qualities for a very short time. Therefore, it is important to drink it immediately after preparation. From evening to morning you can not cook this juice, since there is no point in storing it even in the refrigerator. It must be prepared immediately before use.
If you want to send carrot juice for storage, it can be frozen. As a result, he will retain all of his useful vitamin composition unchanged.
Carrot juice can be combined with dishes containing vegetable and animal fats. Thus, all its beneficial components are fully absorbed in the body. You can just add a little yogurt or sour cream to the drink. But starchy or flour dishes with it should not be combined.
To improve the taste of carrot juice, you can add orange, beet, apple or pumpkin juice to the cup.
Nowhere can you find information on how to drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice? We will help you figure it out. Grapefruit juice is used both for the prevention of ailments and in their complex treatment. If your digestion is broken, your intestines are weak, you suffer from hypertension, you should add a little honey to this drink and drink it half a glass 30 minutes before eating.
Grapefruit concentrated juice treats persistent constipation, and if diluted with water, it will have a slight choleretic effect. For gastritis and peptic ulcer, this drink is not recommended. No need to drink it with starchy foods and sweet fruits.
So, now you know not only how to drink freshly squeezed juice from beets and other healthy vegetables and fruits, but also how to consume these drinks. What freshly squeezed juice is considered the most useful? The one that you liked most. Therefore, experiment - come up with your own unique recipes, mix, combine vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to consume vegetable and unsweetened juices up to 3 glasses a day, and sweet fruit juices - no more than one glass. And now we list the rules for taking the most famous drinks:
- apricot juice can be drunk 2 hours before a meal (it is forbidden to those with diabetes);
- Do not drink orange juice on an empty stomach;
- pineapple is taken with food (it can not be consumed by those who suffer from peptic ulcer disease or gastritis);
- drink cherry to bind fat during meals (it is forbidden to those who suffer from stomach ulcers and high acidity);
- grape juice is taken 2 hours before meals (it is forbidden to those who have chronic bronchitis and diabetes mellitus);
- pear juice is consumed 10-15 minutes before breakfast or lunch (it should not be drunk by pregnant women and those who have colitis);
- pumpkin, tomato and blackcurrant juice can be drunk anytime;
- plum is taken with meals to reduce weight;
- potato should be consumed between meals, excluding fish and meat products for this period;
- with the help of cabbage juice, you can throw a couple of kilograms in 2-3 weeks and cure the ulcer (you need to drink 1 liter in small portions during the day).